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Three words.

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    Who said it first?: Well techincally he did. This is my story...I had been really sick over last winter. i kept getting a cold after a cold, then bronchitis, then a kidney infection and I was home from work for like 2 weeks..He also was sick and he had stayed home from work also. We had about a week that neither one of us was working..and we were spending a lot of "extra" time on the phone. And caring about each other and what not. I had wanted him to say it for awhile now and he just never did. There is a song called "Keeper of the Stars" and we were having a very serious "feelings" talk. I told him about this song...and then after we got off the phone that night, I went to Youtube and found it. I commented on the page and I said something like "love is a beautiful thing, even though we haven't said it aloud to each other..i believe he feels it too" The next day I emailed him and told him to listen to it and see if he could figure out which comment was mine. He replied to my email and said ..."Yes, love is a beautiful thing, and yes I do". That night when we were talking again..i felt such a strong beautiful feeling and was anticipating him saying it..and when he did. I melt. I am serious....i couldn't talk for like 5 minutes. I was crying and sobbing and this beautiful warm feeling was around my whole body...When I was able to speak again, I told him I loved him too.

    Did he mean it?: Yes, i am 100% certain that he meant it, I meant it also

    How early/late did you say it?: We were late bloomers. I have known him for maybe almost 2 years...i am trying to figure out when it was and now its bugging me. And we barely said the I Love You, 6 almost 7 months ago. That is when we became "offical"

    How frequently do we say it?: ALL THE TIME!! It means more and more to me, each time I hear him say it. It isn't right if he doesn't say it. Some people think it undermines the meaning of it, if you say it all the time, but if you are saying it outloud, you are feeling it. My favorite is when he says "I Love You, Babydoll" We sometimes have wars of "I love you more" Aww I love him!


      I said it first, he said it back, and we didn't really ever say it again. It was such a high emotional utterance that we felt we only needed to say it the once. Lately with all our problems, we both know we're on the verge of losing eachother so we've said during fights and stuff... like "DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU?!" haha but those aren't as nice.


        Who said it first?
        He did

        Did you/he/she mean it?
        Yes he meant it it was cute because he was worried about saying it because it seemed so soon. When I told him I just knew I meant it he is the first person I've said it to.

        How early(or late) was it said?
        He said it 2-3 days after we started dating but we had been talking for months as though we were a couple.

        Do you frequently say it to one another?
        We say it often, and it can vary and be random


          Who said it first? He did =)
          Did you/he/she mean it? Yes, definitely! But I don't think in the same way as nowadays I guess. If that makes sense. Back then our "love" was pretty fickle, but when he said he loved me first time, i guess thats the only time he'd have felt love and although it was less strong as nowadays, I think he still meant it. Our love is much stronger now though.
          How early(or late) was it said? Pretty early to be honest. But he'd already loved me for 2-3 months before we got together =P (we have known eachother for about 4 years)
          Do you frecuently say it to one another?
          Every day before I go to bed =) we also send eachother random texts etc. and if there is a gap in coversation or something one of us might say something like "me wubs woo :3" XD
          Last edited by polkapiggy; June 2, 2010, 01:21 PM.


            Who said it first?
            My husband did.

            Did you/he/she mean it?
            Yeah, I think he did, even though it was pretty early.

            How early(or late) was it said?
            About two months into our relationship. Funny thing is that he first said it in a sentence (don't know if that counts for you, then, but for me, it does) - we were talking about how serious our relationship is etc. and he burst out "I told you I love you!" - it's funny because actually, he hadn't told me before! I didn't say it right back, but when he asked me if I loved him, too, I assured him I did.

            Do you frecuently say it to one another?
            No. I made a point about that at the beginning of our relationship. My husband said it to me daily and I didn't want that. In my opinion, it devalues it and makes it trivial, only a habit, like you say "how you're doing?" when you see someone without really wanting to ask. I asked him to tone it down and we did. We say it infrequently, but that way, it is always a surprise and it feels more natural and "intense". Also, we only say it when we're alone (or at least we say it so softly no-one else around can hear) - it's really private and special for us.

