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The "real" reason you're in an LDR

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    Originally posted by Malaga View Post
    I wanted a British passport, and he wanted a mail order girlfriend!
    Originally posted by GrandSupreme View Post
    Because saying I visit Belgium every few months just for waffles and chocolate was too weird, even by my standards
    Originally posted by CynicalQuixotic View Post
    I wanted a sophisticated French boyfriend for bragging rights and eventual French residency, he wanted a nymphomaniac American girl to realize his lifelong dream of banging a girl from every continent. While quoting Proust and talking about the great, nauseous void that is la vie, of course. For the glory of France. I guess that's why he keeps asking me if I've ever met anyone from Antarctica...
    Originally posted by kittyo9 View Post
    I thought the US embassy could use all the money we're spending on not getting visas.
    Originally posted by ioanna View Post
    we're LD because i live with 7 members of my family and we thought that him moving for 12000KM would give us more privacy

    You all made my day. We need more threads like this.

    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


      everyone knows what Australian boys are like. tall, tan, blonde, surfer? I scored a guy who is.... none of those things. oops. maybe I'm doing this wrong. :/
      ...if I stay with him long enough, by rights I should be able to hug a koala though, right?

      (I love my huge nerd of a boyfriend :P)


        I was in a LDR because I was not interested in any guys around me, and also because I only like Asian guys (Chinese, Japanese and Korean). I found my husband on youtube and later I found out that he's Chinese. I got friend with him on a forum and then we fell in love.


          Because I've always had a thing for older guys


            I must keep blonde hair alive and I also need someone who is crazy enough to sing with me whenever we see fit.


              I wanted an American to send me all the good stuff, duh.

              (actually I've only ever been sent American chocolates :c)


                Graduated from college, and decided to give things a try.


                  We met online in a game, pretty much like ChibiFelicia. Was playing Lineage 2, with a bunch of people/friends from my city and we switched to a random server, he joined our clan and we started hanging out. This was back in 2007/2008. Next thing i know, him and i are always together, playing and talking, and everyone we knew in the game/online has asked us if we're a couple(at least once, at some point), cause we sounded like a couple/acted like a couple (mind you, i had 3 boyfriends since we met). I recently found out one of our friends from Bulgaria has won a 20 euro bet (that we'd hook up in the next 5 years); it took us 4 years to hook up.

                  I have been in a LDR before and before that i almost was in one, but i also had plenty of normal relationships. Guess i still believe in that perfect love, but somehow this time i'm actually scared of the distance killing it. We're gonna meet in about 19 days and i'm worried it will break my heart when he's going to leave for home.


                    We were introduced to each other by a mutual friend who thought we should get to know each other seeing as we are in the same country. I figured I'd at the very least make a new friend. I never expected it to go this far. He chased relentlessly until the day I decided to cave when I figured it couldn't hurt to give him a chance. We're still going almost 18 months down the track.


                      Because I want a greencard

                      No just kidding! We met while I was on my internship in South California, couldn't help but fall for him...
                      \\ Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything //
                      \\ happens for a reason //

                      \\ We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing //

                      \\ When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” //
                      \\They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, I told them they didn’t understand life!! //


                        I wanted to raise my children in two languages, and I loved America so I decided to go there on an exchange and find a nice guy!


                          Because I'm too immature for a real relationship...

                          Yea right. I actually feel that my LDR makes me feel more mature, like, "Look at me! I can be in a LDR!" LOL


                            Always liked Military stuff n man in uniform specially military are so sexy/seductive/mysterious to me, so my friend has a husband in the Marines so we met trough them n got to have my Marine
                            so we're on LDR because of the military


                              *I am never going to marry an Australian girl. Too many of them are ridiculously picky and feel self-entitled to everything.
                              *I also love languages and want a bilingual partner so I can not only learn their language.
                              *Our love developed over time. (And I can visit Europe on the cheap )
                              *She loves the English language (and I'm Australian). She doesn't see herself marrying an Estonian.
                              *And yes, she will give me easier access to the EU .


                                We known each other since we were kids, dated as teenagers, kinda lost touch during our 20s and he moved to the US...............grrrrrr. Looked me up on facebook and all started again from there, and I'm ever grateful for that first message and friend request .
                                TBH he's the ONLY person I can be completely honest with and say exactly how I feel without fear of being judged etc, i dunno if thats cos of the distance thing and I dont need to see his face haha.
                                Does anyone else feel that?

                                "A thousand miles seems pretty far, but they got planes and trains and cars, I'd walk to you if I had no other way"

                                First visit 23/08/2012 - 05/09/2012
                                Second visit scheduled May 2013
                                Ended relationship August 2013

