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I hate him/her today cause...

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    Okay, so "hate" was not the best choice of word...but lala already recognized that she can't change the thread name, and I think we all know that no one here actually hates or even dislikes their SO. But that doesn't mean there aren't occasionally things that set us off (and hats off to you lucky folks who've never had reason to be peeved with your SO!)

    Maybe people should just refrain from posting here unless they have a specific frustration they want to vent about.


      Originally posted by lala View Post
      oooh man really guys?!... I don't know what else to say about that thread as I explained it... PLEASE READ before you post that you are sooo in love and never had a bad thought about your SO..
      Ooops, sorry about that! My original post was meant to be edited because I had read the previous posts, but after I said the first comment, my mom asked me for a favor so I just clicked post (I'm not even sure why...and told myself that I'd edit it when I got back.) I didn't get to edit it right away though.


        This is ridiculous. If you can't deal with the post title, don't post in here! If you are still wearing your rose colored glasses, go post in the love thread! There is no reason to sit and pick this apart. Not all of us skip around and hum love songs to ourselves all day, everyday.

        I'm pissed off because I am so sick of hearing "so what you're saying is…" and he'll follow with some totally out there, exaggerated version of what I may or may not be meaning. I hate how he fights. He wants to talk it to death. And then some more. Then a text to start it up again.

        Also, this isn't his fault, but I'm pissed off that yesterday he sat and ate a case of cupcakes. I think all of them. Chocolate cupcakes. You know what will happen? He will lose a pound or few. I'm sitting here with a carefully measured cup of rice with nothing on it, or my freaking wasa crackers, end of the week? I'll be up a pound. I hate his metabolism. I HATE IT!


          Originally posted by Yaaamiii View Post
          Ooops, sorry about that! My original post was meant to be edited because I had read the previous posts, but after I said the first comment, my mom asked me for a favor so I just clicked post (I'm not even sure why...and told myself that I'd edit it when I got back.) I didn't get to edit it right away though.
          oh no problem! As I said I didn't mean that you should write why you hate your SO- it's just that I'm sure that some of you are upset because he/she did something..and with this thread you can write what is bothering you.. so you see that a relationship is not always "sunshine" and "honeymoon"...


            I'm annoyed at my SO today because we haven't really spoken properly at all today, his internet connection is rubbish, and he told he's going to a party tonight, which means either i'll feel sorry for myself all night and wait up for him until like 2/3am, OR, I won't get to talk to him until tomorrow. Haha Silly I know, but it still upsets me a little.

            BUT, I won't stay angry at him for it, after all, he is only going to a party, and i'm just being silly.

            ALSO, as I was writing this he called me, he's just got credit on his phone and said he's going to call me later, so, I instantly feel a bit better. Does anyone else get that? Lol

            Man, LDR's are silly. Haha


              I think this thread is a good idea lala. It's a bit comforting hearing that some people are also having some disagreements and are annoyed at their SO, especially when you're surrounded by all the positivity and honeymoon stagers on here.

              I'm annoyed at my SO today for a silly reason, I hate that he has to work today when all I want to do is snuggle up on skype with him all day. Oh well though, gotta make money somehow eh? Luckily, he'll be off in another hour or so.


                I don't have an issue with the thread, but it's odd to me that some people are overwhelmed by the "positivity" on LFAD. My point of creating the other thread was to actually give a thread to increase that/be a place where it was only positive, as opposed to mix, because there's so much negativity on the forum in general. Weird how different perceptions work. xD

                I'm not annoyed or bothered by anything currently, but I was a little bit worried/bothered when I was concerned us being a couple might interfere negatively with my wanting a sphynx? I was struggling with the idea of whether or not cats were animals to compromise upon. Turns out he's completely fine with it, even if he finds them weird, but I'll admit I did struggle a bit with the worry of what should it mean when your partner's not fond of an animal you are (he likes cats, just... ones with fur).
                { Our Story on LFAD }

                Our Beginning
                Met online: February 2009
                Feelings confessed: December 2010
                Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                Our Story
                First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                Our Happily Ever After
                to be continued...


