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What was it like when you met your bf/gf for the first time????

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    What was it like when you met your bf/gf for the first time????

    Hi everyone! I'm a newbie here. So glad I found a site like this! I met my boyfriend online and we haven't met in person yet, but we have been talking consistantly for almost a year now. I live in Bangkok, Thailand and He's from MD but in the US Navy and now deployed on a ship! So, its like tripled the distances! lol anyways, I really wish I could talk to someone about my relationship cause not everyone that I know in real life can listen to me without judging me and my boyfriend. It has been super hard for me, and I cannot believe myself that I have been in love with a person I haven't even met before. I plan to visit him once I finished university.. hopefully by the end of this year and going to see him sometime in Feb, 2013.

    So, I wonder how and what was it like when you meet your bf/gf in person for the first time? (and maybe their parents too??)

    FYI: I have seen him...without clothes and stuff on skype before ( so we are pretty comfortable around eachother but its still gonna be a hell lot different in real life... right?? like in a good way??)

    PS. Anyone who simply just want to be friends and chat please feel free to message me (Sadly, I do have my worries and doubts about my relationship too...)

    I just met my boyfriend for the first time 2 weeks ago, so its still fresh in my mind! We also met online and had known each other for a year before we met. Meeting him for the first time was one of the most exciting moments of my life. The first hour was ever so slightly awkward, because yes, in person, it is a little different, but from there on out, things were perfect and natural. Just being able to hold hands and cuddle and kiss, and enjoy time being together without having to use words to communicate was so so so nice! He came to visit me, so he met my parents and they liked him a lot! So we had no issues there. And don't feel bad about having worries and doubts about the relationship. I do too. Its hard to know for sure after one visit (and definitely after no visit). But all I know is there is something there worth seeing if we could be together forever. Unfortunately, we don't get to see each other for 6 months. But at that time, I will be going to visit him and meet his family and friends. I can't wait!
    Feel free to message me and ask me any questions or just to chat and be friends!
    Whatever is meant to be will always find its way.


      WELCOME! I've been here for a couple of months and it really helped me a lot with doubts or just things that happen in a I'm sure it's gonna help you too

      I've met my SO back in 2006 for the first time..but I wasn't interesed in him at all.. I could say I didn't like him and made fun of him lol
      well last year when I went abroad we met for the first time and I liked him from the very first moment and the attraction towards him grew and is still growing.. he is my everything!


        Hi! Welcome to LFAD! You've found the right place to be able to talk to others about your LDR, everyone is extremely nice.

        I also met my SO online and we met just about a year after first initially "meeting" online haha. For me, I was really nervous. Just scared that he wouldn't like me as much after seeing me in person, scared that it would be awkward, that the feelings wouldn't be there, etc. As soon as he got out of his car though, all of that melted away. Definitely one of the best and life changing moments in my life. It was a little "weird" (well not really weird but I can't think of the right word) doing things that we had been planning for all this time, like snuggling and making brownies. Like he had been on my computer screen for so long and now he was right here! The whole visit was better than I could have ever imagined though.

        I hope once you two are able to visit each other, you'll also have a fantastic time!


          The first time I met my SO was...magical. I was so nervous the week leading up to the visit I could hardly sleep, I triple checked everything I packed and let my mind go nuts with all the "what ifs" but once I saw my SO walking towards me everything seemed to go in slow motion and I couldn't breathe, the first touch was magical, it seemed as though every nerve ending in my body was on fire and I couldn't help but cling to him tightly, although he was clinging with the same ferocity.

          The rest of the visit was just full of smiles and cuddles, just being totally comfortable in each others arms, it truly was the best time of my life.

          Met: 8.17.09
          Started Dating: 8.20.09
          First Met: 10.2.10
          Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


            Welcome to LFAD!

            Meeting my SO in person the first time was so nerve wracking but yet also so much fun. I had a great time preparing for weeks before, getting all pretty, cleaning my apartment....everything. Then we met and it was insane butterflies for the first few hours...but after we realized just because we were in person doesn't mean we had changed at all everything just felt so comfortable and right. Enjoy your first meeting, because it is a memory you will have forever



              It's actually a funny story. We met about 5 months after meeting online. As I was at the airport, I - blind as a bat - saw a guy come out wearing an orange shirt and jeans. That's what Tim said he was going to wear. So here I am waving like an idiot next to my car only he never comes over. So I get a bit closer and I still can't make out his face. But the fact that he wasn't even acknowledging me told me it might not be him. So I go back to my car, embarrassed and wait.

