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Saying "I love you"

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    What a nice thread. I love to read your stories.

    Mine is kind of romantic too. We were on a romantic weekend trip in Seattle, about 3 months after we got together. We stayed at this really cute hostel and one morning we were lying in bed, arm in arm and I was still kind of tired (he loves my morning look by the way so I feel like that might have triggered it :P) when he just said it. I was taken by surprise. I hadn't seen that coming at all We had feelings for each other long before we got together but never said explicitly "I love you". It took me a few more weeks though to say it back and now we say it all the time and even though it's often, it's still special to me and it makes me feel close to him.


      I'm with Kiyama, what a sweet thread and I'm enjoying reading everyone's stories

      Ours was before we'd gotten together officially (because we didn't want to make it truly official until we'd met for real) but we'd been talking romantically for a while but had yet to consider ourselves boyfriend and girlfriend. Keep in mind, we met on Twitter, hence the hashtag... I got this text message: "I know you're pretending to hate the mushy shit today,but, I spent my whole day just thinking about being with you and how our future could turn out. It's official, I've fallen in love with you Katie, #youwin"

      I got goosebumps and was trying to take a picture of them to send back, but I finally said that I had too but I was worried I'd frighten him away

      It's so sweet and I treasure this memory. He even took a picture of where he was working that day (a fancy place in NC) and sent it to me, before the I love you text and until we met and actually took pictures of us to use as backgrounds, the picture of what he was looking at the day he fell in love with me was my background for everything. <3
      My motor runs a lover's heartbeat
      It's just me and you
      Put the pedal to the metal
      Baby, turn the radio on
      We can run to the far side of nowhere
      We can run 'til the days are gone


        These are all so cute! I better tell mine...

        The *very first* conversation we ever had, he told me quite earnestly we were going to fall in love with each other. I was all, hahaha whatever weirdo. A few months of intense talking went by and we'd been dancing around the sentence for absolutely ages (telling eachother "I nnnn you" and silly things like that) when one night we had some small silly argument. I can't remember what it was about but he was a little drunk and almost hurt himself so I was acting all nonchalant saying I didn't care if he hurt himself again because he was an idiot. He started saying he could jump through this glass window right here now if I wanted him to? Of course I quickly started saying no! Don't be a dick! (Of course he was kidding, but the argument was mostly jesting anyway!)

        He then says, "So you do care about me?"
        Me: "Well of course I do, you idiot!"
        Him: "Then tell me that you love me."

        There is a looooong silence and I start to protest, saying I wanted to wait until in person to say it, and he starts arguing back saying fuck waiting til we see eachother blah blah... and while he is talking I blurt out, "I LOVE YOU!"

        More silence. He says, "What did you just say?"
        Me: "I love you?"
        Him: "Oh my god, I love you too" - and then he does this big speech about how special I am blah blah.

        Even though it was on the phone and came from drunken silliness and stuff, I thought it was totally fucking romantic hahaha.


          I had been planning on going to one of his performances with his family about a month and a half into our relationship, and talked to his mom and said I wanted to surprise him & get all fancied up, because he hadn't ever seen me in a dress or heels. She thought it was a great idea! So I straightened my hair, had a dress and everything, and then drove to his family's house. We were going to drive to his show early to meet up with his grandparents, since it was "their" show. (They live near-by and all of their friends/family were going to it.) So we had dinner at their house beforehand and I got to meet a bunch of his grandparents' friends. (There were easily 20+ people at their house that all know my SO.)

          Anyway, we went to his performance (I guess I should mention that he was in our university's varsity men's choir group) and it was really fantastic. Then, before one of the songs started he came down risers and I got excited because I thought he was going to sing a solo! But he kept walking... and I knew immediately what was going on. I should explain, the seniors of his group get two lavaliers-one for their moms and one for the girl they intend to marry. The guy presents the lavaliere to their lady on stage, in front of everyone, after serenading her (separate ceremonies, usually on different nights).

          I knew about this tradition from previous shows, so I was beyond excited!!!!He came off the stage and stopped at the end of my row. He motioned at me to come to him, and I just looked at his mom like he was nuts. She smiled and pushed me a little. So, after waiting for the song they were singing to end (it was probably the longest song ever) we went back on stage. Did I mention it was a full house? (roughly 2,000 people!!) So the song started and he sang to me. In the middle he did a little speech and said, "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you." I was overwhelmed and speechless, and couldn't believe that this was happening, so I could barely get the words out!

