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LDRs and jobs

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    LDRs and jobs

    Obviously planning for the future is a real key part of a LDR, and it presents many challenges and fears, which I guess can largely be summed up by everything that the monumental decision of moving halfway across the world consists of. While I know there'll be parts of that that will be difficult to deal with (in particular moving away from a family im so close to), my biggest worry isn't anything to do with that... its getting a job.

    To put it simply, at 21 ive never had a full-time job (ive had part-time ones, and although I've taken up a number of voluntary positions, I mostly just prioritised my studying). Im a graduate coming into today's job market, which is already a scary enough transition to make. But that's not what bothers me either, its the thought of how it might effect the relationship with the girl of my dreams.

    As of right now, me and my girlfriend with almost regularity message and call for a combined 10 hours a day. Everyday is a great one and I enjoy so so much just spending so much time with her. We both schedule our time around seeing friends and such (we both lead decent social lives and everything, we make sure we talk when we're free rather than disregarding other priorities completely).

    Obviously, that isn't all that tenable in the longrun. We've been doing it this way for the past 3 months because we can, but free time dwindles when she's back at college, and when I obviously have to get a job.

    This worries me. Not because I feel either of us will lose dedication to the relationship or whatever, but simply because on paper it looks very difficult for us to spend almost any time together until the weekend. Working a 9-5 job for me would coincide with her time to sleep before classes. Her time at college (plus a voluntary position she is looking at at a hospital) would comfortably cover all of my evening. And of course jumping into a work environment needs me to sleep, which coincides with the time she can talk.

    I've juggled a number of ideas, but it basically comes down to me sleeping early and waking up very early in the morning so that we can call for a couple of hours before work. I dont much mind that, and on occasions I dont mind sleeping through my entire evening so that I can be with her for most of the time that she is free (though I need to see family too lol, so its not an everyday plan, just once in a while when we need to just spend hours together). It already hurts a ton to say goodbye to each other at night, and if it was up to me, I would spend every minute of my day talking to her, because we just click and there doesnt seem to be a thing of 'spending too much time together' with us. Having to get work (and I know I really dont have a say in the matter, especially as I need the finances for us to work out in the longrun), just seems a really daunting prospect, and one I feel will make me pretty miserable. However im fully aware that this is a necessary sacrifice needed for us to have a chance at eventually being together.

    So I just wondered how people here have dealt with juggling a LDR and working? Obviously its something practically every couple here will have had to (or will have) deal with, and I wonder how you guys all dealt with it .

    Well my SO and I only had 1 or 2 hours difference, but we would normally talk during his lunch breaks and when he got home from work. You'll figure out a schedule. Usually for big time difference couples it does mean that someone has to wake up early and someone has to stay up late, but that's just what you have to do. Best wishes!


      Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
      Well my SO and I only had 1 or 2 hours difference, but we would normally talk during his lunch breaks and when he got home from work. You'll figure out a schedule. Usually for big time difference couples it does mean that someone has to wake up early and someone has to stay up late, but that's just what you have to do. Best wishes!
      Darn, I would love for it to be a 1-2 hour difference! Yeah, even with all the free time we have now, its still tough to work a reason schedule and get the time I want to spend with her, but like you say it is what it is. I also feel it would actually be tougher if she lived on the east coast, I tried working out what it would be like with a 5-hour difference and scheduling in work it seemed even more impossible! Im sure we will figure something out, and thank you


        speaking from experience, if one partner doesn't make the other feel important or puts time aside to talk, things will break down. Both people need to want it and prioritize in similar ways. Life does get hectic and it's worse LDR, some people pull away with stress, some lash out, some get quiet, you need to figure out your dynamic and work through it.

        keep busy, be patient, be flexible, be positive.


          It's very hard but you just push through. When we were LDR, we both had full time jobs and a 6 hour time difference. We would chat on my lunch time (right when he got home from work). Then we would chat again when I got off of work until around 2 am his time. Then we'd do it all over again. We both had to make a lot of sacrifices. But really, it didn't feel burdensome because we loved each other. And we were working toward closing the distance as quickly as possible...which we did. But yes, be patient, find a good routine that will work for both of you. If nothing else, email is always convenient...still have some communication albeit not back and forth. Good luck!

          Met: November 19, 2010
          Tim came to Texas: April 27, 2011
          Made it official: April 29, 2011
          Lori went to England: September 21, 2011
          Mini trip to Paris: September 22, 2011
          Tim popped the question: September 22, 2011
          K-1 Visa approved!: May 21, 2012
          Closed the distance!: July 26, 2012
          Got married: September 22, 2012


            We have a 7 hour difference and have been together for over three years. It works, you just have to figure out a system that fits in as best you can. I get home from work at 6pm, which is 1am for him, we talk for about an hour, then he needs to go to sleep. We have more time on weekends, usually. You just do what you have to, even when it isn't ideal.

            I see you've only been with her since May, that "need" to be together 24/7 will fade soon enough to a more reasonable, less honeymoon-ish, comfortable phase, which will make your limited talk time easier. Happens to all of us after a while
            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


              Thanks guys

              you're right, we will need to make sure we're both made to feel really important to each other despite having less time to communicate. Im not so bothered from my side, im a patient guy and while I dont want to limit the time we talk, Im confident my feelings will be the same. She's into this just as much as me and im not worried her feelings will waver, I do feel she'll become frustrated with it a bit quicker than I will though, she's not as patient as me . She'll have a busier schedule than me though, so hopefully that'll stop her worrying about the less time we spend together.

