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    My SO had secret feelings for me months before we became a couple.*

    He was in a serious relationship with a girl, they were actually going to get married, when she had a miscarige with his child. I remember learning about that when we first met and trying to help him cope with it even if he was someone I had just met over the internet. I did not know this until much later, but he was actually in so much pain that he was prepared to commit suiside one night. It gives me chills now, knowing how close our complete lifetime of happiness was to never happening, but he swears that I saved him. I was only trying to be a good friend when I asked him what was wrong that night. He never said what he had planned but my concern and just natural caring nature got through to him. He told me that him coming online that night was to say goodbye to everyone, beleiving he would not be returning, but ended up leaving with a smile on his face after I spoke with him.

    I saved my SO's life without even knowing it and he never lets me forget it. It still brings tears to my eyes when I think about it. That might not have been our first conversation, but god if I was not online that night, I may have never spoken to him again.*

    Makes me thankful for being who I am (:
    ~Tell me every day that I get to wake up to that smile.~
    ~I wouldn't mind.~
    ~I wouldn' mind at all.~

    First Meeting:
    December 22nd


      I met my girlfriend because I was tagged in a mass-shared picture on Facebook by a random friend whom I didn't even know very well. I ended up commenting on that picture, and that comment prompted my girlfriend to friend me. One thing led to another, and we fell in love. =) I've actually thanked the person responsible for tagging me in the picture haha.


        if i didnt reply to hundreds of text messages my to-be man was sending me right after the day we first met,and if i didnt decide to kiss him despite me having a fiance...well our story wouldnt start


          I love reading everyone's stories!

          I think about the what ifs all the time!

          What if I had decided to write a book set in medieval Europe (as was the original plan) instead of medieval Persia?

          What if I had been satisfied just studying the history instead of stumbling on to modern culture and deciding to learn the language?

          What if I had never made that YouTube video (my first time making one!) of me learning to speak Persian?

          What if he hadn't been frustrated with his English that night and hadn't decided to look on YouTube for people learning to speak Persian?

          What if he had just watched the video, smiled, and then not bothered to seek me out on Facebook?

          What if I hadn't accepted his random request (I came so close to not accepting, I only accepted because he had the same last name as someone who was becoming a very good friend and I thought maybe they were related)?

          What if he hadn't commented on things on my Facebook? (he never usually does)

          What if, after a couple days of talking on comments, I hadn't decided send him a private message asking where I even knew him from? (he still has that message!)

          What if my husband at the time hadn't completely over-reacted about our friendship and forbidden me from ever talking to my best friend again (which is when we realized we had feelings for each other... I've always been a flirt
          .. but I didn't take my feelings for him seriously at all! I was in a very unhappy marriage and I got little crushes sometimes... but I always just walked away... when my ex-husband forbade me to talk to him it's when we both realized... we would probably be just best friends now otherwise...)

          so many what ifs.... I guess we all have them!
          First met online: June, 2010
          First met in person: August, 2011 (See the story of our first visit)
          Second visit: December, 2011 (Christmas and New Years together!)
          Third visit together: August, 2012
          Fourth visit: December 2012 (Christmas and New Years together!)
          Fifth visit: July 2013 (2 weeks here in Canada)
          Sixth visit: December 2013 (Christmas and New Years together again and I finally met his mother!)
          Next visit: Unknown... for now but coming up ASAP


            This is a common conversation between me and my SO.

            I started talking to Ted (Current SO) in March 2005. He ran a game website that my boyfriend at the time was a part of. I had wrecked my ex-boyfriend's car that day and he was being a complete ass about the whole situation. He was ranting about it over instant messanger with Ted. Instead of backing him up, Ted completely called him out on being a d-bag, which upset my ex. My ex then handed me his laptop and said "Here, talk to him. He seems to care more than I do." The rest is kind of history from there.

            So if I had never wrecked a car, I would have never known my SO. He still has our first conversation saved, as well as the conversation between my ex and him that led to the event of us talking.

