Anyone have any suggestions for how to cope with homesickness?
I have been really easily aggravated off and on, especially at night (this is partially because newly cropped up sleeping habits of my SO have made it almost impossible for me to sleep, and there's only his room, his brother's room, and the living room - and his brother is often in the living room until 8 in the morning, gaming talking on his mic - so basically, I either sleep in my SO's room or don't at all; it's been taking me 3+ hours to get to sleep to the point he doesn't consistently wake me up), and have been having massive crying spells. I'm mostly missing my mother and my cat, and as much as I love being here and am having a wonderful time with my SO, I still feel miserably depressed and the undercurrent of sadness is sometimes distracting.
My SO has been really supportive, but it's still difficult. He won't have money to go out until next week (and I don't have the money for him, me, and his brother to go out, eat while out, etc.) so we've been restricted to the house. We went to the park which was nice, and we're going to go to another park today, braving the threat of rain which is what kept us from going out yesterday.
I plan on running later, ran the other day and made my best time yet, but I still feel... sad, unless I'm out doing something that keeps my mind from wandering, even shopping. I'm not sure if a part of it is going from having a full schedule and routine to not having anything or the fact I'm not really sleeping or if it's only because I miss my mother and cat so immensely that everything hurts, or if it's all three.
But I really don't want homesickness to ruin my trip. Typically I'm okay because my visits have only been a month max, and a month seems doable, but this is two months and that leads to the thought of how next year, it's quite possible it'll be an entire year, and while I'm excited by the idea, I also end up spiralling. I spiral even when I think of the fact I'm leaving in September, not August. I've never been away from home this long, where my mother wasn't easily accessible on a daily basis. :/ Suggestions?
ETA: His sleeping habits are more like he makes noises in his sleep (talking, but not always), he literally crowds and tries to push me off the bed which has never happened before, and he currently is either suffering allergies or a cold, so he's been clearing his nose in his sleep by sniffing up, which creates the sound of an amplified snore. And I'm an extremely light sleeper and struggle with sleep even in the comfort of my own bedroom sometimes.
I have been really easily aggravated off and on, especially at night (this is partially because newly cropped up sleeping habits of my SO have made it almost impossible for me to sleep, and there's only his room, his brother's room, and the living room - and his brother is often in the living room until 8 in the morning, gaming talking on his mic - so basically, I either sleep in my SO's room or don't at all; it's been taking me 3+ hours to get to sleep to the point he doesn't consistently wake me up), and have been having massive crying spells. I'm mostly missing my mother and my cat, and as much as I love being here and am having a wonderful time with my SO, I still feel miserably depressed and the undercurrent of sadness is sometimes distracting.
My SO has been really supportive, but it's still difficult. He won't have money to go out until next week (and I don't have the money for him, me, and his brother to go out, eat while out, etc.) so we've been restricted to the house. We went to the park which was nice, and we're going to go to another park today, braving the threat of rain which is what kept us from going out yesterday.

But I really don't want homesickness to ruin my trip. Typically I'm okay because my visits have only been a month max, and a month seems doable, but this is two months and that leads to the thought of how next year, it's quite possible it'll be an entire year, and while I'm excited by the idea, I also end up spiralling. I spiral even when I think of the fact I'm leaving in September, not August. I've never been away from home this long, where my mother wasn't easily accessible on a daily basis. :/ Suggestions?
ETA: His sleeping habits are more like he makes noises in his sleep (talking, but not always), he literally crowds and tries to push me off the bed which has never happened before, and he currently is either suffering allergies or a cold, so he's been clearing his nose in his sleep by sniffing up, which creates the sound of an amplified snore. And I'm an extremely light sleeper and struggle with sleep even in the comfort of my own bedroom sometimes.