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I need your opinion on this...

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    I need your opinion on this...

    Hi everyone. I haven't posted here much but have been reading your stories since I joined LFAD. I have to say that this is a great community.

    First a little background. I have started working in this company exactly a year ago, on July 2011. I have got this position since I am bilingual, as the company needed a translator. That is how I met my SO, who was one of the owners of the company (read: boss), but nothing happened till November 2011. He showed interest in me, we talked, he said he had a crush on me, and the rest is history. He lives in Athens, Greece, I am in Serbia.

    Everything was okay in the first couple of months. He used to come to Belgrade more often, apart from the fact that he was coming here mainly for work, we had a nice time together. He asked me that no one in the company should know of our relationship, and I respected that, although I didn't really like it.

    Around February the problems started, both with work and in our relationship. The company in Greece started having financial problems, and he was very stressed about that. The sister company in Serbia didn't do well either. I was stressed because we talked less, and I missed him a lot. The longest time between visits was 3 months, and I think it was the worst period in our relationship.

    He told me to give him some time to think what he wants to have with me and what he can do for our relationship. I think I gave him enough time, and last time he came for a visit (end of May) I asked him whether he planned something more serious with me. He didn't reply immediately, but told me he currently has too many problems in his life he can't escape or solve. He asked me whether I would leave everything here and move with him to Athens, I said "yes". He held my hand.

    That same night he texted me asking me whether I was okay. I replied "How should I be okay when I love you?" And he said that I should be happy for the time we had together, for the things we did together, yada yada yada. I felt like someone had taken the ground under my feet. I didn't sleep at all that night. Next day I came to him and cried in his arms. I know, pathetic, but the only thing I wanted was to be with him.

    Before he left, he told me he couldn't have a girlfriend at that time, that he lost interest in life and in love, and some more depressive thoughts of that sort, but that didn't stop him from making love to me.

    When he returned to Athens, he changed. He stopped calling me and texting me. We still had to talk about work, but that was all. I felt awful.

    Two days ago, I sent him an email explaining my thoughts and feelings. I told him I understood his problems with work and not having time and will, told him I loved him but couldn't stand it anymore. He is my first boyfriend, the first man I slept with. He is special to me. But I didn't wait all these years for a superficial relationship.

    His answer was that he has the nicest feelings for me, but he can't be my husband and I can't be his wife. He told me that he wasn't talking to me because he wanted me to surpass the tension I had with him. And when I told him that I never wanted him to be my husband, he replied that he wanted me to be his wife. But that he gave it a lot of thought and ended up with the conclusion that we wouldn't be happy together. He also told me he wanted me to be there for him, and him being there for me in this life. He said he wanted me to be happy, and that he knows it.

    I didn't reply. I knew that was it. I got home from work and started crying my eyes off.

    Three hours since his last email, he called me. I was surprised and wandered whether to answer, but eventually did. He asked me how I was feeling. He realised I was crying, and asked me why I was crying. What was I supposed to do? I love him, it hurts. We talked about half an hour. He started saying sweet things to me, which he didn't do in weeks. When we hang up, I he just left me perplexed. Why did he call me when he wanted me to surpass the tension with not communicating with me? What is he really wanting and feeling?

    He is to come to Serbia next week, and I am not sure what I should do. What to tell him, and how to act? My feelings for him are very strong, but I am stressed and sad. I am not sure whether I should give it some more time, or just come to terms with the fact this should be over.

    Any opinions?
    Last edited by Berna; July 12, 2012, 06:47 AM.

