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I Have To Work During My SO's Visit, Any Advice?

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    Originally posted by Katelyn313 View Post
    Dylan and I did something similar last time I went down and we'll do it again this time. Granted, it's only been 2 days, but we still know what you're going through a bit.

    Last time I made a meal in his slow cooker, one we had decided on in advance. So he had a hot, home cooked meal to come home to (It made me feel very wifey to cook for him ) This time, I'll be cooking as well. Also, I used my time alone in his apartment to pamper myself. I did my nails (something I don't really have time to do when I'm home) and I read my book uninterrupted and just relaxed. I was thinking about bringing my cross-stitch next time so I have a project to work on. If she's in to crafts, maybe go to the store and pick her up something. That would be sweet and unexpected.

    I don't know how Dylan felt about me being alone... he said make myself at home, but I don't know if he felt guilty or anything, maybe he'll chime in here

    Anyways, it's totally not the end of the world. Like another poster said, any time together is better than none. And she will understand. Plus, it's real life now

    Enjoy her visit and good luck!!

    I was fine with you being here, didn't feel guilty or anything. Just felt anxious to get done working and get home to you.

    If you trust your SO to be in your home without you then don't worry about it. They will find things to pass the time. Just hide any embarrassing things you may have laying around. lol
    I triumphed in the face of adversity
    and I became the man I never thought I'd be
    and now my biggest challenge, a thing called love
    I guess I'm not as tough as I thought I was


      Originally posted by Jazi View Post
      totally agree with this ^

      Honestly, in "the real world" when you end the distance.. you'll have to go to work and see each other around work, think of it as a mini test run for "real life". My SO has worked the whole time I've been to visit since the first time I visited him. He has a set amount of time he can take off work per year and manages to make a little extra "overtime" to count towards a few more days of holidays but he uses all of his holiday time to visit me.. So he really can't afford to take anymore time when I visit him.

      in reality, you'll have quite a few hours in the evenings together if you work regular hours. You'll have weekends together, she won't have any other life distractions; she is there purely to be with you, can you imagine what its going to be like when you finally do live together and you BOTH have work? when you both have big commitments outside of your relationship? I actually feel very lucky that I don't have to work when I visit my SO and get to welcome him home from work everyday when I'm there, I take care of certain things too - like I do washing during the day, change the sheets, tidy up.. etc. I do all the things I want to do/need to do while he is at work so we can enjoy the time together when he gets home.

      This is what real life is going to be like, its a good experience to have, "knowing" what its like to go to work and come home to your SO at the end of the day.
      I agree with this, it's how I see things too. My boyfriend practically never gets time off when I come to visit, and he never comes home before 7 pm either, so we only really have evenings together during the week. But the feeling is different knowing there's someone waiting for you at home. He used to feel guilty about that but actually I like it like that, it does give us a taste of the real life, sort of, which really brings us closer together.

      I use my time alone to wander around the city, cook dinner and get ready for our evening together. It's a totally sweet anticipation and we both enjoy it.

      Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


        I know that it sucks huge monkey balls to need to work while she's there, but honestly, it's actually kind of good for the relationship... it's like practice for what it will be like when you live together.
        Maybe you can ask for shorter shifts instead of time off? Failing that, you can call in sick for a couple of days... just make sure that between now and then you make yourself irreplaceable. Pick up the slack for everyone else and make yourself a valuable part of your team. Earn their respect and be useful, they don't need to like you.
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          My SO always works when I go visit him - he's management and they kind of need him around all the time. I play house wife while he's at work. I clean, do laundry, and when I have my son with me we go take walks around the neighborhood to a local park and play for a bit. I sort of just started to learn how to cook and my last visit I managed to make dinner and have it hot and ready for him by the time he got home. Luckily (or not depending on how you look at it) I can access my work remotely so sometimes I log on and try to work from home. I also take the time to catch up on marathon cable tv sessions since I don't have it at my house. She will find ways to pass the time. It really is practice for closing the distance. We get up in the mornings together, I kiss him off to work and then when he gets home I get to kiss him again Just think of it as hours of anticipation to see each other at the end of the day.


            I knew asking for advice on this site was a great call You've all given some awesome advice, and I'm very thankful for everyone's input on this. Me and her have talked about it and while I'm at work she'll visit me to do some grocery shopping, work on some stuff for college, play on my PS3 (she's a gamer girl), make me some home made meals for when I get off of work, and when I'm home we'll watch several movies together while we eat our meals, and I haven't told her this but on my days off I'm gonna take her out to an amusement park, a place where they have bowling, laser tag, a roller coaster simulator, and a bunch of arcade games too, and occasionally out to her favorite places to eat.


              Enrique always worked during visits :P. He worked at a grocery store too xD. He worked more than most though. He's a workaholic and a bit of a freak with a new promotion every few months. So yeah, it sucked :P. I got use to it though, and eventually I began to bring legos and other things for entertainment during visits :'D! You should see the crazy shit I learned to do while he was at work @_@.


                Lol I'm the same I'm very serious and dedicated to my work and I hate missing a day, of course for my SO I'd take as many days off as I can. Knowing her she's bringing her laptop and her Nintendo DS to play around with and she's also bringing a cook book as well to practice making meals while I'm at work so at least she'll keep herself busy

