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diffrent "i love yous"

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    i don't really like it when my boyfriend just says "love you" without the "i". for some reason, it just bothers me. idk, maybe i'm crazy. haha

    but other than that, it's usually "i love you" or "i wuv you"
    [CENTER]"To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive."


      I love any way my SO says "I love you." He tends to text "ily," "love ya," or "ily2" a lot, but I think it is cute, especially when he just sends it out of the blue to me In general, he is not a big texter and he tends to use abbreviations, so it is not a big deal. We also send hearts <3 to one another, which is another way to say "I love you."

      But I would get annoyed too if he said "I do too." To me that would not be saying that he loves me, but rather that he loves himself as well. If it annoys you, you could just bring it up in conversation and nicely tell him that it makes you feel better when he spells it out all of the way


        Sometimes Derik will say "I less than 3 you (<3)" but he's always just joking and usually says "I love you Molly Ann" afterwards. I KNOW I would hate it if he said "I do too" or something. Though I don't mind if he says "I know you do" cause I guess I do want him to know how much I love him. =)


          -.- i just realised that recently he hasnt been saying any kind of "i love you" back when wwe talk online, he only ever writes back -.-


            The only time I get a different form or myself use it is when we know we've aggravated the other (playfully) and use "ilu" as a way to try and tell each other we were joking. Usually he initiates the "I love you" though I think the funniest way he's ever told me he loves me is when I do something crazy or something he finds brilliant and he says "I really f-ing love you."


              I absolutely love reading or hearing "I love you", and my girlfriend knows that. Because she loves it too. That's why we never shorten it. I never even thought about doing that.


                I don't like it when he goes "I love you too" feels he is only saying it because I am! Other than that he normally types or says I love you properly


                  I get where you're coming from; I don't mind "I <3 You" now and again, and "ditto" or "me too" or whatever, but it'd get on my nerves if it was all the time.
                  Really don't like "luv u" and all that as well - mostly because it brings chavs to mind. Not that it's exclusively used by them. That would be a stupid generalisation. :-)


                    I'm a spelling freak, so if he writes it, I usually expect it to be the 8 letters. >.> Sometimes, though, we get into our 'baby talk' and write "Wuv chu", and I do like that. :3

                    When we're on the phone, he says "I love you" most of the time and "Love you" every now and then which doesn't really bother me.

