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If any of you remember me. XD

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    If any of you remember me. XD

    Sorry! I've been busy with exams and a million other things.

    Updates: The SO and I are doing sooo well, we said the big "I'm in love with you" since we already said "I love you" as friends since very early on; Ana (the name I use on LFAD for his crazy ex) is talking to him again and being possibly more obsessive than ever, but I've gotten over it really; the boy that took me to prom genuinely likes me apparently even though he knows all about my lover. *sighs* But the SO and I are probably at the highest point of our relationship, so the rest clearly isn't getting to us.

    Anyway. How have you all been?

    ugh ex's are so lame! I am glad things are going well for you


      i wish i was just as chill as you. Im sooo jealous xD
      good to hear youre alright!


        Oh, I wasn't always this chill. XD My lover and I have had many HUGE fights and even a breakup over this girl. Sometimes I still want to talk to her, just to establish my presence in his life, because even though he's told her he and I are together, she just doesn't get it and he's found bringing me up in conversation serves no purpose except extra drama. Recently was kind of the thing that got me over this. I asked if I could talk to her (it's not like I ask his permission for everything, but we agreed that we would mutually agree on how this was handled) and he said, "Last time you tried to talk to her we broke up. Is it really worth that?" And no, rubbing in her face the number of times she's lied to me about him and I believed it, the number of times she's came between us... it serves no purpose. We're happy not talking about her, why would I want to talk to her? I know she's there, I know he's with ME and NOT HER. She thinks she's in love with him after confessing her love before they started dating or even really knew each other, then he was lonely and they dated for three months and things moved way ultra fast for them, then they broke up the end of last summer; that makes almost a full year she's been in denial about their break-up or at least still saying she loves him. Does it bother me? No, not anymore. He doesn't even reply to the ♥s she posts on his wall on Facebook... he out of no where will tell me he loves his cuddlesome silly koala. XD That's a big difference to me.

        The biggest thing that aggravates me about her is that she's really starting to get to him. He's a really spiritual person, as am I, and after anger issues in the past, he's used things like martial arts and just general calmness to not blow up at people. She literally cries whenever he has to go somewhere mundane, like the post office, and go no longer listen to her rant about how she hates everybody in life except him. On the other hand, even though I certainly want him to stay talking to me, I have to practically make him leave the PC to go mail whatever it is before it's too late. She threatens suicide if he stops talking to her, and that is the only reason he's still her "friend", because he just doesn't know if she will or won't, and he would really be upset with himself for doing something that in his eyes caused the end of a life. She's really getting to him, in his words "causing me to lose my Zen ability to remain calm", and sometimes he will internalize or think I'm too busy to talk about it. -_- It's like, nonono, you have to talk to me, love. XD

        So yeah. >.> That's where I'm at in terms of Ana. Don't worry, I wasn't always NEAR as chill as now, so all the circumstances have definitely affected how I deal with things. XD


          Glad to hear from you again~! >w< Glad it's going well and hope his ex eventually leaves y'all alone eventually.