            I come from a family where those words are hardly ever said, too, so I guess that's where my opinion on the frequency comes from. Also, my mom told me that her first husband was all about swearing love to her every day when (it turned out later) he was already cheating on her. My father is particularly bad about expressing his feelings... I think he's never told me that he loves me and I'm not sure how often he has said it to my mom. Before I met my husband, I couldn't really voice my feelings, either, but when I fell in love with him, it just came naturally and I'm not afraid of saying it any longer. Even though I'm against saying it "casually"/daily, I wouldn't want a relationship where it's (almost) never said, either. Quite a few of my friends and (as I said) my parents live like that and even though my mom assures me that not expressing a feeling doesn't mean it's not there, I don't think anyone who has such deep feelings can't voice them every now and then (once they feel ready to do so - the relationships I'm talking about all lasted years and it was never said.)


              Who said it first?
              In the begining? I'm not really sure, I think it was Obi. All I said was "I like you more than I should." lol
              Later when we were old enough for it to count? It was me. It was a moment I wont soon forget <3

              Did you/he/she mean it?
              Yes. It feels like we've always loved each other.

              How early(or late) was it said?
              Our relationship has been complicated. We fell in love when we were just kids, but never tried to have a real relationship because we didn't believe is was possible, and I was in a relationship already. Back in those days I signed all my letters with "<3 always", and I didn't mean it is a serious way, but I remember him sending me a certain Christmas package with little love notes in it, and I have no doubt he meant it. Verbally he would have said it first - because for years he couldn't get me to use a mic

              In round two, it was me. We were not technically in a relationship, but my flight was already paid for, it was roughly two weeks before I'd meet him for the first time. We'd had a big heart to heart about stuff and he'd asked "Tell me why you're coming to Canada?" and I said "Because I love you"

              Do you frecuently say it to one another?
              Though at first it was very hard for him to say it, and it was something he'd never told a girl before, he tells me all the time. Every time he feels it, he says it, and some days that will be four or five times in under half an hour. It kinda embarrases him sometimes. He's like "I know I just told you but I can't help it..." *giggles* He's adorable.
              I don't like saying "I love you too." To me, that feels forced. I do love him, and I want to tell him, but it just seems like a cliched response. I try to be creative when I reply
              I tell him I love him frequently too, or I say things that mean the same thing within the relationship, like "I like you more than I should".
              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                Who said it first? He did
                Did you/he/she mean it? Absolutely!
                How early(or late) was it said? Probably a few weeks into our relationship.
                Do you frecuently say it to one another? It took me a while to be comfortable with saying I love you out loud, even though I really loved him. It always felt really weird to me. But now we say it all the time.


                  Who said it first? Well, him. But we said it as friends like a day after we had started talking again (we'd known each other for years, some things got complicated, I abandoned him and then talked to him again) and it was just as friends for the longest time, even though we certainly did "like like" each other. There was a lot of admitting we weren't in love though, so it was clear. Somewhere, the "You know I love you, but I'm not in love with you"s stopped, we went into the let's-not-say-what-I-love-you-means stage. I never really thought of it being... more... until one time on mic I was like, "I have to go eat dinner and I dunno if I'll be able to mic when I get back, so I love you." And he goes, "How romantic." "What?" "It's like you're leaving and you want to say you love me before you go." It kind of shocked me, it wasn't an explicit admittance, but it got the wheels in my head turning. Monthsss later, around the time and after we became 100% committed/exclusive/I'm-YOURS-you're-MINE, the "I love you"s got a lot more frequent, just because it felt much more natural to me. I pretty much knew I was in love with him but I couldn't admit it, I mean, how would I say it, we'd already said I love you and I'd tried to edge in a connotated "I love you. I mean it." but he wasn't getting the message and I wasn't sure if I was wholeheartedly sending it. So, one night when we were IMing, him at his PC and me on mobile MSN from my phone, he had all but forced me to go to sleep after one of our deep conversations. I asked if I could say I'd fallen in love with him, and he said yes, because he was pretty sure he'd fallen in love with me too. That was a HUGEEE step! Because he had said he thought it would take him years to fall in love again, and he would know when he meant it, and then suddenly he did.

