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I think I worry too much...

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    I think I worry too much...

    Pffft... If anyone can just give me some reassurance or something? Or tell me i'm being crazy, or stupid or whatever? Haha Just someone to talk to? =(

    First comes first, i'm madly in love. I've never felt like this about anyone, and I think that's partly because of the distance. It's difficult, but I want to work at it so hard to make it work, where as i've never had to do that before.

    BUT ANYWAY, why i'm worrying. Me and my SO normally talk on skype or facebook videochat every night. Every single night. I actually find it difficult to sleep without talking to him haha it's dangerous. Lol And he's had a fall out with his parents, so, he's going to stay at his friends for 2 days. I've met his friend and he's lovely so i'm not worried about that either. But, SO doesn't know if his friend has internet, so we won't be able to talk. Not like we normally do. His phone is rubbish as well so he's borrow his sister's to try and call me when he can.

    I think i'm just freakin' out because I won't know what he's doing or what's going on whilst he is there. I trust him. But I just worry. Haha Does anyone else get that?

    We didn't get to see each other on skype last night because he fell asleep, which he apologised for, and I told him not to worry at all! So we are fine.

    I think i'm just being stupid?

    Like, i'm not even sure what i'm concerned about? Haha

    I just hope he does actually call me, because i'll be checking my phone every 20 bloody minutes. Haha But I don't want to call him to bother him, because I know he is stressed.

    Sorry, I think I was just using this to vent... I'm worried but I don't know why? Anyone else ever get that? And anyone know how to just slow down, stop, or deal with it?

    Thanks, sorry to be so silly... Haha

    My SO went away to Oxegen (a three day music festival) and I was terrified. Of what? I'm not even sure, but I was. :P There have been other little moments and instances as well that I have simply had to deal with. I imagine trust comes in somewhat, not because he's done anything to warrant it but because of past experiences with past others, but it also might simply be because it's a change in our routine, a temporary blip, and in a LDR, the primary thing I want is stability.

    My opinion would be to try and keep busy. When my SO was away at Oxegen, we got to talk a couple times for around 20 minutes. Other than that, as hard as it was, I simply tried to do anything and everything offered and available to keep my mind off missing him and to keep my mind off worrying nonsensically. The other thing I had to do and would suggest you do, also, is keep things in perspective. This is two days we're talking here. 48 hours. It's not like he's moving out, it's not like he's staying over a week, but rather he's staying two days and then he'll be back home. And he'll likely tell you how it went and everything that went down. Not being able to hear about it in the moment won't change the type of time he's having, so I would do my best to keep busy (have your phone with you, though, so you can talk to him when you can, unless you both arrange a time) and simply let the two days pass as two days will.
    { Our Story on LFAD }

    Our Beginning
    Met online: February 2009
    Feelings confessed: December 2010
    Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
    Officially together since: 08 April 2011

    Our Story
    First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
    Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
    Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
    Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

    Our Happily Ever After
    to be continued...


      Thank you so much for replying =) I'm so glad you understand the random worrying about nothing!? Haha I just get funny even though he tells me he loves me and will try to call me. I know he's making the effort he can, considering I know he is stressed as well, so I know it should be fine. But it's just a silly worry? But yes, perhaps just because it's not routine? Haha I feel stupid for it though. Also, as well, I think I am worrying because it was a last minute decision, he hadn't told me prior, because he hadn't planned it, so it's all over the place. He literally told me about an hour before he went! Haha

      I wish I had more friends or something. Haha I'm a bit of a loner, and the friends I do have obviously have their own lives to get on with. So i'm always just kinda, in limbo waiting for things to do. Haha But I will try my hardest to find SOMETHING, even if I really do have to tidy my whole house, I will do it. Haha Just to keep me busy. Haha

      And yea, I suppose, you're right, 2 days. Plus, I suppose, if I look at it like that, it is another 2 days out of the 5 weeks until we see each other... So, really, it shouldn't be a problem. I will keep my phone on me at all times just in case, but i'll just try not to think about it or check it. Haha Do you think I should try to call him tonight? Just to make sure he is okay? Or would I seem a bit overbearing if I do that? I know he's doing this because he wants time away from his family and the stress he's going through at the moment, so I just really don't want to add to it. That's why i've come here to vent instead of raging at him. Haha I tried to be positive for him, just asking if he will be okay and that I hope he will try to call me, and then we just left it at that. Of course I threw in a cheeky "Don't forget me =P" as well. Haha But more as a joke, because I know he won't. Haha

      But you are right. 2 days. Just get on with it. Haha


        Trust me. Everyone here understands the worrying thing.
        I think this is more withdrawals than anything. You're used to seeing him every night and now you possibly won't be able to. Being out of contact is hard, especially when you've been talking every night, but you can get through it. And it sounds like he will make every effort to contact you as much as he can through this.
        So chill. It will be fine. Just stay busy with your own life so you're not constantly worrying/wondering what he's doing, where he is, how things are. Watch movies/TV, read, sing/dance, go out with friends, work out... anything to keep you busy. You'll get over this little road bump easy enough. Deep Breath! It will be fine. Promise.


