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Meeting My SO Of Nearly One Year For The First Time Saturday.

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    Meeting My SO Of Nearly One Year For The First Time Saturday.

    So... As with every person meeting their significant other for the first time, I am meeting mine on Saturday. At 11:30(ish) in the morning, I will be touching down in Toronto's Pearson International Airport, go through the grueling process of trying to find him in the masses of people in an airport I am completely unfamiliar with, then have to speak first words to him, face to face, in person, for the first time in almost a year of being together. And...

    Oh shoot, I'm psyching myself out more again, aren't I?

    To say I am so nervous that I am nearly peeing my pants is kinda an understatement. When I think about it, it doesn't freak me out so bad. But when I speak to him over the phone about it, out loud, and hear how close it is with my own voice... God, does the realization set in quickly. And I'm not the only one nervous; poor guy went into a ramble of nothing but (pardon the language) "oh fuck"s for about a minute straight over the phone. I kinda just let him do it. To know he's just as nervous as me is kind of a sadistic comfort, hah hah!

    Just to make myself feel better, how was everyone's first meeting with your significant other? Any tips? Pointers? Advice that might save my butt as I throw myself out on a limb, with a leap of faith to the wolves?!

    I feel like it's nerve-wracking for everyone, but more often than not, the awkward passes quickly and you fall into talking with one another like it's another day and another walk in the park. I can't say I have any tips for dealing with or eliminating the nerves - my mother took me to the airport to get my SO when he visited, and she said to me, "God, calm down. Were you like this when you went there? 0_0" - as I experience them routinely, but I will say that they melt away and everything's replaced by pure bliss and a sense that everything's right in the world once you're in their arms.
    { Our Story on LFAD }

    Our Beginning
    Met online: February 2009
    Feelings confessed: December 2010
    Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
    Officially together since: 08 April 2011

    Our Story
    First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
    Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
    Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
    Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

    Our Happily Ever After
    to be continued...


      The first time I met my SO at the airport, I punched him in the stomach.

      I then proceeded to laugh directly at his face.

      Kissed him.

      And then couldn't look him in the eyes.

      Haha So, you know, just try not to punch him? Haha

      I'll explain. I told him not to meet me at the airport, he threatened to turn up with flowers, and everything and I knew I would be grumpy and look like shit, and I wanted him to see me looking perfect, you know? So, I called him when I got through security, and he didn't answer his phone, so I was already like, kinda lost. Haha I found the taxi company I had booked. The taxi driver had flowers to give to me, from SO with my name on them and a little letter. I thought that was sweet that he'd not come to the airport but still managed to get flowers to me. Haha So, I got my bags, and as I turned round... He's there, walking towards me. Started running. I dropped everything. Haha He hugged me instantly, a kiss on either cheek, standard greeting there. And then, I punched him in the stomach... LOL I laughed and apologised but I said "I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME!!!" Haha But I remember it perfectly.

      And even after that, there was no awkwardness, I knew instantly that we were perfect for each other.

      Don't freak. You'll be fine. Honestly. Even if you do punch him in the stomach, if I could make it work, you can. Hahaha



        When I met my SO for the first time in person, I flew to see him, I was very nervous but also very excited and for most of the time when I got nervous I also had the excitement of seeing him soon so the nervousness didn't usually last long. The things that made me most nervous was really security and immigrations because I get scared I'll do something wrong and they'll not let me through (though of course I'm innocent and I get through okay). I know by the time I finally saw my SO, it was after a 8 1/2 hour plane ride, and a 2 1/2 - 3 hours taxi ride, and there was a bit of stressfulness when I couldn't call my SO using my cellphone (I thought I had it set up but I guess I didn't) but it was okay because I found the taxi driver (we prebooked the taxi) and my SO called him and I got to speak to him. And I remember the taxi driver dropped me off at the train station I was meeting my SO and he wasn't there yet, but the taxi driver had called him and he said to meet at the cafe that was just to the left when you entered the building. I spent a bit of time waiting, almost thinking I saw him when I hadn't, and then he saw me first and when we started walking towards each other and were closer he opened his arms and we hugged and any awkwardness there might have been was gone and it was perfect from the start.

        So my advice for you would be:

        Focus on the excitement, make sure you can contact your SO when you get there/he can contact you (though with it being US/Canada, this probably isn't going to be much of an issue but you might want to double check your plan or have some change on you to use the payphone..), maybe talk about what you want to do when you see each other, if you want to hug/kiss, and don't be afraid to hug him when you see him, and just go with the flow. And it's going to be different but oh so cool seeing your SO in person and being able to be next to them physically. I hope it goes well for you.


          Honestly, I was a complete mess. It was a month ago, meeting him for the first time, over two years waiting. He missed his first flight and I had to call every which way and try to get it fixed, affordably. My mum said she wouldn't help pay for it, we both couldn't afford what was initially quoted. At that, I had an appointment with my job agency, which I nearly balled my eyes out at. However, when the time finally came, I wasn't as nervous as I was because of all the stress. I actually felt rather ill (also partially because I'd been walking up hills and taking my stuff upstairs into an apartment the day before) and sore. I was too nervous to initiate anything for about two days, but he seemed right at home which helped.