                  Did you/he/she mean it? The first time we said it? No, because we weren't saying I love you like we were in love. The first real time we said it? Oh, you have no idea! I love him genuinely.

                  How early(or late) was it said? In May I think, so we'd been official two months, together maybe five or six, and talking seriously again with an obvious mutual crush for eight.

                  Do you frequently say it to one another? He kind of has a problem expressing his feelings, like a big issue, so it's really important that he feels comfortable with me. He says I'm the only person he's been able to be ridiculously sweet and corny with (I mean, "I love you my koala. ^_^" from a black belt sensei in martial arts, makes me smile sooo much every time XD) and I mean I am a ridiculously affectionate person in general. So yes, we say it a LOT. We rarely fight anymore because when we have a problem we discuss it calmly as adults, so looking at our chat logs on days when we don't have much to talk about... you'd think we were a really shallow couple. The truth is though that we have weathered many storms and had many very serious conversations, one break up, and several near misses. So I am glad we're at a point in our relationship where I say "I have a secrettt." and the "secret" is that I love him as much as I do.


                    I actually hate that the words "I love you" have been devalued in society, especially among people my age or younger. Girls "fall in love" with guys they see in passing, guys say they love the girl to get in their pants, teens say they love so-and-so yet flit from one person to the next or treat it likea game as though they aren't aware feelings and the entirety of the person are involved when it's truly meant. "I love you" is now the new "you're cute" and it's sickening. But back to the topic!

                    Who said it first? Not sure if the situation counted, but he did. He had told me from the beginning he was afraid I'd make him face the 'L' word because we'd known each other a while and had gotten close the more we knew about each other. Our serious flirting is very, what's the word, well we usually sound like we've eaten dictionaries and word things subtly and artfully as opposed to the play-flirts of "get in my bed!" They usually affect us more because they're 'intense'. We started in one evening and it became very heated, turned into talking about our relationship and he told me he'd never let anyone hurt me. I told him, playfully and to counter him, that I'd never let anyone else have him. He told me I had him more than I realized and all he could manage in the confession was a trailing, "I..." When I told him I knew, he relaxed and asked me never to leave him. It was very sweet.

                    Did you/he/she mean it? Yes, he did. As stated before he was afraid of love because he'd been through so many awful relationships, the last girl he felt strongly about nearly made him lose his mind because she was just using him in hopes he'd fly out to kill her. She was messed up. That he was so scared to say it even after he'd confessed I had more of him than I knew, it said more than if he'd blurted it. I knew before then that I loved him but I was frightened of saying it and despite his usual boldness, he was too.

                    How early(or late) was it said? March 2nd, where our relationship began February 21st. Seems seriously quick, but we've meant it and the meaning only gets stronger and more resolute as time goes and we help each other through our rough patches. Never having known love before and hating the abuse of the words, I can say without a doubt I love him with every drop of blood in my veins and know that he is "desperately in love with me" as he put it tonight.

                    Do you frequently say it to one another? Every day. Even when we can't talk, I'll text it to him or attach it to whatever dumb thing I'm texting him to cheer him up. Before he leaves or goes to bed we tell each other that and throughout our conversations we'll say it. It never gets old and my heart flutters each time he tells me he loves me even though I already know it. I feel like if I could I'd spend all day saying it to him, hoping it would express just a fraction of how much I do.
                    Last edited by LadyMarchHare; June 13, 2010, 03:04 AM.


                      Who said it first?
                      He did and ahhhhh it was amazing ♥
                      And I said it back right after he'd said it :>

                      Did you/he/she mean it?
                      Ohhhhhh he did and soooo did I.

                      How early(or late) was it said?
                      On the first time we met, during our very first hug (that lasted for about half an hour or more). Guess we'd known each other a bit over a year and had wanted to say it for sooooo long before we met in person, but we wanted to wait until we were together for real.. to say it. Was soooo much nicer to actually hear him say it than it would've been to just read it on the screen hah.

                      Do you frecuently say it to one another?
                      We do. Me personally.. can't really do without saying it. I have to let him know that I love him, even though he knows I do. I kinda need to hear it too.
                      Last edited by elina; June 13, 2010, 12:38 PM.


