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    I dig this thread. We lived our lives on webcam when given the chance and even went to sleep together with them on. We'd say our good nights and our good mornings together. It was the everyday things I craved more than anything.

    When was your first webcam chat/meeting? Were you nervous?
    I can't remember our first webcam meeting exactly...maybe in March/April 2009. I'm always nervous around her. It's been a curse since I met her as I was VERY good with talking with random girls before.

    How often do you and your SO get on webcam?
    Not often these days. Not only is her laptop is messed up, she's on deployment.

    Any funny stories from them?
    HAHA we tend to talk crap to anyone who enters our space. If I see a guy or girl walk behind her while she's on camera, I start yelling out dumb things. She in turn does the same to me. I throw things at the camera when she says something ridiculous. We also try and play games with each other online. One night, we took out our toy guns and tried to shoot each other through the screen. It was entertaining haha.


      When was your first webcam chat/meeting? Were you nervous?
      about two days after we got together. and holy bejesus were we both nervous.

      How often do you and your SO get on webcam?
      at first it was only a couple times a month, but now it's a few times a week.

      Any funny stories from them?

      the amount of hilarious things that have happened while we were skyping is unreal. one in particular I remember is we were skyping, and I walked off cam to grab something, and I tripped BACK infront of the cam. he seen the whole thing and laughed his ass off. at the time it was insanely embarrassing but now I think it's funny.


        When was your first webcam chat/meeting? Were you nervous?
        It was several months ago, around March or so. I did feel a bit self-conscious, as I was going on it the first time in front of him, and webcams usually make me look crappier than I am lol. I was mentally fussing over my hair and all, even though I was dressed casually and posed casually. He also seemed really self-conscious, since it was his first time as well..... aww that made him look adorable! Hehe I still remember how he kept closing his cam every once in a while!

        How often do you and your SO get on webcam?
        Now we go on it like every other day! Our conversations are mostly webcam chats! We are very casual and at ease with each other now.

        Any funny stories from them?
        None as yet. We constantly share jokes and laugh together though!


          I bought my SO a webcam for vday.. I got him the lifecam. I bought an apple desktop a few weeks later so I didn't need to buy a webcam. So around March was when we officially were using both of our webcams. I was a little nervous because it would be the first time I would see him actually move his lips and just watch him. It was amazing though and ever since then I've felt like I could watch him all day long. We do tons of stuff together now that we have a webcam. I could just sit there and just watch him do anything. So to answer the funny story question... He sometimes eats while we are on Skype so I get to watch him eat and I just laughed one day cuz of how he was eating and he says to me you like "see food" and I was like yeah but I don't want to see your food , so he sticks out his tongue and some of the food comes out of his mouth and onto his lap. He just yells shit! and I'm just sittin there crackin up cuz he was tryin to be all slick.
          He just gets me... <3


            @ Marian - that's freaking hilarious!!!
            @ Darth - I don't think that's abnormal. Webcams are full of evil.

            I have a MSI starcam clip thingamewhatsit. His name is sparky and he reminds me of ET. He didn't get a lot of use though, I don't like being on cam and don't miss it at all. I'm more of an audial kinda girl, rather than visual. Being on cam was something I'd do for Obi, not for me.

            When was your first webcam chat/meeting? Were you nervous?

            Gee, uhm.. somewhere around july 2008. Yes, and somewhat uncomfortable. But it was good, none the less.

            How often did you and your SO get on webcam?
            A lot just before we met in person, but over all not very often, it was a treat ^^.

            Any funny stories from them?

            This one time, we were both on cam, and it was morning my time, so I'd gone AFK to shower. When I came back into my room in my birthday suit I could see his grandparents sitting behind him looking intently at his screen!! Eeeeek! He had skype minimised of course, but there was deffinantly a moment of fear! We had a few other near-misses too.
            Cats and webcams are hilarious together. There have been several times where a cat's face would appear large on the screen, or an unseen tail would knock over a well positioned cam.

            Someone mentioned webcams with mics? I'd say DONT DO IIIIT. seriously. Like, having one that has a mic is fine, but don't use said mic, get a headset. The sound quality is much better, and random house noises have slightly less chance to blow your SO's eardrums out.
            Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


              Both me and my SO have inbuilt cams with mic in our laptops.. which was cool because we could take our laptop around the house and still talk to each other from wherever.

              When was your first webcam chat/meeting? Were you nervous?

              Well, we actually met on stickam early 2009. We tried talking on there but there was such an audio delay so he asked me for my msn and we spoke on there, then to skype.

              How often did you and your SO get on webcam?
              We used to speak every damn day. I don't know how we did it. I never got sick of him. I used to leave my laptop on at night beside my bed and he'd call me at 7:30am to wake me up for class and I'd answer half naked hidden under my sheets haha. These days I'm lucky to talk to him once a week, our schedules conflict too much.

              Any funny stories from them?
              There was one night when I was talking about how quickly his hair grows and how mine doesn't.. I mentioned his was getting long and he said, "want me to cut it?" and I jokingly said "do it then!" and he took his laptop to the bathroom, found a pair of scissors and started chopping off his hair. Utter disbelief written all over my face! Then he shows me the hair all over the bathroom floor!

              Also, another time where we both went to sleep on skype together... then I woke up in the middle of the night and looked at my screen (the light from it was so annoying haha) and he had just woken up too and we looked at each other with sleepy eyes and fell asleep again. :3 -sigh-

