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I'm freaking out...

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    I'm freaking out...

    Okay, so last night, me and SO are on Skype to each other, about 1am, I was already in bed, he was working. We were talking fine, he was in a great mood.

    The thing I'm freaking about is, he invited someone to the conversation. At the time I was like "Ahhhh! No! I'm all in bed and stuff" and he cancelled it instantly, which makes me think it was a mistake. And then called me back. Then we carried on talking no problem.

    However, today I've just been looking, and I've noticed it was another girl... I'm not freaking out big time. What if he was trying to be on cam to her as well as me without me knowing!?

    I can't type much 'coz I'm at work but can people see why I'm panicking!? I don't know what to do =(

    I'm really worried that he was talking to her as well... And slipped up...

    I didnt know you could web cam more than one person at a time on skype. Unless i have an old version of skype i dont think you can do that. You can obviously talk to more than one person on mic however, in the same conversation.

    Adding ppl to conversations accidently is actually really easily done. I've done it to my man several times when im talking to other guy friends. Has your guy done anything for you to not trust him? Do you know this other girl?
    i'd suggest you talking to him about it since you're clearly worried. I wouldnt do it in a accusing type of tone just ask him who it was if you dont know already.
    Have you had the talk about where you stand with friends of the opposite sex? For example, my man knows im friends with guys and as long as i keep my boundaries he's ok with it. He on the other hand has no female friends, he cut contact with them all when he met me - his choice btw but we had the talk about friends with the opposite sex and he concluded that it would be better for us as couple if he didnt have female friends.


      I doubt he was trying to be on cam to you and another person at the same time. My guess it was probably an accident and he just accidentally called this girl when he was on the Skype contacts thing, I often look whose online and sometimes I.M a friend of mine while I'm skyping other people. Was it a name you recognised?

      Have you always been LDR? Are you worried that he has another girl too? If you are (as the above post indicates) then I don't think you would be blowing things out of perspective to ask (calmly!) who she was. But as I said above i suspect its nothing, but if it's bothered you then you should ask xx


        Originally posted by redapple View Post
        I don't think you would be blowing things out of perspective to ask (calmly!) who she was. But as I said above i suspect its nothing, but if it's bothered you then you should ask
        This ^

        plus if your SO has ever used Skype at all properly he would KNOW that you can only have one call going at a time.. If he truly was trying to go behind your back with skyping someone else he really failed hard. It was probably he accidentally clicked or wasn't thinking whatsoever and thought it'd be fun to add someone else.. not sure why he would think this, but sometimes people have strange ideas.

        just talk to him calmly and rationally about it.
        Met Online: February 2009
        Feelings grew: January 2011
        First met in person: 4 April - 16 April 2011
        Officially together since: 4th of April 2011
        Second visit: 29 June - 1 August 2011
        Third visit: 28 September - 15 October 2011
        Fourth visit: 19 January - 25 February 2012
        Fifth visit: 24 March - 12 April 2012
        Sixth visit: 2 June - 7 July 2012
        Engaged: 1st of July 2012
        Seventh visit: 27 August - 23 September
        Visa lodged: 5th of November 2012
        Eighth visit: 8 December 2012 - 12 January 2013
        Visa granted: 8th of May 2013
        Hawaii: 19 May - 2 June 2013
        Closed the distance: 16th of July 2013

        Married my Englishman on the 4th of October 2013


          If you trust your SO this shouldn't really be a problem. Either he wanted to introduce you to someone or he was trying to call a friend. My SO has lots of friends that are guys and I have lots of friends that ar girls. NBD. As long as they don't start professing thier undying love for eachother im fine with it.

          Bottom lline talk to him about it, get the full story, and don't jump to conclusions.


            I can't answer properly because I'm at work =( BUT...

            No, I don't recognise her... The only thing I can think... Sometimes he talks to a girl, younger, who thinks he is amazing but she knows we are together and she is a neighbour so he is just nice to her. Maybe it is her? Also, you can have conference calls with many people on cam on Skype but only if you pay for it.

            Last night though, I don't even know if she was online... I should have checked but I thought it was a girl friend of his who I also know so didn't think anything of it at the time.

