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Flying to Canada today!

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    Flying to Canada today!

    It's been ten months since I last saw/met my lover in the flesh... we've gone through sooooooooooo much since then, both of us kept saying we couldn't do long distance and refusing to commit fully, we both started seeing other people... but throughout it all we still kept in contact every single day, and nothing had really changed. Finally about three months ago we realised even though we kept *saying* we weren't in a relationship, we'd been in one pretty much from day one.
    So, we did some brainstorming and planning and decided that I would visit for a month as a "trial" living together project and if it worked out, then we'd buckle down and actually commit to doing this real proper long distance relationship thing. If it doesn't work out for whatever reason, at least we tried right? So I'm feeling good about this whatever happens!

    So! I leave tonight! 18 hours of travel and I'm in his arms. SO EXCITED! I find it quite funny that I leave Friday at 8pm (NZ time) and arrive at Friday at 8pm (Edmonton time). Haha! Witchcraft.

    Wish me luck!!

    Good luck!! Say Hello to home for me! Nice to know you won't be wasting anytime getting there! Have tons of fun


      That sounds so great! Wish you luck!! Have fun with your SO!!


        Eek! Hope you have a wonderful time And have a safe journey


          Good luck! Have a fantastic time


            Safe travels! Enjoy your trip


              Fly safe

              I love flying in that direction because you don't lose time. Coming back is lame though ><
              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                I love the international date line. Way more than I should. I think it's super awesome that some people are in THE FUTURE. You would be part of those some people. Sometimes on facebook I'll be like "so how's tomorrow?" Is there a nerd emoticon... yesss!

                And also I'm excited you get to be with your lover again!!! Have funnn!!!


                  Safe travels! Have a good time!


                    Canada eh? have a save trip and enjoy
                    ( im not jealous at all )


                      Time difference is awesome huh! I love flying home, and going a few hours into the future.


                        Yay!!!!! How exciting! Very happy for you!
                        NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                          Heeeeey MOlly have a safe trip! And ENJOY your stay (don't you dare come back without some pictures and stories!)


                            Have a fantastic time!!

                            2016 Goal: Buy a house.
                            Progress: Complete!

                            2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
                            Progress: Working on it.


                              Good luck and have a great time!

