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Does and hour away count as long distance?

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    Does and hour away count as long distance?

    Well as of right now my bf lives in Florida and I live in New hampshire but lucky for me before he even met me he was going to move to New Hampshire to live with his uncle and aunt, since he hates living with his family and wants a new start on life somewhere else. I was astonished when I found that out and it was really great luck. Anyhow he is moving when he gets enough money and a car. He said maybe around Christmas he will be here. I was just curious if an hour away would be long distance still, that is how far away he would live. Meaning we wont see eachother everyday but maybe once a week. Also another thing is, I am so nervous about meeting him! Even if its not until a while. I have never even had a bf that I would be meeting. All of them have been online and didn't work out for us to even meet. Since he is Mexican I am also scared that my family will be racist a bit and the fact he is 20 and I am 16. Although I dont think age is really a big thing and its only 4 years but some people are different. Over all though, I am scared to death of meeting him. Not scared in a bad way of course just highly nervous. I actually do have some social problems so that does not help. I am really outgoing and close to him though so we will see. ^_^

    I dont even know what I am asking in this post, guess I just felt like getting some advice or something.

    That's an exciting coincidence Best of luck with your plans to meet up, you must be thrilled!! I guess I don't know cause my SO and I started dating when we lived in the same city, but seeing someone after you've been apart for so long is so nerve-racking, and it won't get much better I'm afraid!

    I'd still consider an hour away long distance. My SO is a 45 minute flight away!

    Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

    Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
    Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


      I wouldn't personally count seeing one another 1-2 times per week and living an hour away as long distance, but that's me. A lot of people would say it depends on the couple. Others would say it depends on the means of getting to one another, i.e. someone with a car, no, it's not long distance, but someone who has to rely on scheduling in public transport, it is. "Long distance" is really subjective, but I don't see an hour as being long distance at all.
      { Our Story on LFAD }

      Our Beginning
      Met online: February 2009
      Feelings confessed: December 2010
      Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
      Officially together since: 08 April 2011

      Our Story
      First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
      Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
      Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
      Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

      Our Happily Ever After
      to be continued...


        I don't know if an hour would really be considered long distance since you could feasibly see each other any time you wanted to. I mean, if you were living on one end of a big city and your SO lived on the other end, it'd take you an hour to get to each other, and that isn't long distance. Since it's different towns, though, that's a nice buffer for you if you want to ease into things once he gets there.


          I think it could be considered long distance if you felt like calling it that. If you can't see your boyfriend anytime you want, it can be considered long distance.. but then it's hard to say... I think it's whatever you want to call it.


            I too think it's a rather subjective definition. For example, the quickest journey to my SO would be 2 hours 15 minutes; by car that's about how long it takes to drive from London to the coast, but to reach my SO I'm talking about travelling by the Eurostar! The fact we live in different countries (and have to spend more money than we otherwise would to see each other) makes it long distance to me. I suppose in your case I'd be inclined to say it wouldn't count as an LDR as such due to the proximity, but that's according my personal classification which may well differ from yours


              I wouldn't exactly call it long distance. When my SO and I were close distance we were 30-45 minutes apart (depending on who's driving). We considered that close distance even when he didn't have a car.

              I also commute an hour to my college every day so an hour in the car doesn't really phase me.

              It may not be long distance but it's still inconvenient!

              Good luck! :]

              Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
              Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
              Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
              Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
              Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


                What is long? that's different for everyone..

                I personally don't consider it long distance unless you would live in Holland, 3 hour drive and you are in Belgium or Germany
                \\ Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything //
                \\ happens for a reason //

                \\ We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing //

                \\ When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” //
                \\They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, I told them they didn’t understand life!! //


                  Age may not seem like a big deal now but I know where I live, if a parent finds out that their minor son/daughter has engaged in any sexual behavior, they can press charges for statutory rape against the "adult". Find out your state's laws before even thinking of having any physical contact with him. Just a thought!

                  As far as the distance thing goes, I agree with those that say it's subjective. My SO is a 2 1/2 hour drive away and even though it is feasible to drive and see one another every weekend, it is not possible because of the financial strain due to gas prices. I also live at home and my parents are very religious and would not allow him to stay here even if he was in the living room or guest room (my mom is real big on what others might think). Pfft! Anyhow, so if he came down to me, he'd have to rent a hotel which puts on a heavier financial burden. So we only see one another 1-2 times a month.


