Hi honey--first off, I just want to offer you a hug. *huge, huge hug* No one ever, EVER should be put in that situation. You are an independent, beautiful, individual woman, and no man, woman, anyone, should ever treat you like your boyfriend is cheating you.
Everyone else has said what I wanted to say, but my biggest concern that I have to address, is how you feel like this is "all your fault." That's NOT true. You have EVER right to wear shorts, go to concerts, be an individual, for heaven's sake! The way your boyfriend is treating you is wrong, draining, and abusive. I don't know if your message is a cry for help, or if you realize it's a cry for help just yet, but you need to get out, and get out fast. You, as a human with dignity, deserve someone who treats you well.
I am not judging your relationshiop, nor can I force you to take any course of action. I hope, I truly, truly hope that you take time to re-evaluate if this is how you want to spend the rest of your life--on a metaphysical leash--or if you want to be free to be yourself. I completely respect the fact that you're not very comfortable showing skin--I think modesty is a very underrated virtue! But when someone forces your image into his own, and you don't even have your own voice, that's when I become worried.
I'm here for you if you need to talk. Please, feel free to PM me if you need a listening ear or someone to talk to.
I truly hope you can find peace.
Everyone else has said what I wanted to say, but my biggest concern that I have to address, is how you feel like this is "all your fault." That's NOT true. You have EVER right to wear shorts, go to concerts, be an individual, for heaven's sake! The way your boyfriend is treating you is wrong, draining, and abusive. I don't know if your message is a cry for help, or if you realize it's a cry for help just yet, but you need to get out, and get out fast. You, as a human with dignity, deserve someone who treats you well.
I am not judging your relationshiop, nor can I force you to take any course of action. I hope, I truly, truly hope that you take time to re-evaluate if this is how you want to spend the rest of your life--on a metaphysical leash--or if you want to be free to be yourself. I completely respect the fact that you're not very comfortable showing skin--I think modesty is a very underrated virtue! But when someone forces your image into his own, and you don't even have your own voice, that's when I become worried.
I'm here for you if you need to talk. Please, feel free to PM me if you need a listening ear or someone to talk to.
I truly hope you can find peace.