            We have always been LDR, and I'm not so much concerned that he has another girl as well... Because we've been over that and he has told me he wants to marry me, and only me, one day so I'm confident that is not the case... I just have one of those horrible feelings. Haha i'm a very jealous person y'see... Haha

            His phone is off at the moment, he's at uni, so fair enough... I will ask him later just calmly and see what he says.

            I asked a good girlfriend of both of us what she thinks and she doesn't know the girl but told me to ask and if he gets angry about me asking then I should worry.

            I suppose it would be quite easy for him to add her accidentally... I hope... Also, he cancelled the call within seconds! And he knows I saw it and I said "REALLY!? I'm all naked here!! I don't wanna go on cam to anyone else!!!" lol and we just laughed it off.

            I'm just really hoping it was just an accident and she is nothing more than a friend. But even so, I will only have his word to go by. Haha

            I do trust him though. So I think maybe I'm panicking for nothing.

            And he's never done anything previously to make me suspect so yea. I'm being stupid. Lol

            Thanks everyone =) I'll let you know what happens later when I ask. Haha Fingers crossed for me! =D haha


            ---------- Post added at 01:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 PM ----------

            I think I'm more concerned about why he wanted to go on cam to me and another girl at the same time, or together, especially when he could see I was in bed... Lol


              I know how you are feeling, I do trust my SO.
              But it did happen before that another girl 'popped' outta nowhere while I was texting my SO.
              To me, it's more the 'surprise' effect as you don't expecting a thing like that to happen.
              And well, having questions unanswered can make you panic a tad, I understand that perfectly.

              So yes, talk to him about all this when both of you are free and calm.
              And as other said, it's probably nothing but you can totally have questions and hopefully he has answers that will let you know that all is fine

              ♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡


                I think the most likely scenario is that he was messaging with someone else (or got a message from her), and accidentally hit the "call" button while typing. It makes no sense that he'd try to sneakily add someone else to your conversation - obviously you'd notice! And yeah, there's no way to have two separate video connections going at the same time. How would you even handle the two separate conversations at once?

                It's just as likely that this girl is a classmate/coworker, or even a cousin or something, as anything else. Just ask him nicely who it was and what happened.


                  You really need to ask him. Just try and keep calm until you can. If you dont ask you'll just keep worrying and coming up with more scenarios


                    Oh! I forgot to answer this thread! Everyone, thank you for your replies! =)

                    It's all okay , she is an old friend of his, he showed me her on facebook, told me not to worry, it was a mistake and he added her to the conversation by accident when he was trying to turn his microphone on or something. With her skype name being "Angel" she's the first contact that pops up when you hit add contact. So yes, that's all fine, I was freaking out for no reason. But he was very good about it. He thought it was hilarious I got that worried, laughed at me, but was reassuring and said he felt stupid for letting me feel bad about something he hadn't really even thought about because it was a silly mistake.

                    So, there you go everyone, as usual, just me having a moment for no cause. Haha But thank you for your support and replies =)



                      Glad to hear everything is ok


                        I'm glad you guys managed to figure it out.

                        So, I'm not proud of this...
                        Early on in our relationship my boyfriend met this taiwanese girl online that he was kind of getting close to, and I got pretty jealous. Once, I got home from school and called him on skype, but my call was rejected. I IMed him asking why, and was told that he was skyping with the taiwanese girl. I got all mad at him, and to prove that there was nothing for me to worry about he turned on screen share on ichat with me so I could see and hear their skype conversation.

                        I watched for a couple of minutes while he said bye to her. She asked what he was going to do and he said talk to me. Then, she got all jealous and said things like "you never have time for me, you always choose her over me..." So, his whole 'you have nothing to worry about' backfired and we had to have a long conversation about it afterwards.
                        Anyway, my point was, yes it is possible to have two calls going at one time.


                          I think you should simply ask. Maybe even, jokingly. All you'll do is panic about shoulda coulda woulda's without real answers from the source.
                          Not to get clever
                          but with you I see forever
                          But whatever it is,
                          Here's to you,
                          I Love You Kid...

