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SO games with her guy friends and we barely talk.

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    SO games with her guy friends and we barely talk.

    Like the title said. My Gf for the pass month. has been gaming with her guy friends (League of Legends) and we barely talk anymore. when i ask her what shes doing she says nothing, we usually talk a lot but now she call me on skype around midnight we will end up talking about nothing and she doesnt want to do anything =/ she'll end up going to bed an hr later.

    My SO and his brother are REALLY into League of Legends. That said, my SO has told me it's a pretty time consuming game and I would assume it actually is because there's periods of time where he's playing it that he doesn't text me, but we do talk every night for the most part. I wouldn't get upset that she's gaming with other guys, but I would get upset that there is a lack of communication. You need to have a talk with her if it's bothering you that much.
    candi ❤ austin
    ❤ First Meeting [Texas] 2.17.2012 - 2.23.2012 ❤
    ❤ Second Visit [Wisconsin] 4.23.2012 - 4.30.2012 ❤
    ❤ Got Engaged 5.11.2012 ❤
    ❤ Closed The Distance June 24th, 2012 ❤


      Yeah.. you're right i do need to talk with her >.<! its been bugging me bad.


        Just tell her. You don't want to get resentful toward the game or the friends. Both will alienate you from her. Tell her you want to spend more time with her. Maybe if she is confronted with the situation, she'll more strictly schedule her game time so that you two can spend more time together.

        The most important thing is to tell her how you feel. If you don't, you can't expect her to understand you. Good luck
        Met online: Nov 2010 - Met in person: Nov 20, 2010
        Closed the distance: April 27, 2011
        Accepted to PhD program 200 miles away: March 2012
        LD again: July 24, 2012
        Left School and Closed the Distance for good: March 8, 2013
        Married: November 1, 2014
        Started job 200 miles away: February 23, 2015


          My SO and I actually play League of Legends a lot. It is a time consuming game where the minimum time is 20 minutes and can go up to 45 minutes or more. It's hard to talk to those not in the game or in a Skype call while playing because you are constantly active and need to be. That being said, time does need to be made for you. I agree that you need to talk to her about how it's making you feel. What about agreeing to set aside specific days and times where it's just the two of you? This way you can have some comfort in knowing that if she is gaming say on Monday, Tuesday (if it's your set day) that you will have one on one time with her. Even though my SO and I play together, it's usually with others so we have had to do this as at one point I was feeling completely non existent to him.

          Have you thought about playing yourself? This way you can spend time with her and have fun together. I also agree with the above poster about not getting upset with her for playing with other guys. Whether there is a Skype group call going for the game or not, pretty much the entire conversations are about the game...after conversations are usually about how the game went, who did what wrong or right or laughing at any trolling that happened. At least in my experience....


            Originally posted by Neme View Post
            Have you thought about playing yourself? This way you can spend time with her and have fun together. I also agree with the above poster about not getting upset with her for playing with other guys. Whether there is a Skype group call going for the game or not, pretty much the entire conversations are about the game...after conversations are usually about how the game went, who did what wrong or right or laughing at any trolling that happened. At least in my experience....
            My fiancé has told me he has had the same experience. They also tell each other sorry for the name calling during the game, haha. But yeah. My fiancé has played with girls during the game and it doesn't bother me any. I agree on the try playing it note. I have actually asked my fiancé to play, but most of the time it gets derailed. It is something that is going to be saved for when I move up there, but it seems pretty fun, in all actuality and I did play Realm of the Mad God with him which was a pretty fun experience. I think it's a good idea to play along, it can be a good bonding experience to play games together.
            candi ❤ austin
            ❤ First Meeting [Texas] 2.17.2012 - 2.23.2012 ❤
            ❤ Second Visit [Wisconsin] 4.23.2012 - 4.30.2012 ❤
            ❤ Got Engaged 5.11.2012 ❤
            ❤ Closed The Distance June 24th, 2012 ❤


              Originally posted by Neme View Post
              My SO and I actually play League of Legends a lot. It is a time consuming game where the minimum time is 20 minutes and can go up to 45 minutes or more. It's hard to talk to those not in the game or in a Skype call while playing because you are constantly active and need to be. That being said, time does need to be made for you. I agree that you need to talk to her about how it's making you feel. What about agreeing to set aside specific days and times where it's just the two of you? This way you can have some comfort in knowing that if she is gaming say on Monday, Tuesday (if it's your set day) that you will have one on one time with her. Even though my SO and I play together, it's usually with others so we have had to do this as at one point I was feeling completely non existent to him.

              Have you thought about playing yourself? This way you can spend time with her and have fun together. I also agree with the above poster about not getting upset with her for playing with other guys. Whether there is a Skype group call going for the game or not, pretty much the entire conversations are about the game...after conversations are usually about how the game went, who did what wrong or right or laughing at any trolling that happened. At least in my experience....
              Actually i do play the game myself. but we never get to play together. =/ shes either always in a game or in a ranked 3s with her 2 guy friends ..

              Btw. this is my main acct the other one was just temp.


                just tell her clearly. dont keep it insode. it is going to create lots more trouble to u if u keep it a secret from her. just tell how u feeel and tell you need more stedy conversations once in a while.


                  My SO and I play LoL alot too. The one rule we've made is i dont join group calls when he's on and all my guy friends on there know too. As soon my man logs on im ditching their call : ) We both still play in the same game with them i just have a call going with my SO. I have to say though there aint much talking going on..that game can get intense lol.
                  Can you not wait for her game to end and then join her? Or is she always "full"?

                  Any way you need to just mention it to her. She probably doesn't realise. I didnt realise how much i ignored him when i play with other ppl...


                    Don't let worries and problems grow.
                    Yes talk to her

                    On a personal note, i play online games a lot lately.
                    While my bf could take it as me being distant (he asked before and i did explain him).
                    I'm playing games so I can stay sane and keep busy.
                    It's my way of keeping busy or else I miss him soooooooooooo much I'd go loca...

                    Some ppl go out, some do sports, some play video games.

                    Talk to her and I'm sure things will be fine~!

                    ♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡


                      Thanks for the advices guys/gals! We talked last night say... from 10 - 6 am lol. she was wondering why i was acting kind of weird and she didnt realize it was bugging me. But things are much much better now =) its kind of hard though since we both game and so hard to actually find a game (preferably a mmorpg) to play together =/ WoW is outdated (thats where we met) and F2p games are just meh...


                        My SO plays league all the time and we go hours without talking because he's so consumed and when I do finally get him on webcam he's always itching to play so I let him go and play instead of cam with me sometimes it drives me nuts but hey as long as he's having a good time I can't stay mad for long

                        If it bothers you all you have to do is bring it up with her, tell her that it's fine she plays and whatever but you guys need to set "date nights" so that she'll know that certain days she has to give you her undivided attention and then she can go play all she wants on other nights so long as she checks in every now and again or something.

                        Met: 8.17.09
                        Started Dating: 8.20.09
                        First Met: 10.2.10
                        Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                          Have you both thought about or tried Diablo III yet? Me and my SO moved over to playing that instead of League of Legends.


                            Originally posted by rixue View Post
                            Have you both thought about or tried Diablo III yet? Me and my SO moved over to playing that instead of League of Legends.
                            We have! lol but we both weren't really interested since once you pretty much beat the game thats it :P