                        It's not silly to think that way about that phrase. I, personally, don't think it should be said until it's meant. I realize I'm a little late to this thread, as well. ^^; lol, sorry. I was in Canada when it was made, I guess...

                        Who said it first?
                        Alex said it first. We were just friends at the time and I was with someone else, though I did begin to have feelings for him and he began flirting with me (he claims he doesn't flirt, but he does a little and he just doesn't think that it is flirting). I asked him if he liked me or something and he seemed taken aback and he told me he wasn't sure but he'd tell me when he knew. So a couple days later he said, "I have something to tell you... I think I love you." I do love him but I didn't tell him that for several more months.
                        Did you/he/she mean it?
                        Yes. He doesn't say those things lightly. He had just gotten out of a 2 year relationship and he knows what love feels like. I think I just...took him off guard because he was trying, really hard, not to fall in love ever again. Like he said on the trip, "I was dead set against falling in love again and then you came along and blew my plans out of the water." lol And, yes, when I told him I loved him I meant it whole heartedly. It was after I'd broken up with my most previous ex and I had some time to heal and I told him I love him.
                        How early(or late) was it said?
                        For him, extremely early. For me...about on time in a relationship. I mean, heck, I wasn't even not looking for someone when he came along, I was in an entirely different relationship and he said it anyway. At the same time, when you know something like that I don't think you should keep it in. When you know it, you should say it.
                        Do you frecuently say it to one another?
                        Yeah, I think so. Once or twice a day at least. We always at least say 'goodnight' to each other and at the end of conversations we say 'I love you' least once a day. And if we just feel like saying it we'll say it. We said it a lot on the trip. I miss that trip. ; ^ ;


                          Who said it first?
                          He did

                          Did you/he/she mean it?
                          Well, at first, he said he loved me as a friend. a really close, best friend, type thing. We were best friends for a very long time before we were officially 'together'. But, now, I know he loves me, and I know he means it every time he says it.

                          How early(or late) was it said?
                          It was rather early, to be honest. Way before we were 'together', when we were just friends. He'd said it within a month of knowing me (just as friends though), ans we just kept saying 'i love you' throughout the months. and then, just before he asked me to be his girlfriend, we'd decided that we loved each other more than 'just friends'. It wasn't just a friend thing, and I don't think it ever really was. It just took a while to figure that out.

                          Do you frequently say it to one another?
                          A lot. We say it many times throughout the day, when we are texting or talking online. It's just something we do. I like hearing it
                          [CENTER]"To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive."


                            Who said it first? I did.

                            Did you/he/she mean it? Of course I did. And I still do. With all my heart. I love my girlfriend so much. So, so much! And she meant it too. There was never any doubt about that.

                            How early(or late) was it said? My girlfriend wanted to take her time. She always told me how happy she is and how much I mean to her and that those three words would just take a little time. She wanted to be sure. She knew what she was feeling for me, but since she has never been in love before... yes, she just wanted to be sure. So after a few months I told her that I loved her because the time felt right and my feelings seemed so clear that I just had to. It was the same day that she said it back to me. It made me so happy.

                            Do you frecuently say it to one another? Yes, we do.


                              Who said it first?
                              I said it first

                              Did you/he/she mean it?
                              Yes! I said it after noticing in our emails how many things we have in common.

                              How early(or late) was it said?
                              I said it about 8 days after we first messaged each other. So, like less than a week as friends before we became lovers.

                              Do you frequently say it to one another?
                              Yup, we say it every time we chat on IM or Skype. We also write it in all our emails at the end or half way through it or both.
                              "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
                              "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
                              "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

                              Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


                                Who said it first? He did surprisingly. I was staying at my best friends house so I was using AIM on my phone to talk to him. We weren't really official yet and it was late at night I was tired and he told me to go to bed so I told him that I was and then he says to me "night babe I love you very much" I was pretty shocked when I saw what he had typed because I didn't even think he was there yet and I certainly wasn't ready to say it to him yet since we weren't official.
                                Did you/he/she mean it? He did mean it.
                                How early(or late) was it said? We weren't even going out really and he said it.
                                Do you frequently say it to one another? There is hardly a day that goes by where don't say it to one another more than once.
                                He just gets me... <3