              Im not too keen on her schedule getting messed up, she obviously cant skip college (much anyways lol) and im not keen on her getting less sleep either. I figure weekends will largely be as they are now, and we should hopefully still manage at least 2-3 hours a day talking. Thats a good tip on the emails there Captivated, I figure texts would be useful too, as she should be able to do that while she's at college.


                Originally posted by EnglishMan View Post
                It already hurts a ton to say goodbye to each other at night, and if it was up to me, I would spend every minute of my day talking to her, because we just click and there doesnt seem to be a thing of 'spending too much time together' with us. Having to get work (and I know I really dont have a say in the matter, especially as I need the finances for us to work out in the longrun), just seems a really daunting prospect, and one I feel will make me pretty miserable. However im fully aware that this is a necessary sacrifice needed for us to have a chance at eventually being together.

                Welcome to the adult world. This sounds just like my bf and I. We are on about a 4 hour time difference and with our busy work schedules we text often throughout the day when we get chances during the week, but the majority of our conversations are done on the weekends. We hate saying goodbye to each other as well but we know that we have to take care of the things in our day to day lives in order to be where we want to be with each other in the future. It might seem like an unpleasant thing but we all have to deal with not getting to talk to our SO's at times. You already know where your priorities are and that's good because you understand that the job is the most important component in bringing the two of you together, so I'd be excited if I were you. Strive to get that job so that the two of you can be together quicker vs. having to worry about how to make time for each other on the phone. Just a little bit of positive thinking is all you need, no matter how many negatives there are in our lives, and how large the scale of the problem might seem to be ..there is always a positive, even if it's a small one.
                Last edited by pretty ll vacant; August 7, 2012, 10:33 AM.


                  Moon, I figured someone would say that , but you're right, relationships work out like that. I think the transition will be easier for me, she's a little more worried that we wont find the time to talk, and that an hour or two isn't ideally enough, which I agree. But I figure as long as we can talk moreorless everyday, and then a ton at the weekends we should be fine

                  pretty II vacant; You've typed it out pretty well for me there , you're right the choice between getting the job and the money to physically be together, as opposed to 'just' making time for each other over the phone/cam is a no-brainer in the longrun. Im a pretty optimistic person for the most part, she's not so much, I think it would be a lot easier if she could just know everything will work out fine, but I understand her worries cause I have them too.

                  Just off-topic for a sec, but everytime I try to post it comes up with a warning about sending links, and im not even trying to lol. Any idea?


                    Originally posted by EnglishMan View Post
                    Moon, I figured someone would say that , but you're right, relationships work out like that. I think the transition will be easier for me, she's a little more worried that we wont find the time to talk, and that an hour or two isn't ideally enough, which I agree. But I figure as long as we can talk moreorless everyday, and then a ton at the weekends we should be fine

                    pretty II vacant; You've typed it out pretty well for me there , you're right the choice between getting the job and the money to physically be together, as opposed to 'just' making time for each other over the phone/cam is a no-brainer in the longrun. Im a pretty optimistic person for the most part, she's not so much, I think it would be a lot easier if she could just know everything will work out fine, but I understand her worries cause I have them too.

                    Just off-topic for a sec, but everytime I try to post it comes up with a warning about sending links, and im not even trying to lol. Any idea?
                    To try and lessen spam, you need a certain, undisclosed, amount of posts before you can add a link to a post. I guess it just warns you every time until you get to that amount, but I'm pretty sure you're probably almost there, just a few more
                    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                      Originally posted by Moon View Post
                      To try and lessen spam, you need a certain, undisclosed, amount of posts before you can add a link to a post. I guess it just warns you every time until you get to that amount, but I'm pretty sure you're probably almost there, just a few more
                      Which is of course a good idea. But im literally not putting any links in lol. Im re-reading when it comes up with an error, and there's no links to other websites, so im a bit confused lol. That last post I quoted both of you, but it only worked when I took out the quote, maybe something to do with that?


                        the approach and ways you say things will also make a big difference (like if you are busy but your SO wants to talk or something comes up with no end date in sight, etc.). With less face time, a lot of miscommunication and frustation can happen and build up.

                        Make use of an app called Whatsapp, send photos or videos to keep each other involved, even for stupid things


                          Originally posted by EnglishMan View Post
                          Which is of course a good idea. But im literally not putting any links in lol. Im re-reading when it comes up with an error, and there's no links to other websites, so im a bit confused lol. That last post I quoted both of you, but it only worked when I took out the quote, maybe something to do with that?
                          Give it about 5 more posts, then contact Michelle, she's the site owner.
                          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                            its harder, yes, but it just means those times you get to talk are that bit more special.

                            the SO will be in year 2 of uni, whilst joining 5 different choirs and going to the pub once a week. the days we usually get to talk to each other are monday and saturday. now as i am also in A2 and the work is hectic, monday i will be working with schoolwork, and saturdays i work at the job.

                            it just means you have to grab as much time as possible, and enjoy those moments you do have. x


                              Snowlilly and I only have a few hours time difference, but her work schedule is night shift where as my schedul is days. On days we both work, we try and talk a few minutes in the morning right after I get up and she can take her late shift break, and then again as she is waking up and I am getting home. When she has nights off, we can spend several hours together. I agree with whats been said, Whatsapp is very handy for texting whenever you have free time. Try and make the most of what time you have, I know when we can only talk for 10mins or so, I still love hearing her voice and finding out how her day was, even though we cant really get deeper then that in 10mins.