                  I love my SO to death. But.

                  I'm pissed off at my SO today because he doesn't listen to me. And this problem has come up time and time again. When I bring up an issue with him, he interrupts with a 5 minute monologue explaining why he believes I shouldn't be upset. Once he finally shuts up, I try to explain what's wrong, how it makes me feel, and what I think we can do to fix it. But I can't even get halfway through a sentence without him interrupting me to make a counterpoint to everything I'm trying to say. And when I can FINALLY get him to quit interrupting me and actually listen to me, he doesn't listen at all. He just comes up with rebuttals to everything I'm saying and doesn't actually digesting what I'm telling him. Actually, this is a pretty big problem that's come up with us . I wish he would just shut up and listen to me. It's so disrespectful and it's like he doesn't even care about how I'm feeling or what's bothering me.


                    I'm annoyed at my SO today because he's too damn far away! He flew up to Rochester to visit his friends yesterday morning and I really didn't want him to go, even though I still supported his decision to go. I'm just lonely I guess. At least he'll be home tomorrow.

                    "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                    Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                      I'm annoyed at my SO today because he has to work tonight and tomorrow even though I'm coming home tomorrow :P I know it's not his fault and he needs the money but I wish he could have requested off for tomorrow!

                      Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
                      Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
                      Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
                      Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
                      Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


                        I get annoyed with him when he gets totally wrapped up in what he's doing and doesn't pay more attention to me.


                          I got upset today, not at him, but at this freaking distance... He's feeling depressed, he needs someone to hold him, he needs company... And I can't be there.

                          Now I actually got upset at him, because he said he might not be the man for me, that i'm too good for him and he doesn't deserve my love... I know it's his depression talking, but it breaks my heart knowing he feels that way

                          “Laughing like children, living like lovers, rolling like thunder under the covers”


                            i wrote on the i love him because thread too lol
                            but upset because im left with a lot of thoughts and hes not here to help me figure out whats on my mind about us. We talked and I was feeling better but then i had to leave. And this is all my fault lol im just upset we didnt talk more. lol so guess im not upset with him really, just the time dif more and me for going out... lol
                            Last edited by kiara_silver; May 6, 2012, 01:13 AM.
                            I love you Nathan <3
                            5/25/09 <3


                              Many people above me already said what I think about this thread. She made a mistake with the title, get over it. Some days I tell people I want to shove darling Miguel off a cliff. Do I really mean that? Nope.

                              Tonight itīs because I asked him to talk to me for a little while about his day (because thatīs typical for us) before he fell asleep. He agreed but warned me that he was very tired, so he said "in case I fall asleep on you, I love you." I then asked him how his day was...
                              ... No response.

                              "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
                              -Miguel De Cervantes

                              Read our story HERE


                                Originally posted by DemonxOisin View Post
                                Many people above me already said what I think about this thread. She made a mistake with the title, get over it. Some days I tell people I want to shove darling Miguel off a cliff. Do I really mean that? Nope.

                                Tonight itīs because I asked him to talk to me for a little while about his day (because thatīs typical for us) before he fell asleep. He agreed but warned me that he was very tired, so he said "in case I fall asleep on you, I love you." I then asked him how his day was...
                                ... No response.

                                Been there, done that. Not THAT bad to the point that he fell asleep before a word was spoken, but he's fallen asleep on me many a time. "Hello? Hello? HELLO? Babe? Baby? Hello? DID YOU FALL ASLEEP ON ME? UGH. *click*"
                                ♥ Erika & Thomas ♥
                                ♥ Est. January 13, 2011 ♥ Became LDR July 1, 2011 ♥ Christmas visit December 24 - 29, 2011 ♥ Closed the distance June 2, 2012 ♥

                                ♪ Cause with you I'd withstand all of it to hold your hand ♫

