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I hate him/her today cause...

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    I hate him/her today cause...

    As there is a thread about why you love your SO today I thought we could have the opposite too

    Why do you hate your SO today/ why does he/she piss you off?

    my SO pissed me off yesterday and tha last days,cause we planned my trip to see him this summer. He had some doubts,cause he won't be able to spend that much time with me cause he will be busy with work, so he asked if it would be better for both of us if we wait for next year.. aaagh finally we decide that we need to see eachother!and then I needed to book and asked him if the time and money is ok..but the didn't respond so I was soo afraid that later I can't book this flight...however, I'm going end of july- but maaaan did he piss me off lol

    so com one guys, let your anger out!! hahahha

    Well my SO and I are in a permanent 'honeymoon' phase so it's all rainbows, lollipops & unicorns up in here


      @Lala, I need this thread! ^_^

      But hate is a too strong of a word, but I can really dislike him sometimes

      Originally posted by Ted View Post
      Well my SO and I are in a permanent 'honeymoon' phase so it's all rainbows, lollipops & unicorns up in here
      We also need a thread, for hating people on here just kidding, your post made me smile, cute
      Last edited by Manoek; May 5, 2012, 08:13 AM.
      \\ Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything //
      \\ happens for a reason //

      \\ We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing //

      \\ When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” //
      \\They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, I told them they didn’t understand life!! //


        Okay so when I called him tonight he ran to get some food, and while he was driving he was messing with getting his phone hooked up to one of those hands free, phone out your speakers things. While he's screwing with it I hear him go, "Oh shit!" Then the phone goes silent. I felt like throwing up and my heart was pounding. Turns out he screwed up the setup and was fine, but he scared the crap out of me.
        Last edited by aeiouna; May 5, 2012, 08:05 AM.
        ♥ Erika & Thomas ♥
        ♥ Est. January 13, 2011 ♥ Became LDR July 1, 2011 ♥ Christmas visit December 24 - 29, 2011 ♥ Closed the distance June 2, 2012 ♥

        ♪ Cause with you I'd withstand all of it to hold your hand ♫


          I've never hated my SO for anything


            hahaha well the opposite of LOVE is HATE.. but I didn't mean it in this way..cause if you would "hate" your SO you would not be together with him.. I mean more you're pissed off/dislike him at the moment/being annoyed/...

            Unfortunately I can't change the thread name.. but you know what I mean

            ---------- Post added at 01:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 PM ----------

            Originally posted by Manoek View Post
            @Lala, I need this thread! ^_^

            But hate is a too strong of a word, but I can really dislike him sometimes

            We also need a thread, for hating people on here just kidding, your post made me smile, cute
            I know you need it haha it was just for YOU hehe kidding


              I thought about creating this the other day actually, but thought it wasn't the best thing for my mental state and would only make me dwell on things more. :P
              Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
              First met: June 13th 2006


                It's semantics. I think we all know she meant that , although we always love our SO's, sometimes they just really upset us.
                What upsets me about my SO today is that I can't trust him completely. All because of one issue.


                  Originally posted by BlueCat View Post
                  I thought about creating this the other day actually, but thought it wasn't the best thing for my mental state and would only make me dwell on things more. :P
                  oh I'm sorry.
                  but some people just need to talk or in this case write about it..


                    Originally posted by BlueCat View Post
                    I thought about creating this the other day actually, but thought it wasn't the best thing for my mental state and would only make me dwell on things more. :P
                    I agree, I also think the use of the word hate in the title is a little harsh. If it was something more of a venting thing, like "What I'm annoyed about today" but the What I love about him thread is for something little they did each day that made you happy. I don't like the idea of people having something to hate about their SO daily.


                      Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
                      I agree, I also think the use of the word hate in the title is a little harsh. If it was something more of a venting thing, like "What I'm annoyed about today" but the What I love about him thread is for something little they did each day that made you happy. I don't like the idea of people having something to hate about their SO daily.
                      come on snow_girl...
                      I already explained what I meant with this title.. plus the other thread is about why you love your SO today (because of things he said or did) and not in general! Moreover, you don't have to post here..


                        Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
                        I've never hated my SO for anything
                        I'm gonna have to agree with lucybelle on this one :P

                        But I know what you meant. Lately though, its been me who's been annoying my SO LOL. xD I've been rather moody lately.
                        Last edited by Yaaamiii; May 5, 2012, 01:25 PM.


                          oooh man really guys?!... I don't know what else to say about that thread as I explained it... PLEASE READ before you post that you are sooo in love and never had a bad thought about your SO..


                            nope.... I haven't had any negative feelings about him today...

                            come to think of it..... haven't had any negative feelings about him at all yet....

                            mmm.... interesting.....
                            The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

                            Carl Jung (1875 - 1961)



