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Need a girls opinion on gifts

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    Need a girls opinion on gifts

    I have a question for all the girls that roam these forums

    This week my GF told me she loved me, and had wanted to say it for a while.
    I'm at home away from her, and I would like to send her something pretty soon, so I thought maybe a piece of jewlry would be a nice idea. We have been together 6 months, and i thought something like that would be a nice sentimental reminder of this stage in our relationship.

    And this is where i become stuck!
    I wished ide pay'd more attention about it when i was actually with her!
    I remember she wore this ring in the shape of a bunny a lot.. and also a necklace with a bird at the end, with a charm thing on the left of it near he neck.

    Arrhh i just want to get something that she will honestly really like!

    Do you girls ever get stuff from your boyfriends that you think is tacky, and you don't like it?
    Is this whole thing a good or bad idea?
    Please help me however you girls can!!

    This might sound cliched but I promise I believe its true. If you buy it for her and choose it with love, if you wrap it up pretty and send it with a sweet note then it will be the greatest of gifts. I'm an old lady compared to you (and thus I assume your girl) but one of the first gifts my handsome American man gave me was a string of inexpensive beads. I had been wearing coloured beads on skype and he had commented. I have some lovely pieces of expensive jewellery but these beads take pride of place amongst them. I even bought a summer dress with them in mind. I honestly believe its the giving of the gift that is a thousand times more important than the gift itself. I would say just buy something pretty you would like to see her wear.


      My SO isn't as brave as you, he doesn't dare buy me jewellery - and that's a real shame! Because you know, as Katrina above me said, it's the sentiment behind the gift that matters more than anything. For example, I daresay very few ladies are truly unhappy with the engagement ring their partner proposes with. Even if it isn't in exactly the style they would have chosen for themselves, it's the fact that their partner picked out a ring with love which makes all the difference

      Regarding what you should should buy your girlfriend, I think a bracelet would be nice since you've already noticed she owns at least one ring and necklace. You could stick with the theme of animal jewellery, as she seems to be fond of that, or just go with something completely different! My best advice would be to take a moment to think about her, then simply let your heart guide you. As is often the case when it comes to love itself, if you follow your heart you won't go far wrong. Best of luck


        Do you girls ever get stuff from your boyfriends that you think is tacky, and you don't like it?
        Yes. Obi's taste in jewelry is miles away from my own. Miles! But, there are lots of other things he's given me that I absolutely loved too. Gifts can be tricky and scary.

        Is this whole thing a good or bad idea?
        It's a good idea. The way people receive gifts (liked or unliked) tells you a lot about that person. Also, part of her will love it just because it came from you. It's worth the risk
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          If you're going to go jewelry I'd say ask her opinion, some girls get really picky when it comes to that. If you really want it to be a surprise could you talk to a family member or friend so they could tell you what she likes?

          Met: 8.17.09
          Started Dating: 8.20.09
          First Met: 10.2.10
          Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


            Personally I'm not so much of a jewelry kind of person, especially not metal jewelry (sounds stupid, I know). But when my SO bought me a necklace, knowing that I don't like wearing necklaces or any metal jewelry, I fell in love with it and I haven't taken it off since he gave it to me 6 months ago.
            I would suggest not asking her, because it kind of ruins the surprise a bit. If you really want to ask her to get her opinions on it I suggest mentioning it in passing because otherwise she'll guess. Just get her what you think she will like, as long as it's from you and something you've chosen from the heart, she'll love it
            No time zone or distance or anything can keep us apart


              There's no way to guarantee you'll pick something she'd pick herself, taste in jewelry is very subjective! You can't go wrong with something like a dainty heart with a touch of sparkle, and even if it's not something she'd have chosen, she'll love it anyway. Just don't go huge and super blingy, unless that's the type of thing she usually wears. Maybe a pendant or bracelet with her birthstone? Go a little conservative, you'll be fine, and she'll adore it. Good luck, and be brave
              Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                I'm set on getting her something!
                I just really want to.
                So far spent the last 2 days going through loads of pendants, looking for one i think she'll like.

                Thank you all for the replies!


                  You're putting a lot of thought into this gift so i'm sure she'll really like it even if it's not something she'd normally pick out for herself, because it came from you it'll be special.


                    As others said.... it may look cliche`...but its true.
                    I don't think it matters that much what you pick.

                    My bf surprised me with flowers once, i was super happy.
                    Last time, before he left he gave me a plastic bracelet he was wearing, yes its plastic but i wear it every day. It makes me happy to have it.

                    Anything my bf would give me, I would love it.
                    I`m in no position to be picky and I love him so much that anything he gives me comes from his heart and means the world to me.

                    So don`t worry about it too much sweetheart!
                    ♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡


                      Like everyone has said she'll love anything you get her because it came from you


                        Surprising her with flowers would be nice too, though obviously they're not a permanent gift, but with roses you can hang them upside-down to dry so you can keep them for a long time anyway. As for an actual gift, I can't recommend jewelry as I'm not a jewelry person myself. Even something that's not necessarily expensive but that still has meaning for both of you.
                        Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
                        First met: June 13th 2006


                          I've sent my SO a hint list. Stuff that I like though I give him some poetic licence of whether he actually uses it or just refers to it in order to find unique stuff. Hasn't failed yet. The bracelet I'm wearing is testament to that. I've only taken it off the once since he gave it to me and that was when I was possibly requiring surgery on my right hand after injuring it at work.


                            Jewellery is probably the best thing to get as something sentimental. My bf bought me a necklace a while ago that I probably wouldn't have picked out myself, but its my favourite piece of all the jewellery I own.

                            I'd say go for something delicate, rather than fashionable and chunky - something that would be worn for special occasions and stuff. And I'm sure other people have said this, but pay attention to what she likes. eg. if she mostly wears silver don't buy gold and vice versa.

                            Wish my boyfriend bought me a gift when I said I love you for the first time, all I got was "finally".


                              Oh wow, a lot more replies than i anticipated!
                              Thank you everyone for the comments! It's really made me a bitmore confident about getting her something.

                              Ive spent ages, and ive got a short list of about 8 items haha!
                              I'll try and narrow it down, or even pick something out tonight :P

                              Thanks again.

