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Well I can't say that I'm surprised because I kind of expected it

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    Well all I finally heard from him and he confirmed it and told me a bunch of other stuff. Now he wants to be friends??? I don't know if I wanna do that. I messaged him on facebook saying I was hurt by this and how can you try and mend an old relationship when you're still in one. He told me that he was feeling left out and like I'd moved on.

    He also said that the ex that I talked to is really possessive and that one time she called him her husband..... She is scary. I thought I was crazy, but she takes the cake. He said he was going to break it off with her, but we'll see what actually happens. Not sure I even want to be bothered with the emotional rollercoaster anymore.
    Last edited by yayagrl; July 4, 2012, 04:10 AM. Reason: left something out


      the problem with ex-s is that they can exaggerate. its better to just talk to the SO instead of her. for example, the SO's ex once said that their relationship was stronger than mine n his, n that when he chose me he was choosing water over blood... (when i told the SO he started laughing n said she was rediculous).

      the point im trying to make is that she could have said some things to make you feel exactly like this - hurt, used, even cheated on. some things his ex said certainly made me cry n he had to step in.
      talk to him and make him be blunt. tell him exactly what she said, n see if it is true. it is your relationship with him, and only you and him know what will work, not his ex.


        Yep, I'd defintely talk to him about that she said. It could really be that she just presented things in a certain way to you because she's still in love with him and wanted to scare you off. Sad but some people are that way...

        As for the staying friends, I would keep my distance if I was you. At least for some time. Or are you really ready to be friends right now? He hurt you and as long as there are feelings involved, I don't believe a friendship can work after a break up that leaves one person heart broken. If you want it to work at all after everything you've been through.


          Sometimes it's really hard to stay friends with an ex ... I'm friends with an EX but he never hurt me.


            If he's going to let himself be controlled like that then he deserves everything he gets. Find a strong man and you will be much happier. <hugs> to you.
            Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
            Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
            Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


            You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
            Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

            Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
            Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!

