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Weird or Not? (Long, but could use some advice)

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    Weird or Not? (Long, but could use some advice)

    About a month or more ago, in actions and words, he made it clear that he wanted to switch over most of our computer conversations to Skype and not MSN. I expressed that I have fond memories of talking to him on MSN and preferred it in some ways. However, he pointed out various reasons Skype was superior for most things (MSN he claims to only “really” talk to me on, he has more of his contacts on Skype, it functions better with his computer, we have much clearer and less glitch webcam calls, yada yada), but he will occasionally come on MSN “because I (me) like it” and to drive his point home, he usually will only come online to Skype.

    It’s just about two weeks since we had this huge discussion about jealousy and things. Where, among other things, he decided (not because I asked him, but because I expressed my discomfort) to remove this girl from Facebook, who has been a thorn in the side of our relationship from the beginning. She is someone he acknowledged having a friends with benefits situation with (she lives where he lives) when he and first met online and was rather interested in both of us for awhile before he dumped her to focus on me (this is way back like...almost a year ago). Anyway, he says it is over completely and that they barely talk, other than “Hi” and “Bye” if they see each other. Also, he has all these hot female friends, none of whom I have met and whom he gave the impression that there might have been a past there or some chemistry in the past or even now and never gave reassurance about until I finally felt too badly about the situation to let things stand the way they were. He apologized and has been really attentive since, told me some more details, and has said that he really wants our relationship to work. I guess these are other issues, but maybe it could be related or help you to see why I am weirded out by a small, recent issue (see below).

    So, in the last week or so, I notice him signing into MSN briefly and then signing back out. Usually, if I have my computer on (which is a lot lately with the job search), I will be signed into MSN, but appear offline...and I will stay offline a lot more since he and I are now doing the Skype thing for computer stuff. Anyway, I thought I would just observe for the week when it happens, as I found it a little strange...but I didn’t want to overreact. Sometimes it is just before I sign into Skype, occasionally when I am not invisible for awhile on Skype, but also sometimes when we are on Skype together. I know I sound a bit paranoid (although he does claim that he only talks to me on MSN), but the other day he did it when we were on Skype, I decided to ask him about it in a very casual way (thinking he would say something like “Oh, one of my friends where I live only has MSN, so I was using it briefly” or, more likely, since he was fiddling with his computer recently, “I was testing to see if it worked with the new system I put in”), I said something like “Hey, I just noticed you popped onto MSN.” (No response). “Are you trying to fix your computer again and testing MSN out? I’m glad it seems to be working out finally.” Him (something like): “Oh...I was just signing in and out briefly, checking to see if you were online.” Me: “Really? We were already talking for awhile here on Skype. Maybe there is a delay with the interwebs or something and I am seeing you sign in a little later?” Him: *quickly changes subject* I guess I should have waited to see if it happens some more, because now he could just block me and I wouldn’t be the wiser. Also, if he signs out for good, he appears in my offline contact list on MSN, but if he has it on his phone, then he appears “offline (but not really)” in the SMS category and the SMS category has been where he signs out to lately. This all seems so silly, but if it was really no big deal, he is practical enough that he would just say why he needs to use it for something else’s unfair and kind of weird to make me use Skype, knowing that I also like to use MSN, yet he is using MSN again.

    So, do you think this is suspicious behaviour on his part? I don’t want to give the sense like I am being controlling, but I feel like he should have a reason or a better explanation about using MSN when he has so adamantly insisted that we use Skype together and shortly after a discussion where I expressed how I need him to be direct about some of his behaviours so I don’t feel jealous or what have you (based on the context of what has happened recently, I am feeling strange about it). Do you think I should talk about it with him more/ how?

    Honestly, I would ask. There is not reason that if you have concerns or whatever to be able to ask and clear it up. I mean if you don't ask are you just going to forget about this all or is it going to be a nagging question always in your mind ( and that isnt always good for a relationship either) You need to be able to trust him,but I'd say go with your gut!


      I agree you need to ask him. It seems kinda funny he wasn't being straightforward. How long would he stay signed in? If it's for a minute or below it could be the messenger signing in for him but if it's more then there's a good possibility he's talking with someone. It may be a friend, it may not be and the way he avoided it seems like the latter. But yeah, you need to bring it up and keep pounding the subject if he tries to turn away from it. If he gets mad tell him it concerned you and his behavior regarding it is less than trustworthy.


        Well, thanks for thinking I am not crazy! I think I will take a chance to talk to him about it. The difficult part is that I haven't noticed him doing it again since then--do you think it would be weird or pushy (after the previous discussions) to bring it up now? So, either it wasn't anything too bad (although why the lack of just saying his computer signed him in by accident?) or he has become sneaky about it since I told him that I noticed what he was doing. plan is to be online (around the time we usually talk) on MSN instead of on Skype. I know it will be kind of punishing myself if I don't get to talk to him...but if he really wants to talk to me as much as he says and he is only appearing offline (or whatever) on MSN, then he will have to reveal his presence...right? (Yes, there are other downsides to this plan, other than the potential lack of talking to him--if he is really up to something shifty then he might not reveal himself, he could call me and bypass the plan altogether, or he could genuinely think I will only come on Skype and think I am unable to talk if I am not online).

