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Saying "I love you"

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    Saying "I love you"

    I think this thread was done ages ago but I can't find it, and I felt like reading some feel-good tales!
    Saying the big 'I love you' is pretty different for everyone, and especially with all the different ways people on this forum met their lovers, I thought it'd be nice to hear some cute stories.

    When did you and your significant other first confess your love? What was it like? Tell us all about it so we can awwww!

    My SO sent me a handwritten letter about a month after we got together. Deep down I suppose I knew what he wanted to tell me when I found the envelope waiting for me on our mat that morning! I waited until I was in bed that night to open it; after reading it through twice and shedding a few tears of happiness I fell asleep with it pressed to my heart. I didn't sleep for long though, waking up at 4 in the morning and sitting down at my desk to write my letter of confession straight back


      It was a Monday. It was my last week in the States, and my last day at home. He was supposed to work but he came over and brought me soda since my last set of shots that day had made me ill. I had to leave for Indiana that day, and although I would see him on the weekend, it was our last day together in Michigan. We just bummed around at my house as I wasn't feeling well, and my family was out of town. Finally I said I'd better go now that I'm feeling better, and he was sad but he agreed as he had to get to work. We were pulling out of my driveway, with me following him. I was on the phone with my mom, and suddenly he stopped his car and walked back to my window. I hung up the phone and rolled the window down to see what he forget. He said, "I couldn't let you leave without telling you that I love you, Jess." I was in shock. I just looked at him. That was so not what I was expecting him to say! I said, "What did you say?" lol He said, "I love you, Jess" and then added, "I've never told anyone that outside of my family." I told him that I loved him too, and then he got in his car and left. (Not as awkward as it sounds, I promise!!! lol) I was soooooo excited!!! I had known for a while that I loved him, but neither of us ever slipped I thought maybe he loved me, but that the words were too important to him to ever just say. I knew that if he ever said it, it would be because he truly meant it, and that it would be a big deal!
      So, I immediately redialed my mom, and told her, and I was so excited that I cried! It was the most wonderful feeling ever, knowing that out of all the people in the world, he loved me. I will never get over it.


        It was on the phone. One October night, in 2008. He had a hard time getting it out, though.
        I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


          It was the day after his birthday. We had just returned from Charleston earlier that day, after an amazing stay to celebrate his birthday, and were laying in bed winding down from running around once we got back into town. Out of the blue, he started talking about how he had been feeling this way for awhile, but was a little scared to say something because he wasn't sure if it was too soon, but he didn't care anymore... then he told me that he loved me. The timing ended up being perfect because it dawned on me that day while we out that I loved him! But it definitely made leaving to go back home a lot harder.


            When we were talking online, the day that he asked me if I would be his girlfriend. He said he loved me afterwards. I wasn't ready for it, wasn't expecting it, and didn't think I loved him, but I knew that with time I would so I said it anyway.

            So romantic I know, haha.
            Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
            First met: June 13th 2006


              Saying "I love you" was extremely clumsy for us. We had a lot of trouble figuring each other out in the beginning and even more so figuring out what we were. I grew tired of the confusion and while messaging back and forth one night I told him that I had strong feeling for him for awhile and asked him if he felt the same. He gave me a jumbled, awkward, adorable run around never really saying anything. After making me extremely confused (because I wasn't confused enough as is) I excused myself from the conversation to gather my thoughts. Later that night I sent him an email saying "Straight up, I love you." He sent one back apologizing for the confusion and admitting that he loved me as well but had a hard time explaining that at the time.


                hehe me and my SO are now together for over a year and we still haven't said it. When we were CD it was too soon to say it, moreover we didn't know if we would ever see eachother again.. The things he write and desribes me I think he is ready to say it cause he feel it and so am I.. but I think we both wait for this summer to tell eachother. I already thought about how I could tell him this..or which moment would be he or him first..blabla I think I will just say it when I feel it


                  We was on the phone and just before we hung up he said I love you sweetheart. It caught me off guard.


                    I don't know when it was first said but I know it was him that said it first. It took me a while to say it back but I always had my misgivings because we hadn't met. The moment I had to leave him to board the plane to come home after my first visit I truly felt it. It broke my heart to leave him but it made me realise how much he really meant to me and how much I really did love him for the person he is.


                      You mean so much to me sweetheart, you truly bring happiness into my life and I am very lucky and grateful to have you <3


                        We'd been together a year before he said it. I said it to him 6 months prior, but honestly i dont think i was ready to say it. Even now we've been together for 3 years and are getting married next month, we've only said i love you to each other maybe 4 to 5 times. We know how each other feels but when he actually says it, the emotion i feel is, well amazing.


                          We'd been a couple for just over two months. I was on vacation with him and his family in Minnesota, and on our last night there, he and I walked out to sit on the dock on the lake we were staying by, to watch the stars and just be alone. There was a lull in our conversation, and I'd been saying the words in my head, trying to get the courage to say them out loud, when he conveniently asked me what I was thinking. So, I told him honestly - "I'm thinking I love you." He had his arms around me, and I could feel him lighten when I said it. He said he'd been wanting to say it all week, that there were so many moments he felt it but there were always other people around, that he'd never said it to a woman outside his family before, and that it felt so good to finally say it. Then he leaned in to kiss me, and I pointed out that he hadn't actually said it yet himself. He laughed and realized I was right, and then said it. It was pretty wonderful.


                            I wouldn't say ours was very romantic at all. It was actually said before we'd even gotten together! And after something of an argument too...

                            It was in January, and after we'd sorted things through (can't even remember what it was about, talk about the little things), I said, "Well, I love you, pup (inside joke)." I didn't expect to hear it from him simply because I was plenty okay with saying I love you as his friend, as I'd clarified before that's what I meant, but then he came out with, "Okay." -pause- "Well I love you too. " I was a bit taken aback by it and also a bit surprised at the flood of heat and butterflies. xD I took it as friendship love at the time, but either later in the conversation or in the next day, he said he'd meant it as more than a friendship thing.

                            So... awkward.

                            EDIT: P.S. I say this but I wouldn't have had it any other way.
                            { Our Story on LFAD }

                            Our Beginning
                            Met online: February 2009
                            Feelings confessed: December 2010
                            Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                            Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                            Our Story
                            First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                            Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                            Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                            Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                            Our Happily Ever After
                            to be continued...


                              Let's see...the very first time he said it, he was drunk and it was on MSN (after a week that we met). So I'm not going to count that one LOL

                              The first *real* time he said it, he was visiting me in Texas and we were in bed, holding each other. He whispered in my ear, "I have a secret." And then he told me he loved me. I didn't really know how I felt so I didn't say it back But I knew I loved him and I finally told him the next day. So yeah...

                              Met: November 19, 2010
                              Tim came to Texas: April 27, 2011
                              Made it official: April 29, 2011
                              Lori went to England: September 21, 2011
                              Mini trip to Paris: September 22, 2011
                              Tim popped the question: September 22, 2011
                              K-1 Visa approved!: May 21, 2012
                              Closed the distance!: July 26, 2012
                              Got married: September 22, 2012