          After both passing out that first night since we were both exhausted from stress/not sleeping, things just fell into place as we talked more and got used to being in each others presence. By day 3, it felt natural. I would just let things fall into place, because forcing yourself to relax probably won't happen. And when that point came, it was like we'd never been seperated at all by an ocean. It was amazing. I have been thinking more and more about it the last few days. But nervous is natural. You'll both be fine haha. I'm sure my SO was just as nervous, he just wasn't going to let it stop him from holding me after so long.


            I just met my SO for the first time after a year on 4/20. We also met around 11:30ish We got more nervous as the time approached for me to leave. I had 24.5 hours of flying across the world (which made it worse) but by the end I just wanted to get off the plane and be in his arms. I was worried that I wouldn't recognize him or be able to find him in the crowd but I found him right away and we both had these big kool aid smiles! I played out in my mind different ways we would running to him crying, me running to him smiling, me just standing there lol. I didn't know what the right way would be but there is no right way. I walked over to him and we hugged so tightly and then kissed on the lips. He grabbed my hand and we walked to baggage claim just staring at each other. We held hands walking out of the airport and it was just all so natural. I was so nervous about different things such as we wouldn't like each other, conversation would be stagnant, somehow I would find out he had a double life.

            There are no tips I can give you as none of what we say will make you any less nervous. It's natural! Enjoy the nervousness, anxiety and excitement because you get to meet your man soon! You will both be fine and things will fall into place. Now I look back and wonder what I was so nervous about, but I wouldn't change it. It made the whole situation that much more special. Good luck!


              I just realised I am never going to experience the thrill of seeing my SO for the first time since I knew him before he left. I am going to have the the thrill of seeing him for the first time since affirming our relationship and our feelings for each other though. I suspect that if my son isn't there then I will run into his arms and kiss him like there's no tomorrow or I could just stand there and just look at him. That being said , anything you do will be right. I'm sending goods vibes your way


                I was waiting for him at the international arrivals gate, trying to peek around the revolving door. And then, he showed up! It was so surreal. I felt like I was going to pass out the whole time because that boy who I talked to everyday on a screen was standing right in front of me! We ran up to each other and hugged--and then got really awkward. He's my first "real" boyfriend so I wasn't really sure what to do. We held each other through the airport, walking all funny because he's nearly a foot taller than me. I felt kind of awkward touching him and holding his hand and stuff, but that was just because I wasn't sure to do. Within a couple days everything felt completely natural.


                  My SO and I first met online. We chatted for a few weeks, then he drove to my apartment. We hugged and it was awkward, for a little while. Then it just worked. Don't worry if it's weird or you aren't sure what to do. Just do what you think. You'll be fine. And yea, I was nervous as hell. I actually opened the door before he got to it, completely ruining his plan to kiss me as soon as he got there.

                  Embrace these feelings. This excitement and suspense. It's fun. That's what makes these relationships different from "normal" relationships. It's like a thousand times the normal butterflies in a new relationship.

                  Good luck!
                  Met online: Nov 2010 - Met in person: Nov 20, 2010
                  Closed the distance: April 27, 2011
                  Accepted to PhD program 200 miles away: March 2012
                  LD again: July 24, 2012
                  Left School and Closed the Distance for good: March 8, 2013
                  Married: November 1, 2014
                  Started job 200 miles away: February 23, 2015


                    Thank you everyone for all your lovely stories. <3 It makes me feel so much better about going to see him on Saturday. I'm not really honestly too worried on my part; I settle in really easily. I talk to people easily. I open up well. I'm just more worried about him! Hah hah. The usual worries: namely, will he think I'm pretty enough when he sees me in person as opposed to photos and webcam? Weird worry, I know, but you can look totally different in webcam over person. I'm sure the moment I see him, it'll be absolutely no problem (can't say the same for him though!) but until then... AUGHAGHFbjdskbvdfb.


                      My SO lives on the opposite side of the country from me. There were two flights (cumulative total of about 8 hours in the air) and the shuttle ride to the hotel from the airport. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I had a bit of time to freshen up at the hotel and he met me in the lobby with a big bunch of Gerberas. He held me close and all of the anxiety seemed to melt away. Our first kiss was in the elevator. It was a bit rushed and he was very nervous but it was the sweetest moment. I treasure that memory above all others for our first meeting.


                        I was the one going to pick my SO up from the airport. I remember I was so ridiculously nervous. I went to pick him up by my self. I waited for him at the gate and my stomach would lurch every time I'd see someone with curly hair come out the door (my eye sight is bad). Then when I finally saw him I just felt so relieved. He was one of the last to come out. We hugged briefly and then grabbed some breakfast. I had made a sign to hold up but I felt like a dick holding it so I put it in my bag, I think he was sad I didn't hold it haha. Then we took a taxi back to my house. It took me about 3 hours or so to just get used to having him in front of me. After that it was like we had known each other forever.


                          When I picked my SO up from the airport on his most recent visit I was doing the 'where's the tall one with the curly hair' thing too lol.


                            Aww I feel a bit jealous that I never get to experience this (my SO and I were close distance for about six months before he moved and we became long distance). There was the utter excitement I felt when I saw him at Christmas, but I'm sure it's a totally different experience.
                            ♥ Erika & Thomas ♥
                            ♥ Est. January 13, 2011 ♥ Became LDR July 1, 2011 ♥ Christmas visit December 24 - 29, 2011 ♥ Closed the distance June 2, 2012 ♥

                            ♪ Cause with you I'd withstand all of it to hold your hand ♫


                              Whether you were never mets or became LD after you started a relationship the reunions are always nervy and exciting. I don't think they're any less special

