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The monthly PMS (only girls)

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    The monthly PMS (only girls)

    do you suffer from Premenstrual Syndrome ?
    how do you deal with it?
    does it affects your life in any way?

    i noticed and realized that my PMS started to get worse since i got the IUD birth control. I become so emotional, irritated, good n bad mood swings, bloated all the time, longer periods, killing cramps pfffff all the bad symptoms, im used to all these some days are worse, somehow i manage to go one day at a time n try the best not letting all these affect so much life.
    like right now im so sentimental ugh

    thought on sharing this page to the ones that has some sort of PMS

    and actually this is a good question for guys too, how do you handle your girfriends, sister, moms PMS ?


      The assessment tells me I might have PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder).

      The big thing that's an issue is the emotional bit--all the other PMS symptoms I have are pretty average as far as severity, but I get these bursts of really bad anger and aggression before and during my period. I usually end up having fights with my mom and sister (surprise surprise, but they're the ones who reliably take the bait), and often with my dad and brothers as well.
      I mean, I'll just randomly be overcome with this rage. Yeah, rage would be the word to describe it. All I want to do is beat the person senseless, and roar at them. It's usually all I can do to channel that urge into inanimate objects that won't break. I just banged up my hands on the bathroom countertop the other day, I was so enraged at my sister. Last month, I chased my brothers around the house with a flimsy plastic pitcher beating on them until they did their chores because they were pissing me off by not doing it fast enough. >.>

      Other than that, I get bloated, have some cramping, feel moody and cry over the silliest things...all pretty average.

      I tell you what, though, I was reading that website's article on PMDD, and I got to this bit:
      "While we tend to assume that a person's behavior is under their control, most women with PMDD (and even with moderate to severe PMS) consistently remark that during those days (or weeks) of symptoms, they struggle to manage their emotions and their thought process—despite tremendous effort to do so.
      This point deserves repeating: the origin of PMDD and PMS symptoms is not psychological, mental, or emotional problems. Nor are they a failure of willpower: a woman with PMDD can't 'just pull herself together.'

      And I actually started crying. Like...thank goodness, I don't have to blame myself for these outbursts. I get so upset cos I just want to stop and pull myself together and not be so angry, and I just can't. I can't stop that horrible rage....

      Anyway... >.>

      That's what it's like for me. XD


        I got an IUD a little over a year ago, and I've had very little trouble with PMS since then. In fact, I've had 2 "periods" in about 14 months. I do have hormone changes, so I still get a few PMS symptoms (mostly food cravings and tiny mood swings). But not very often and not severe at all.

        Before my IUD, I got cramps the night after my period began. Always at night, and they always kept me up. Pain killers didn't help -- even prescriptions. So I walked. In circles until I fell asleep. I would get a little crazy, definitely more angry. I'm usually pretty laid back, but on my period, I was always mad. On bc pills, my periods calmed a bit, but then I'd get terrible migraines during my period (possibly from hormonal changes) that could last for two weeks. It was hell. And all that started right from the beginning, when I was 13. So I started bc at 14 (didn't have sex until 18, though). It helped a lot, but sometimes it wasn't enough, and sometimes I'd forget a refill... It just sucked.

        Now the IUD is incredible. I can't forget to take it. And it pretty much stops my periods and all the PMS symptoms. Amazing. I would recommend it to anyone, and I'm going to be using it for the rest of my life unless I'm trying to get pregnant.

        ETA: I took that quiz based on my pre-IUD symptoms and it gave me a 99 out of 100 -- possible PMDD. Based on current symptoms (which it may overstate as they only happen every couple months, and even then it isn't all of them), it gives me a 39 out of 100 or moderate PMS. Just another reason I love my IUD.
        Last edited by sewbama; June 18, 2012, 11:46 PM.
        Met online: Nov 2010 - Met in person: Nov 20, 2010
        Closed the distance: April 27, 2011
        Accepted to PhD program 200 miles away: March 2012
        LD again: July 24, 2012
        Left School and Closed the Distance for good: March 8, 2013
        Married: November 1, 2014
        Started job 200 miles away: February 23, 2015


          Do you suffer from Premenstrual Syndrome ? Not at the moment But there was a time not too long ago...
          How do you deal with it? I try to be really self-aware. I pay attention to the fact everyone in my life is suddenly very annoying and I admit that really it's me. I also keep my SO informed. If I'm having a mood--swing (Gods but I get some awful mood swings) I tell him as it happens. If I can tell I'm being a bitch but I can't stop what's coming out of my mouth, I own up to it and later I apologies. Obi tells me he is grateful for the way I handle it all
          Does it affect your life in any way? Yeah. The pain sometimes means days off work, and on my last pill I would have awful migraines the whole week that didn't respond to medication. But, it's a necessary part of things to I do try to just get on with it when I'm able
          Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


            thank you for this thread I already wanted to post something about mood swings as it really effects my life (for some days)-
            Since I've started using my pill I have no pain,so that is good, but still some days before I get my period everyone is annoying me. I can't stand people around me and I'm getting verry bitchy and aggresive.. this weekend i had it and when my SO texted me I got upset with him without a reason and in the end he asked me if everything is ok with me.. so I just said that I'm tired and got offline.. I have to work better on these mood changes..but sometimes it's just hard to realize tha it's because of some hormones that I'm pissed lol well I guess I have to pay more attention to my body and warn everyone..hehe


              According to the test on the website I suffer from pmdd. It has been like that since I got off the pill about 1 1/2 years ago.
              It's not always that bad but occationally it's awful like this weekend. I get horribly depressed and super anxious. Im scared my SO will break up with me and I talk myself into the worst ideas until they become so real I can't get them out of my head anymore. I even get break up thoughts. As soon as my periods starts I'm fine again and I can laugh it off but in these moments it isn't funny at all and neither for my SO. I have no control over it but I've been sloppy with keeping track of my cycle and I will do better in the future so at least I will know what's going on.
              I also get some physical issues like migraines and bloating :/
              Thankfully it's not as bad every month!


