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Juat watched the film Going The Distance...

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    I've watched both those movies and thought there were parts that I could relate more too, and other parts where it was not accurate for my relationship.

    If you like documentaries, I recently watched one called Life in a Day, which is basically a compilation of videos from many different parts of the world. In this one scene a military wife is getting prettied up for a skype date with her man, they have a nice, normal conversation, giving us a peek into their relationship. Then, they say their goodbyes and she ends the conversation with "Be safe", and an encouraging smile on her face. But as soon as the call is disconnected she starts sobbing. That scene hit a soft spot for me, and it felt like it really captured the essence of a LDR in that short clip.


      I could actually watch that movie. My SO and I watched it together - well, synchronised viewing with him in his city and me in mine. I have decided I'm not going to watch Like Crazy. I saw the previews for it and didn't like what I saw.


        I agree with what a lot of other people have said, how these movies show a lot of negatives about LDRs and how they don't seem to have any real connection. the lack of physicality seems to be a huge problem for the people in the movies, and it is certainly a problem, but it's just... not realistic how a lot of it is shown. the tiny day to day struggles are all cliched and it seems like as soon as they are apart their thoughts and interests start wandering, like it's impossible to be faithful. :/ it's just frustrating.

        I didn't totally dislike either movie, they both had their pros and cons (and both of them made me cry at the goodbyes, although they don't seem as hard as goodbyes actually are in real life). and I'm not trying to be snooty at all, but it's just frustrating for me watching some of these movies because I just think like, in Going the Distance, they have to pay $500 for a plane ticket? I'm in an international LDR and my plane ticket is closer to $2000 so they could see each other four times for the price I have to pay to see my boyfriend once. and they can text, whereas we can only skype. just little things like that tend to make me bitter, and I hate to find myself thinking that way because I know all LDRs are hard, especially when the people involved are as young as many of us are on this forum. I don't like the attitude they make me feel, when all of this is just a hollywood, romantic-comedy version of everything.

        maybe if they actually showed the day to day of an LDR and all the little technicalities, where the couple has relatively little drama, it would be quite a boring movie. oh well! :P


          Yeah I get where you're coming from one-more-reason. I'm so very thankful my SO is in the same country and we can take advantage of similar phone plans to be able to text each other. Though the flights still aren't cheap. It's close to $1000 for return flights to WA and then you gotta factor in accommodation as we're both living with family at the moment and want to respect their wishes.


            I saw Going the Distance, but did not see Like Crazy. I thought Going the Distance was an ok movie... I was disappointed with how it seemed like they put the LDR in a negative light though. I might see Like Crazy; I will maybe watch it with my SO.

            It would be nice if they made a movie, or even a documentary showing the day to day struggles of an LDR, as well as the triumphs of one. There should be some more inspiring LDR movies out there, to put it in a more positive light. I did see that documentary, Life in A Day, and that little clip with the military wife did touch me, and peered into the reality of an LDR/being a military wife.

