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uhh, so frustrated

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    uhh, so frustrated

    Ok I have to admit, i get this way once every couple of months and I HATE it! I know its the distance talking and i just have to get through the funk.

    I feel sooooo frustrated. I feel like the distance is never going to end and i am never going to be able to meet my bf. I feel like I give all, and he gets comfortable with the relationship and then doesn't really try anymore. Like just goes through the emotions of it all.

    For the last week, he like disappears in the evening. I have no idea. Like, we will talk throughout the day when he is working, and then when its time for him to go home, its like i don't even exist. He drives like 6 hours a day, and so sometimes he gets caught up in traffic or something...i just wish he would let me know, so I don't have to wonder...I text him and he never replies..and then about 11-12pm he calls me. I ask him what he was doing and sometimes he says he is just relaxing or fell asleep. Idk I feel like he just is like, well I know she will be there when I let me just do these things for me, and then call her.

    I hate feeling like I am second best. I hate feeling like i was just last thought. Like, oh crap I should probably call my girlfriend. I have been listening to a lot of radio shows about people cheating..its pretty funny...but then it makes me paranoid and I think oh man, what if he isn't talking to me in the evening cause he has another girl, but I KNOW i trust him, and I KNOW he doesn't have someone else..its just when I feel like this, and I can't help but think about it.

    We have made so many plans to meet and they never end up coming through, and its getting sooooooooo old. I know that I feel this way because I want to meet him. I just want something to hold on to. I ask him to do simple little things for me, and they never happen. Its really getting to me tonight and i just had to vent. Thanks for listening to me.

    i know what you mean, but you got to do what you want to keep your self occupied, i felt just like you did he's out doing whatever, but he can't be on the phone with you all that time, i wish my gf was on the phone with me but you have your own life he has his own, just do whatever you can to let him know your thinking about him, send him a text he's gonna read it.


      I go EXACTLY through this, every now and then. It usually gets better but it's never a 180, but a 360 - It keeps coming back. And like you mentioned, it's the distance. So frustrating.


        It's funny because me and my SO just fought about this today!
        He kept making excuses to not talk to me on the phone and text me,
        so I told him that I just get so jealous because I know he has his own life but it sucks because I SOOOO badly want to be a part of it and be there with him for every second of it.....but i cant...and it hurts so bad!
        so he just reassured me that we will be together and We WILL spend evey second together! Just me and him everyday!
        I asked him if he talks to any other girls and he told me he talks to one other girl but there just thats kinda hard to deal with BUT I know that
        I just have to trust him, because if I dont, Ill make myself sick! I know EXACTLY what you feel, and if you EVER what to talk about it..just let me know! Y

        "Now, it's going to get harder but it's going to burn brighter and it's going to feel tougher each and everyday, so let me say that, I love you, your all I've ever wanted. You're all I've ever dreamed of to come. I want so bad, can you feel it too? You know I'm so in love with you! I need you so much! I need your touch! I'd swim the ocean for you."


          I have been in your situation and same situation like your bf. I guess it's normal, having this kind of feeling especially in Long distance. Sometimes i just feel that i wanna give up. I don't wanna have this feeling. My gf not trust me really. I know it. and so do i. But because of Love we re still together till now. We ve been brake up twice.
          In your case, i do exactly what you feel. Most of the time, my gf did the same as your bf. It's make me tired. But tried to do something else rather than waiting.
          Cheers okay