                The test says my symptoms are moderate; I think that's pretty accurate. For me it's the cramps which affect me most - gah, so much discomfort! I can be quite moody by nature, so if I'm more emotionally unstable around that time of the month I don't notice much of a difference


                  do you suffer from Premenstrual Syndrome ? I scored 99 out of 100 for possible PMDD and was actually speaking about it with my doctors before I lost complete faith in them. I had a previous diagnosis, that only at the beginning of this year did they finally admit was wrong (took me 2 and 1/2 years to get to say "I told you so"), that got in the way, however, and it was passed off as "premenstrual exacerbation." It was only after that label was finally deemed misdiagnosed that they started listening, but there were a lot of things complicating even simply talking about it. However, seeing as the only options they had was something like a Prozac for two weeks of every month, I'd honestly rather deal with it.
                  how do you deal with it? With support. My family and close friends are aware of what it's like for me and so is my SO. He listens to me cry and panic about the slightest things, does his best to comfort me and reassure me, and he loves me even when I'm feeling suicidal or trying to fight the urge to self-harm. He understands that the depressive lows start about 1 and 1/2 to 2 weeks before my period and that it gets progressively worse to the point I'm more or less emotionally dysfunctional, then my period starts and I'm fine. I have often described it as a "lightswitch" effect, and there are days I am genuinely begging for my period. However, I simply deal with it by talking about it and trying to keep distracted. I'm aware I get depressed so I try and force myself to get out of the house and exercise and spend time with my family, Skype with my SO, talk with friends etc. even if I'm really not feeling up to it. It also helps being aware of it, and being able to breathe, calm down, and say it's related to my period helps as opposed to wondering what the hell is going on.
                  does it affects your life in any way? It affects my life so much as I end up suicidal and struggling not to self-harm once a month, and there's a lot else that comes with that level of depression, not the least of which is irritability and anxiety and oh my god, insomnia. However, I manage to deal with it and any of the symptoms that comes with it, be they physical (fortunately no cramping or only mild cramps, but migraines, eugh) or emotional. I have had a couple of doctors who have said I'm one of only a handful of clients they've seen so sensitive to medication in their entire career, so I'm guessing that that would explain why I'm so sensitive to my own hormones, too. There's speculation that PMS - PMS, not PMDD - does not exist, and there are studies showing that women who believe PMS comes with symptoms are more likely to experience them, and there's no solid, concrete evidence proving PMS is a thing, but sometimes I genuinely wonder if all those studies were done by men fed up with dealing with cranky wives. What I go through every month is incredibly real and happened even before I believed I experienced PMS at all, but eh. We'll see where science carries us in the future!
                  { Our Story on LFAD }

                  Our Beginning
                  Met online: February 2009
                  Feelings confessed: December 2010
                  Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                  Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                  Our Story
                  First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                  Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                  Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                  Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                  Our Happily Ever After
                  to be continued...


                    No, I don't ..... I had to have a full hysterectomy 2 years ago do to a medical condition ..... so at 38 I'm dealing with menopause & let me tell you that's NOT FUN


                      well i dont have pms i guess. at the time of the month i m a bit emotional, thats it. and my peroids arent regular anyways so i dnt suffer from crazy pms :P


                        I get bad bloating, some cramping and my depression sometimes kicks in. It's not so bad seeing I'm on the implant. It was worse when I was on the pill.


                          Wow. I scored 92 out of 100 and possibly suffer from PMDD? I might not have answered some questions accurately. Or I'm in denial. I do experience cramps (for a week before the period starts, and then more intensely for the first two days), I get bloated (especially my belly), fat, and very moody. I become agressive with my family (because they're an easy target), but I tend to control myself better around my coworkers. I just wish they'd leave me alone and forget my existence :P Some months I become very horny. Others I become so emotional I start crying while watching movies scenes that aren't at all tear-inducing. Or I wallow in self-pity. But overall it doesn't really get bad.

                          I try to keep an eye on the calendar to make sure I can differentiate hormonal mood swings from real feelings. I also let my SO know what's going on so he doesn't take things personally (though I rarely take it out on him). And of course I make sure I have painkillers close at hand.
                          I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


                            PMS mood used to be a constant state when I was still on hormonal bc. It sucked majorly.

                            Now it's 'only' the week before my period, with the two days before, being the absolute worst. I get all depressed, cry about the smallest things, feel like a giant walrus and my skin gets worse.

                            Lately I've been taking vitamin B6 for the two weeks before my period and it helps with water retention (no more swollen, hurting boobs!), but not so much with depression. Most resources suggest that working out and eating healthily also help. It's hard because usually chocolat and a book and blanket is all I really want when I'm sad, but I'm going to try to get better with that.

                            Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                              yes. grr.

                              jst before its all "I WANT KIDS. OOOO THOSE BABY TROUSERS ARE NICE LETS BUY THEM FOR LATER ON IN LIFE (later meaning about 10 years time...)!!!"

                              then during its all "IF YOU GET IN MY WAY AND PISS ME OFF YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE AAAHHH"

                              then after its all " "

                              then after about a week of being back on the pill its back to normal....

                              then it starts all over again...

                              it was all fine until i went onto the pill. its ALL MY SOs FAULT. grr.

                              rant over. bleaugh.

