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relationship requirements?

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    I only have three requirements really.

    1. He must want to get married and have children. It has always been my goal to be a wife and mother, along with my career aspirations.

    2. He must be hardworking. I don't care if he makes minimum wage or $100,000+ a year, he must work hard at whatever job he has. Of course, I would follow that rule also.

    3. He must accept and love my handicapped brother. This is the most important. If he could not accept my brother, he'd be gone for good. It's a complete dealbreaker. My other brother has the same rule for his relationships.

    Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
    Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
    Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
    Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
    Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014


      I'm not getting on the "you're young, slow down!" boat because I think it's about time I saw some youths taking their relationships in-hand and being serious about what they want for the future. I think it's good. I can't stand it when people don't really know what they want, don't have a plan and then complain about being LD. But that's just me. I don't think 17 is too young. I had a lease at 17, had been out of home for two years - and if I had of had some kind of standard for a relationship I wanted, perhaps I wouldn't have made that one huge stupid mistake? Who knows?
      But anyway Meg, kudos to you for being ready to live. Being an adult shits over being a kid any day of the week imo.

      For requirements, hmm. I have a few.

      - My religion, or agnostic.
      - Kids. As young as possible. I'm not waiting til I'm 30.
      - Kids to be raised in my faith.
      -Must love my cat too. Must never baby-talk my cat >< haha
      - Love me, love my weird family.
      - Willing to put me/our children first, every time. Before carrer when necessary.
      - Complete honesty, always.
      - No children from previous relationships.
      - Non-smoking/ takes interest in remaining healthy.

      And specific to this relationship:

      - Willing not to settle in one country for more than 5 years at a time.
      Last edited by Zephii; May 27, 2012, 08:11 PM.
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person