          After the show people kept coming up to us and congratulating us. At first I thought it was a little weird, but then it hit me. This was basically a promise ring. He just told me he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. Yup. Melted on the spot when that thought crossed my mind.

          2016 Goal: Buy a house.
          Progress: Complete!

          2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
          Progress: Working on it.


            We met online, so we spent a couple weeks writing enormous emails. We only lived an hour apart, so he came to see me for our first date. Now, he says he fell in love with me the moment he saw me. It took me a couple hours. At dinner, I told him about a scientific principle I liked because of its application to people and life and he said that's hot. And I was in love. (Usually people look at me like I've grown a second head...)

            That day we spent hours sitting on my couch talking (and kissing...). He asked what it's like to fall in love. And I said this.

            We were together a lot for the next few days and somehow it came about that we knew we were both thinking "I love you." So instead we'd say we were thinking something silly. That lasted a few days... Then, sometime around thanksgiving (less than a week after we met), we were laying in his bed, and I couldn't not say it anymore. So we told each other we love each other. Everything about that time was perfect.
            Met online: Nov 2010 - Met in person: Nov 20, 2010
            Closed the distance: April 27, 2011
            Accepted to PhD program 200 miles away: March 2012
            LD again: July 24, 2012
            Left School and Closed the Distance for good: March 8, 2013
            Married: November 1, 2014
            Started job 200 miles away: February 23, 2015


              I don't remember the very first time we said I love you to each other the first go-round (it was 15 years ago!), but I do know he said it first over the phone because that was before the invention of Skype

              2 years ago, when he came to see me (and there was no romantic intention to the visit), he told me he'd been trying to deny it for years but couldn't any longer and said he's always been in love with me <3 So of course I said it right back, that I'd always been in love with him of the best nights of my life!


                Aww, this is a really cute idea. He was the first to say it, but I had been feeling it. We were texting already for a long time but were both too shy to ever initiate a phone call, we finally decided to do it and I'll never forget it because we spent the whole night and into the wee hours of the morning on the phone with each other. After we hung up he called back just to say, you know what .. I effing love you! My heart melted and i told him I loved him too and had been feeling it for quite awhile and he admitted he felt that way for awhile too. It was cemented with the phone call and we've been crazy about each other since day one. He even texted it again one more time after we hung up again and I took a screen-shot of it [I still have it too] kekeke. I recently admitted to him that I had done that and he was upset that he didn't think of doing that haha.


                  I can remember it just like it was was Nov. 28th and he had just came into town for a visit. We were laying in bed just talking and he said "you know what?" and I said "what?" He then said "I Love You." He sounds not so romantic, but it has always stuck with me! Ever since then whenever I am missing him alot or in a funk...i just think of that moment and remember why we are together Oh and of course I told him that I loved him too


                    Honestly neither of us can remember the very first time it was said, probably because we hadn't slept in days cuz we spent literally 24/7 talking but I do remember the first time him saying it really sank in. I was sitting in spanish class (totally romantic I know) and we had been play fighting over whether or not he should cut his hair and I guess one of my answers wasn't what he was expecting so he replied "and this is why I truly love you, you always manage to surprise me even when I think I finally understand you." I just sat there staring at my phone in shock, like holy crap he really is serious about me, of course then the teacher caught me texting in class and I got in trouble, totally ruined the moment.

                    Met: 8.17.09
                    Started Dating: 8.20.09
                    First Met: 10.2.10
                    Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                      We were up late talking on Skype on Christmas Eve and I finally went to bed so we said our goodnights to each other. I was up in bed texting him and then he called me and said "I know we've only been officially together for 7 days, but I love you." And then I didn't end up saying I love you until we met in person because I was so shy XD


                        I said it first, on Skype chat, about 2 months after we got together officially. He was happy and touched but didn't say it back then. I didn't even think about it though, I knew in my heart how he felt about me. About two weeks later he said it back, on a Skype call. He said he thought about it and even though he wanted to wait until we were together in person, it felt like too long.

                        Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                          My SO and I have known each other for about 2 months and just officially together for little over 1 week. We haven't said "I love you" to each other yet but we give each other the "heart" symbol with our hands when we get off Skype cam. I feel we both do love each other but I want to tell him in person rather than through text,phone,or Skype.