              Then he comes out and I instantly recognized him. He looked so nervous lol I gave him a big hug and I was so glad that he was there, flesh and blood, in my arms. Butterflies galore...but it was the best feeling in the world. Le sigh...oh the memories.

              Met: November 19, 2010
              Tim came to Texas: April 27, 2011
              Made it official: April 29, 2011
              Lori went to England: September 21, 2011
              Mini trip to Paris: September 22, 2011
              Tim popped the question: September 22, 2011
              K-1 Visa approved!: May 21, 2012
              Closed the distance!: July 26, 2012
              Got married: September 22, 2012


                The first time i met my SO I was in 2003 a few months after we started talking online. He drove up here and I met him in a parking lot about a mile from my house. We had talked online and on the phone for a few months. During that trip he also met my parents since we were staying at my parents house that night we continued seeing eachother every few months and talking online for a couple years then we lost contanct in mid 2008, and reconnected on facebook in March of last year well I was living In Connecticut helping my uncle out. I came back to Montana 2 months later and about 2 weeks after returning he came to see me for 2 days. When I went to see him about a month later I then met his parents, but I didnt know i was meeting them until after i got there and had dinner with my parents and brother. We have now been dating this time for 13 months and I will be meeting his 6 year old daughter for the first time next week. I was both nervous and excited the very first time we met and was very shy, but now every time we go to see each other i'm excited.


                  your stories are just amazing! thanks for all the replies. im glad to hear its not IMPOSSIBLE after reading all the negative comments about online dating and LDRs. I feel all normal now haha


                    I first met my SO in January of this year. It was the most nerve wracking and anxious experience shy of just recently obtaining custody of my daughter. We were nevermets and finally managed to arrange a trip to go see him. The last few minutes waiting in the hotel lobby were the longest ever until he walked in with a big bunch of flowers and a silly grin on his face. We embraced in the lobby and then he went for the kiss in the elevator. All of the nerves melted away after that. It is one of my fondest memories of us


                      I met my SO basically straight away, we had briefly chatted online for maybe a month but nothing serious. We didn't live very far apart at that stage so we met for lunch in a town part way between where we both lived. It was my best first date ever! We spent about 6 hours together that day & neither of us wanted to leave. We clicked almost immediately & talked about all sorts of things.

                      I have also met his parents & I was so nervous!! Luckily his parents are lovely. He was a bit weird around me while they were around but other than that it was fine.


                        I met my SO just a wee bit over a month ago, and I can say it was absolutely amazing. While some people speak of the first (insert-whatever-number-here) hours/days being awkward, for me it just... Wasn't. The most awkward part was me standing at the desk to check into the hotel we were staying at with him by my side... And I couldn't just tackle him to the ground and smother him with kisses right then and there, because it would have been publicly indecent. :P Had to wait those couple extra minutes, hah hah! But the moment we got into the room, and we were by ourselves, he sat himself on a chair, pulled me onto his lap, and then a massive cuddlefest began. There was literally no time for feeling awkward; our first kiss was literally probably five minutes after that. xD No awkwardness at all, obviously.

                        Being with him and doing things together that you just can't do in person might feel a bit off at first; I don't want to say it feels awkward or weird, but almost surreal. It's hard to wrap your mind around when you do the little, everyday things together, whatever it might be. Like I remember when we first went out to eat together, it was sort of a 'wtf' moment, but it eventually became normal, just like everything else. We even ran some errands that needed to be done together... It almost felt like I lived there and could see him anytime, doing all the 'little things' together, not making it feel like a vacation. It felt really nice, honestly.

                        And if you're worried, because most every woman is before they meet their SO for the first time... If you're worried about him not liking the way you look or him not thinking that you're pretty or something, don't worry about it. I fretted about it so hard for so long, but if he likes you enough when he sees you in pictures/on cam, he'll love you just as much in person too. While yes, it's very different being with him in person, its not really so different once you come to thing about it. You kind of do the same thing and talk about the same thing that you do over the phone, just there's a face to put to the other person talking, and physical contact involved!

                        Good luck when you do visit!