    I'm sorry you got treated so poorly. To be blunt, he's told you several times he doesn't want you as a girlfriend or wife, you've got to take that exactly as he's said. Sweet words and sex really don't mean much, both are cheap and easy, especially for a guy looking to get laid. I'm sorry honey, I know you fell in love with him, but believe him when he tells you he doesn't want a girlfriend. If you continue this, you're only going to end up even more hurt To be honest, if I were you, I'd be starting my search for a new job immediately, with the history you two have, and him being your boss, it's not going to be a good situation for you. I don't think you're quite ready to take this type of advice yet, but keep it in mind, OK? The faster you come to terms with it being over, the faster you can start the healing process. Good luck.
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      Did you ever visit him in Athens or was it always him coming to see you? Did he ever come for you alone or was it always primarily for work?
      I'm really sorry you're in this situation. In my honest opinion, it seems like he went for something 'on the side' on his business travels and hit the brakes when you told him you want to be serious. This has nothing to do with you, it's how he preconditioned himself from the start. He's now trying to pull out but still remain the nice guy which is why he's telling you nice things which are completely contradictory. Because staying in your good books and 'having you there for him' means he can get laid again sometime on his next trip. You know you won't be happy with that arrangement so don't settle for something less than what you want.

      I'm sorry if what I say is hurtful, I don't wish you harm but I just want to tell you the way it looks to a neutral.
      It's bad to break up with your first love like that, but you'll find someone much better for you and you'll realise what true love is. I wish you all the best xx
      Last edited by Malaga; July 12, 2012, 09:06 AM.

      Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


        That sucks I'm so sorry that you got treated that way and especially by your first. While I'm all for giving people the benefit of the doubt... I don't think this guy warrants it. To me, it seems like he doesn't want to be with you right now but thinks he may at some point in the future so he is pushing you away whilst still keeping you tied to him which is beyond unfair, it's downright cruel. I think that when he comes to visit for work, don't be rude, don't ignore him, don't mention anything to do with the 2 of you as a couple. Be polite and show that YOU are the bigger person. I also agree with Moon that maybe a new job is in order (especially if the company is having problems)

        If you ever need to talk, feel free to PM me.

        PS: I LOVE the dog you have in your sig pic.


          I'm sorry to say this but I don't think he's really into you. It sounds like he likes you but that his heart isn't in it, otherwise he wouldn't treat you as poorly as he does
          It seems he goes to your city for work and has a little fun with you at the same time. You've developed feelings and he started to feel rushed into something he didn't want: a relationship. I'm not saying he's a bad guy but it doesn't look like you two want the same thing so at would recommend for you to get out of it, as much as it might hurt
          I'm really sorry to be so blunt and I don't want to hurt you but this doesn't sound good at all. My heart is reaching out for you.


            I think he's playing games. He doesn't want a seriosu relationship, he just wants to keep you on the back burner. Don't let yourself be treated this way, you deserve better!

            Met online: 1/30/11
            Met in person: 5/30/12
            Second visit: 9/12/12
            Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


              Thank you very much everyone. I appreciate all your replies. Sometimes when strong feelings are involved you don't want to see the truth, that is why your input is precious.

              I did live without him all these years and have been with him for 8 months, but for some reason I feel so scared and uncertain of everything. I don't feel like I am myself.

              Did you ever visit him in Athens or was it always him coming to see you? Did he ever come for you alone or was it always primarily for work?
              He did invite me to come to Athens, he said "You choose the days and I will pay the ticket for you." Well, I was shy and didn't want to bother him, especially because he didn't mention it afterwards. When I had a day off on May 1st, I asked him to come to Athens (for the weekend and for May 1st which is holiday, so he wouldn't have to work). He asked me if I could come to Thessaloniki instead, a town in Northern Greece. I was very mad at him and told him that I wasn't coming. He always comes primarily for work to Serbia, although he mentioned he would like to spend his holidays here. That never happened though.

              Finding a job is really difficult here, and I consider myself very lucky to have found this one. The salary is okay and my colleagues are okay. I did the stupid mistake to get involved romantically with the boss. Word of advice: don't ever do that!
              Last edited by Berna; July 12, 2012, 02:14 PM.


                I'm sorry you were treated this way, but I just don't think he's that into you. Some men are very good at telling women what they want to hear in order to "stay in the game". It sounds to me he just want something fun on the side with no commitments.

                And it also sounds like he isn't sure what he wants as well. He seems to be very wishy-washy and goes back and forth between his decisions.

