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Is it smart to..

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    Is it smart to..


    Im new to this forum and this is actually my first thread but lets get to the point.
    My SO and i arent in LDR because we both had a bad experience in the past with LDR.
    He told me it will be hard to be in LDR but he would love to be in CDR with me.
    We live like 4000 miles away from eachother and i actually have the oppurtunity to be
    CDR with him but only for a few months but is it a smart move to do that?
    Isn't it like way harder to go LDR again after those months?
    I dont know what to do anyone advice?

    Hello and welcome
    So wait, are you in a relationship or not? I'm a bit confused.
    I would say if you have the opportunity to try it out then I would go for it. It is hard to go ld after a few months of cd. I've experienced it myself but I would do it again because it gave our relationship a chance to grow and generally the chance to figure out if we are good together. And I had and awesome time in a country I had never been to before. It was so worth it! We could do it because I had just finished uni and I had a few months off until my job started. What is going to happen after the being close distance for a while?


      Hey thanks for the welcome message Well im not in a relationship because of the distance
      I have a few months off from school and I dont wanna just wanna sit around. I actually want to volunteer in a foreign country. So i was thinking about why not in his country at least someone can show me around and we can get to know eachother better. It will also be the first time we meet. He has a very busy job and because i will be busy volunteering i dont have to wait for him to get home because we both have something to do. I suggested it too him and he likes the idea. But im afraid that once i have to get back to home to go on with my study, that it will be hard for us both so i wonder if its a good idea to go through with this.


        Well the question is if you are both willing to give a ldr a go once you go back home? What does he think about how the situation between you two will be once you are gone?
        I can't deny it will be hard. This is my second ldr and it's even more difficult because I have such intensive feelings for my SO and communication can be difficult at times because of the time difference. But I want to be with this guy for the rest of my live and I know we'll be closing the distance sometime in the future and that carries me through rough times. Sometimes I doubt and I cry but ulitmately I know I'm not going to give up. Never. Because we're great together.
        Listen to your heart, that's all I can say.


          He thinks he will be afraid to let me go which i think is very sweet but yeah i guess i will never know unless i try. I will give this a good thought i am more convinced to do so. Thanks for the advice i will follow my heart. And i can definately relate to those emotions even if im only LD


            Hey, Nbaby. Welcome!
            I was in the situation where I was not dating my SO because of obvious reasons. Distance, money, time, etc. However, we decided to give it a shot of seeing if we liked each other in person first and then try an LDR together. We absolutely loved each other when I came to visit him. I am so happy that I went to see him, even though I have a lot of heartache from being apart from him.
            I agree with Kiyama though. As long as you are both wiling to give the LDR a chance, you should go! Just because you'll have to go home, doesn't mean you can't come back again in the future.
            Whatever you choose, I wish you luck!


              If you have no other obligations, my opinion is, why not? Take the opportunity! The one thing I would look into is visa restrictions. I'm not sure where either of you live but while in some places you can stay for 6 months at a time, other places you can only stay for 3 and have to leave for another 3. I also think you need to look into any restrictions/requirements involving volunteer work, even though it's unpaid, and see if you need to apply for a visa to do it and what that process is like. I only say this because you really don't want to take risks if, in the future, you do decide to close the distance permanently and have an issue with processing your application due to not knowing the requirements of his country. Other than that, I don't see why not.
              { Our Story on LFAD }

              Our Beginning
              Met online: February 2009
              Feelings confessed: December 2010
              Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
              Officially together since: 08 April 2011

              Our Story
              First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
              Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
              Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
              Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

              Our Happily Ever After
              to be continued...


                Well, what's harder missing him even more after being CDR or never having the chance with him because he doesn't want another LDR? If you can do it, I'd say go for it. Even if it doesn't work out you can chalk it up as experience.
                Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                  Originally posted by Zephii View Post
                  Well, what's harder missing him even more after being CDR or never having the chance with him because he doesn't want another LDR? If you can do it, I'd say go for it. Even if it doesn't work out you can chalk it up as experience.
                  That's everything I wanted to say


                    If you can do it, I'd say go for it. Even if it doesn't work out you can chalk it up as experience.]
                    Also everything I wanted to say And you don't want to look back on this and think "what if..." if you don't give it a shot!


                      Aw everyone thanks for the support i will definately do more research about it. It will also be the first time traveling alone so quite scary, so if i go i have to go prepared . hopefully i can do an update about this when i know more. I'm so excited right now!


                        Originally posted by Nbaby View Post
                        Aw everyone thanks for the support i will definately do more research about it. It will also be the first time traveling alone so quite scary, so if i go i have to go prepared . hopefully i can do an update about this when i know more. I'm so excited right now!
                        Travelling is such a wonderful experience. It really opens your mind and ignites feelings and passions that are so new and invigorating and exciting! Do keep us updated please!
                        { Our Story on LFAD }

                        Our Beginning
                        Met online: February 2009
                        Feelings confessed: December 2010
                        Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                        Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                        Our Story
                        First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                        Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                        Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                        Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                        Our Happily Ever After
                        to be continued...

