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5 Languages of Love?

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    5 Languages of Love?

    Has anyone done the quiz?

    I did it(even thought not married) results were:

    10 Words of Affirmation
    8 Quality Time
    3 Receiving Gifts
    3 Acts of Service
    6 Physical Touch

    I really want to pick up the book as well, but not sure if I should? Anyone read it?
    Makes my heart feel better a tiny bit.

    My former manager actually told me about the book, though I haven't read it myself I am beating self up for not picking up a copy when a chain bookstore was closing in my area.. She said it's really good and highly recommends it.


      My SO and I both did this. I got:

      4 Words of Affirmation
      10 Quality Time
      0 Receiving Gifts
      7 Acts of Service
      9 Physical Touch

      And my SO went, "That's you... no gifts, and words won't work on you!" xD
      Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
      Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
      Engaged: 09/26/2020


        9 Words of Affirmation
        7 Quality Time
        3 Receiving Gifts
        4 Acts of Service
        7 Physical Touch

        It's actually pretty accurate. =p I'm always in need of affirmation, i need him to tell me things to reassure me that he still feels the same about me since day 1. i can't wait to have my SO take this and see what he scores


          3 Words of Affirmation
          10 Quality Time
          3 Receiving Gifts
          6 Acts of Service
          8 Physical Touch

          I've read the "5 Love Languages for Singles" version of the book, and got more or less the same results (I took the "wife" quiz on the website). I've always known that Quality Time is my primary love language, but I think Physical Touch has risen in importance for me since being with my SO.

          I definitely recommend the book for anyone. I know it can sound kind of cliche and silly when you just read about or hear someone describe it, but it really is great. It inspired a lot of self-reflection for me, and I think it's influenced the way I express my love to all the important people in my life; not just my SO. It's definitely a worthwhile read for couples, too.


            I did the singles version as I felt it would be a bit weird doing the married verson. My results were :

            9 Quality Time
            8 Acts of Service
            8 Physical Touch
            3 Words of Affirmation
            2 Receiving gifts.


              4 Words of Affirmation
              8 Quality Time
              4 Receiving Gifts
              4 Acts of Service
              10 Physical Touch

              Mine fits pretty well :P

              Met: 8.17.09
              Started Dating: 8.20.09
              First Met: 10.2.10
              Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                I did the singles one where it refers to your special someone rather than the wife one referring to her husband (not quite there yet :P)

                2 Words of Affirmation
                9 Quality Time
                2 Receiving Gifts
                11 Acts of Service
                6 Physical Touch

                I think mine is spot on. I don't really care much for gifts or empty words, actions have always held much meaning for me. I also love the time I spend with my SO.


                  2 Words of Affirmation
                  11 Quality Time
                  1 Receiving Gifts
                  10 Acts of Service
                  6 Physical Touch

                  I think mine fit quite well.


                    5 Words of Affirmation
                    7 Quality Time
                    3 Receiving Gifts
                    6 Acts of Service
                    9 Physical Touch

                    I love it when my husband touches me <3


                      8 Words of Affirmation
                      10 Quality Time
                      1 Receiving Gifts
                      2 Acts of Service
                      9 Physical Touch

                      I got somewhat annoyed at the emphasis on gifts :P
                      I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


                        Originally posted by Kanga View Post
                        I really want to pick up the book as well, but not sure if I should? Anyone read it?
                        The 5 Love Languages book is amazing. I have a copy of it, and bought a copy of it for my boyfriend. There are versions for kids, teens, women, men, married, single, etc. It's a fantastic book-I definitely recommend reading it. It's great to start with the quiz, and have your SO's take it as well! But the chapters (very easy to read, relatively short) give some more insight into each love language, and give some ideas on how to fill your emotional tank, as Dr. Chapman references. The book is great for helping you understand what makes your partner (kid/SO/etc) happy as well.

                        How's your emotional tank, today? Fairly full, or leaning towards empty?

                        2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                        Progress: Complete!

                        2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                        Progress: Working on it.


                          Originally posted by TwoThree View Post
                          8 Words of Affirmation
                          10 Quality Time
                          1 Receiving Gifts
                          2 Acts of Service
                          9 Physical Touch

                          I got somewhat annoyed at the emphasis on gifts :P
                          Me too! I was like, given a choice between GIFTS and ANYTHING ELSE, I'll usually pick anything else... Why is so much of it focused on gifts? xD
                          Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
                          Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
                          Engaged: 09/26/2020


                            I've read the 5 languages of love for children but not the adult version. Perhaps I should. My SO did the test and got pretty high on the quality time part too. Though he is more affirmation focused and I'm more acts of service focused. Neither of us are particularly big on gifts.


                              It's funny to me that a couple of you have mentioned that you're not high on gifts and you wish it wasn't so focused on it... my SO's secondary love language is gifts. It's not that he wants expensive things; he still has a couple of notes that I left for him in his apartment over a year ago. I've noticed that the little things I have done for him are the things he likes the most. I left for work before him a couple times when we were able to be CD, and left him a note saying it was supposed to rain, so not to forget his umbrella. His favorite thing is when I bake him things. So gifts don't have to be expensive or extravagant, but they all mean something because I gave them to him.

                              Our primary love language is the same, however, we're both QT people. My secondary is physical touch, which I noticed that while we are able to be together he reaches for my hand or hugs me more frequently. Or sits on me (lol). I'm not sure if it's because of the LLs, or if it's because we're LD now, but either way, I absolutely love it. (Yes, even when he squashes me.)

                              2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                              Progress: Complete!

                              2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                              Progress: Working on it.