          Thank you so much! I'm really happy that i've found somewhere where people understand the silly worries. My friends think it's ridiculous, the whole concept of a LDR to them is silly anyway... They do try to be encouraging and helpful but they have their own lives which is fine! It would be selfish of me to expect different. But it's nice I can come here, just say stupid stuff that i'm feeling and people are supportive and helping me calm down! Haha So thank you so much for your reply =)

          Luckily i've managed to make plans for tomorrow to keep me super occupied so I should be okay =) Worst comes to the worst I guess i'll go to the gym... Haha UGH! Avoid that at all costs! Haha

          But also, something else to put my mind to rest, he has already contacted me to tell me he is at his friends and where they are going tonight etc. So, I know he is making the effort for me =)

          I am just silly sometimes. Haha Thank you again for the supportive words, hugely appreciated! =D



            I am definite worrier so I can totally understand where you are coming from! Not that I think you have anything to worry about, two days can be filled without too much effort, keep yourself busy and hopefully they'll go a lot quicker than you think!


              Redapple, thank you =) I swear, I don't even know what the concern is, but is that quite common in LDR's? Perhaps like efish said, withdrawal!? Haha Maybe I have an unhealthy obsession with my SO as well as being in love... Lol

              Well, tomorrow is filled! So, hopefully that will go quickly, and then, I have to work monday anyway, so, I suppose, life goes on. Haha!

              I did cave in and call him just a minute ago though... Luckily he picked up, spoke briefly, told me he loves me, so, i'm good for tonight. Haha

              Damn withdrawals, maybe I should find something else to attach myself too? Lol Nah... He'll do. =P


                If I'm in that mood I can worry about anything and everything! It must be infuriating for him cos he never knows what's coming, sometimes I'm happy not to hear from him in a couple of days other times I'm convinced he's died if I haven't heard in an hour. Honestly my ovaries and brain should probably have a chat to each other and calm down!! So yes, you're not alone!


                  My SO is in Mexico right now. I am the same as you, I can´t stand going for even 12 hours without contact , and this situation is driving me completely crazy right now!!! I definitely feel where you are coming from. For the most part, I try to keep myself busy. It does no good to mope around all day stressing out about something that can´t be helped. I´m getting some chores done that I would have left unattended normally LOL. My room is getting a total change up! In the past I´ve also done things like plan out our next visit, or even our closing-of-the-distance, or made him care packages. Anything to keep my mind busy and distracted. Remember, it won´t last forever, you´ll hear from him again soon! And he´s also probably just as stressed as you are from the lack of contact.
                  PS. Your post is adorable lol. You sound like me when I freak out about my Miguel

                  "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
                  -Miguel De Cervantes

                  Read our story HERE


                    I feel you. That's all I can say.
                    I'm currently freaking out just like you about the same kind of reason. So i got to these forums to make myself feel better and calm down a little! Haha


                      Redapple! Yes! Haha if my brain could just chill out! And let me have 5 minutes of peace!!! Haha As it happens, he managed to get on skype last night and we were fine. And he called today. So, I was stressing for no reason! Lol But it's so easy to just get into one of those silly panicky freak outs! Haha

                      DemonxOison, he's in Mexico? What an experience. But it must be difficult him being in a completely different country than you are used to, even if originally you still aren't together... If that makes sense? As in, like, new places different things etc. How long is he away for? And has he been being a good boy and trying to keep in contact!? I don't know if I could cope! You are very strong. You're right though, moping about thinking about the problem is not a good idea! I started like that and it was awful, but, today I have been out all day and i've been fine! And tomorrow I am at work anyway, so, I won't have a chance to think about myself, let alone him unfortunately! I have actually been looking at flights and things though, if i've had a spare few minutes and trying to organise my money for when I do go back to him, looking at the positive things and making myself all excited about being re-united. Haha Thank you so much for the reassurance =) I know it's awful, but i'm happy that I know other people are going through the same things as me. It sounds bad because i'd never wish it on anyone, but, sharing it with someone at least makes me feel more comfortable that i'm not some crazy loser. Hahaha Know what I mean?

                      And Karolina, I hope you've read all of the above comments because the replies have been so helpful to me! It is a horrible, and truly odd feeling, of worry for no reason, but keep busy, distracted, and positive =) And if you want to, you can always message me and we can freak out together, at each other. Hahaha



                        Originally posted by efish1042 View Post
                        Trust me. Everyone here understands the worrying thing.
                        I think this is more withdrawals than anything. You're used to seeing him every night and now you possibly won't be able to. Being out of contact is hard, especially when you've been talking every night, but you can get through it. And it sounds like he will make every effort to contact you as much as he can through this.
                        So chill. It will be fine. Just stay busy with your own life so you're not constantly worrying/wondering what he's doing, where he is, how things are. Watch movies/TV, read, sing/dance, go out with friends, work out... anything to keep you busy. You'll get over this little road bump easy enough. Deep Breath! It will be fine. Promise.

                        I experienced 'withdrawal' when my SO and I lost total communication for over 2 days. 4 days is what it took for me to snap (Not at her; Snap in the non-violent way. Like... give it up, stop trying to fight the want to keep believing she'll come on again, because that one time was only 3 weeks or so after we'd met, maybe 5 weeks, and we were only friends then). It was due to circumstances out of her control (Internet going out). Then to more circumstances I'd rather not talk about (It's her story to tell, not mine), I was left in the dark for weeks at a time. Then for a different reason (but now the most common cause of our time apart), again. For months. And then reappearance, disappearance, and I've grown able to handle that while still being utterly in love with her.

                        The worries aren't 'silly', but due to some misfortune, I've been able to mostly handle the worries that I used to get when we couldn't talk. My faith in her helped, because she never betrayed it and always comforted me once we could talk again. *smiles*