                    I think it depends. You said you're 16? It is likely that it will be much harder for you to see him whenever you want due to the fact that you're, presumably, living with your parents.
                    For me, I think any distance at which you cannot easily rush to each other's aide in a crisis is long distance. For a couple without any means of transport, that could be across a large city. For a couple with a private jet, that could be a few states away.
                    Considering if any crisis were to befall him, you would have to not only drive for an hour to get him, but also convince your parents, presumably, to let you go in the first place.... this could be called LD. I also have friends that are like floridaellen and commute an hour everyday to class. It wouldn't be LD for them.
                    Definitely do be careful about how you broach this subject with your parents. Age gaps of more than a year or two in high school usually give adults pause, and since he's Mexican, and this was LD and started online... you've got a lot of strikes against you in the parent category. My mom didn't have a problem with our age gap, but we did have a discussion about dating different races (she's wary of men from different cultures in relationships). Convincing your parents to even let you meet him (and I highly recommend you ask first to set a good precedent of trust with them) will probably be interesting. Best of luck! And be careful.


                      For me, an hour away never is/was a long distance relationship. I had a boyfriend once who lived an hour and a half away and I could only see him on the weekends. Sometimes not even on the weekends and then we saw each other maybe every other week, because of my busy school load and him having a job. People in my country say you have a "weekend relationship", if you don't or can't see each other regularly because of busy schedule. Honestly, though, you can call it whatever you want. It's your relationship.

                      As for the age difference thing, four years isn't much. I'd be much more worried, if were you 16 and he'd be 26 for example, but I feel I shouldn't talk because I know a couple who have almost twenty years age difference (she's 19 and he's 40-going-on-41) and they're going strong for three years already! Really, just enjoy your relationship if it continues to develop and deepens.


                        I think any relationship where you are not living in the same general area as your partner is long-distance. I was in an LDR in high school, we were only an hour apart but we only saw each other once every few months because neither of us could drive.

                        I don't think any one has the right to judge any one else's LDR. If you think it's an ldr, it is.
                        "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


                          For me, an hour isn't long distance. Two of my closest friends live at least an hour away from me and we catch up pretty often. In fact, I have to travel for at least 40 minutes to see any of my close friends :P I suppose I'm just used to the travelling though and it doesn't phase me. But as others have said, it really is subjective.

                          I was also nervous on my first meeting, I'm sure it will go well though.
                          Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
                          First met: June 13th 2006


                            I'm in the Netherlands and he's in the US. After this summer we'll live an hour apart, but I wouldn't still call in long distance because students here get free public transport cards and I could still see him every weekend and sometimes during the week if I wanted to. Because I go from LD to a loooot less LD, I just say that we closed the real distance. The bit that's left is what lots of students deal with (unless they're in the same city). It really depends on the situation you're in. Labelling things is so unimportant in the end anyway


                              Thanks everyone for the advice and what not. I dont really know if it would be a long distance relationship then. I will probably just still think of it as one though since we wont see eachother very often. I know though that he does not have much money and since gas is expensive it may bit be to often we will see eachother. I dont have a car or a license so it will have to be just him unless my sister will drive me to meet up with him or something.

                              ---------- Post added at 11:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 PM ----------

                              Originally posted by efish1042 View Post
                              I think it depends. You said you're 16? It is likely that it will be much harder for you to see him whenever you want due to the fact that you're, presumably, living with your parents.
                              For me, I think any distance at which you cannot easily rush to each other's aide in a crisis is long distance. For a couple without any means of transport, that could be across a large city. For a couple with a private jet, that could be a few states away.
                              Considering if any crisis were to befall him, you would have to not only drive for an hour to get him, but also convince your parents, presumably, to let you go in the first place.... this could be called LD. I also have friends that are like floridaellen and commute an hour everyday to class. It wouldn't be LD for them.
                              Definitely do be careful about how you broach this subject with your parents. Age gaps of more than a year or two in high school usually give adults pause, and since he's Mexican, and this was LD and started online... you've got a lot of strikes against you in the parent category. My mom didn't have a problem with our age gap, but we did have a discussion about dating different races (she's wary of men from different cultures in relationships). Convincing your parents to even let you meet him (and I highly recommend you ask first to set a good precedent of trust with them) will probably be interesting. Best of luck! And be careful.
                              Well actually I just have a mum since I dont see my father but anyhow I have actually told her about him and meeting him and she doesn't seem to mind. Well she doesn't even think it will last long enough for us to even meet since she thinks I am a moron with men. haha I actually told her that I have met him once and my older sister has too. If I didn't lie and say that I would of never been able to even tell her about him. She does not like long distance relationships and thinks that people you meet online are not "real" and dangerous. :/

