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SO lives with Ex?!

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    I would have to agree that it depends on the ex.
    If my SO had to live with his most recent ex (A), that would be a laugh and she would probably throw a fit and what have you. She's just a little crazy and hates his guts for something he didn't do.
    Some of his other exes? Well I know for sure that one (B) contacted him since we've been together and basically told him that she still thinks he's hot and sweet, etc, etc...
    Sooo... while I completely trust my SO not to do anything, I'm not so sure B wouldn't push things, regardless of him being taken. But with A it would just be fun watching her pull her hair out, although my SO would hate it too and that would make me sad.


      my man would rather live on the streets than live with his ex.

      but if this was the scenario and he had no where else to go I would trust him 100%. he wouldn't touch her with a sterilized 10 foot pole.


        I...can't see that happening. I can't think of any scenario where that would happen. If he's the one who needs a place to live, he'd either go to me or his best friend (who's dating his ex :P). Besides, her family would put a restraining order before letting him live with them. They fucking hate him (with good reason xD). So yeah, that one wouldn't happen.

        Then there's if she needs somewhere to go. I know she'd go live with her boyfriend well before going with Enrique. Enrique's grandma would not be cool with that since she's pretty old fashion over things like this. Besides, even though they're close, his ex would hate living with him. I don't blame her either, he has a terrible habit of being unintentionally mean to her. They'd kill each other within a week.

        So yeah, I really don't know how to answer this. Simply because it just wouldn't happen. Only way I can think of that happening if everyone else in their lives up and died, in which case it wouldn't matter what I felt anyway because I'd be dead xD.


          He's never really had a serious gf so I don't think it would be that big of a deal. And yet still... I would hate it lol. I don't know any of his exes so I def don't trust any of them at all. There would be loads of restrictions if there was no other choice.


            I would like to say that I'm fine with it, depends on the situation, but that would be a lie. I'm too much of an untrusting person, NOT with my SO, with the girls he knows. They're just...augh. To put it nicely..they need to back the hell off.
            ". . . We obviously have to come to accept it, but that doesn't stop it from gnawing at us day by day.
            The best we can do is enjoy our time together, anticipate our reunions, and remain passionate and loyal through distance." ~Mike <3



              Honestly I'd be extremely upset and insecure about it, I'm a person with very low self esteem and if my SO was living with someone who he previously had feelings for and someone who had previous feelings for him, I feel like this is just a recipe for heartbreak. I know in my mind my SO would never do anything to hurt me, even if he was living with an ex but my irrational heart says that he'd be all over her, me being so far away he'd sucked into a web of old feelings.

              Met: 8.17.09
              Started Dating: 8.20.09
              First Met: 10.2.10
              Closed the Distance: 8.9.14

