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Have you ever thought about this?

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    I think about it sometimes!

    We met in a game. If we were online at different times...if we picked different servers to play on...if he didn't respond when I asked for help in general chat...I mean, if he even left to go to the bathroom or grab something to eat he probably wouldn't have seen what I said at all...

    It's weird to think about...all the little things and timing that could have made it where we never knew the other existed.


      Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
      We met at a christmas party and he wasn't planning on going since he was hung over from the previous night but last minute decided he'd go...lucky me!
      That's similar to me and Loic actually haha. We met at a new years party that he wasn't planning on going to!
      I think there were loads of factors that played into it... like if the government body that issues passports hadn't gone on strike, I'd have had my passport and Irish visa earlier, and would have moved to Ireland when I'd originally intended to... would have ended up living in a different house with different people and would never have met the friends that introduced me to him!

      So many little things that I'm happy ended up as they did

      Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

      Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
      Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


        Gah, I'm jealous. I don't have the first conversations my SO and I had. We met online on a dating site, and we both deleted our profiles before thinking to save the messages!

        But yea, what if I hadn't expanded the age range I was looking at (he's six years older than me). What if he thought I was too young to get involved with?

        But the big one is his car. When he moved to alabama, a couple months before we met, his car got stolen. After a few weeks, he got it back. Completely busted up. Running, but it had been messed with so bad. He got on that dating site again because he got his car back. He made it the 60 miles to meet me for our first date (it would have taken a lot more convincing to get me to drive to him...), even though he was late. I think it was his third trip to see me that his car tried to kill him halfway there. The steering and brakes both went out. At the same time. He got lucky to drive into a ditch instead of oncoming traffic, and called me to get him. He had planned to drive himself in that car to see his mom (more like 250 miles away) a few weeks before that, but I'd talked him into letting me come with (and taking my car!).

        So if his car had died earlier and he'd never gotten back on that site, or if the car had died in a slightly more dramatic fashion and taken him out with it... We might never have been.

        Btw, he still doesn't have a car! Looking at getting one in a month or so. Fingers crossed! It would make this distance SO much easier if he could drive to see me, too.
        Met online: Nov 2010 - Met in person: Nov 20, 2010
        Closed the distance: April 27, 2011
        Accepted to PhD program 200 miles away: March 2012
        LD again: July 24, 2012
        Left School and Closed the Distance for good: March 8, 2013
        Married: November 1, 2014
        Started job 200 miles away: February 23, 2015


          well i met Denise on Twitter, i seriously considered not getting a twitter account because i thought it was too boring im glad i got one, and im glad that i took our mutual friends advice and added her because normally when people say "hey you gotta add this person, ect ect" i usually dont, just very glad that i did both of those things


            I met my SO online, the same dating website i met my previous bf.. to better explain this i'll describe how the page on that website works. while you're looking at a profile it has a little side column suggesting other members whom are similar to the current profile you're looking at. so i was actually looking at my ex bf's profile and on that side column there was a suggestion of a guy whom is similar to my ex (they were both in the same area), so i clicked on his picture and read his profile. i decided to just leave a simple comment about the way how his profile was laid out and i wasn't expecting a reply. i mean literally all i said was, "cool riddle-like profile."

            i am glad he reply to that comment because it was the beginning of something great that unfold from that message.


              I did quite alot in the begining.

              I met my SO on a Facebook game called Yoville, it was very popular at the time and always full of people with lots of different places to visit and hang out. The day i met my SO i was hungover and very nearly didnt bother logging in and i usually just checked for my friends and if they werent around i'd sign out. No one i knew was there and yet i decided to stay. The time we met was lucky, he is 7 hours behind me so for him to still be awake and on the game when i logged in that morning was quite lucky.
              It was either fate or pure luck that worked for us that day.
              As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                There is sooooo much that makes me go "wow if that one little thing didn't happen I wouldn't be so happy right now."
                Me and my so met on a little kids game called Toontown when we were in high school. He started playing it because one of his friends (who he had a crush on at the tiime) was playing it and I started playing it with my little cousins. We met through a friend on the game and the first friend request I sent him he denied. As I was about to log off he changed his mind and added me. Then like 2 weeks later we got in this big fight over something stupid and he deleted me. The next day we ended up seeing each other again through the same friend and we made up and he added me again. If it wasn't for our in game friend or the friend that got him back into playing we wouldn't be where we are right now. I really wish I still had contact with the in game friend so I could thank her. (:

                "I love you and I've loved you all along and I miss you. Been far away for far too long."<3


                  There is quite a bit that makes me think about that. My SO has sent me the first ever convo we had on MSN. Sometimes I like to look back on it and go, "Wow!" We both met on an online game, and at first I wasn't really paying attention to the guild invites at first, until he finally sent me a whisper asking why I was ignoring him. I am so glad to have caught that whisper, and to answer him back, or else, I probably wouldn't be married to him right now.


                    Well me an my SO met online and i didnt like him at first we were talked on imstant messaging , i wasnt talking to him that much .. He was the one who wanted talk to me mostly and everytime i went online about then 2 mins later he talk to me first ... He was really presistant to get me and get my attention .. And i think if this didnt happen we wouldnt be together for 2 years


                      Originally posted by kteire View Post
                      That's similar to me and Loic actually haha. We met at a new years party that he wasn't planning on going to!
                      I think there were loads of factors that played into it... like if the government body that issues passports hadn't gone on strike, I'd have had my passport and Irish visa earlier, and would have moved to Ireland when I'd originally intended to... would have ended up living in a different house with different people and would never have met the friends that introduced me to him!

                      So many little things that I'm happy ended up as they did
                      Yes! Once you start thinking about it...
                      I didn't want to go to his city for my semester abroad, but I got offered a really good scholarship (the girl who was originally supposed to go cancelled on very short notice). And then we met at a concert of a band that plays for free a couple of times a a year in the city. Neither my boyfriend nor I are big fans. We both went because our friends wanted to go... and then we met

                      Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                        We first got talking properly at a friend's party - because we were the only ones not off our faces, I'd have never added him online etc if we hadn't been at that/found each other (vaugley knowing each other from class) there or either of us had gone home early. Then a couple of months later we
                        got together after a leaving 'do for someone we both didn't know that well, we both decided to go at the last minute. So I got so very lucky ^_^


                          I think about it from time to time. If we hadn't both been friends with our mutual friend. If said friend hadn't decided to introduce us. We never would have gotten to know each other. I knew my friend was having a friend of his from Germany over, but I never knew how well we'd hit it off. Not once did I imagine I'd be in a LDR with someone almost 4,000mi away. But I am, and I couldn't be happier. It's kind of cool to think about the little things, where if they didn't happen things wouldn't be the way they are now.


                            Oh! Absolutely! My best friend (at the time) had met my SO and his friends in an online gaming community. They exchanged AIM names and she had been talking to them for a little while. When I got on the gaming site, I would join all of them to just hang out with our characters and talk. However, one evening, my friend asked me to join all of them in a giant chatroom on AIM to just chit-chat outside of our game. That is when my SO and I had our first one-on-one conversation. We both weren't talking because there were so many people in the chatroom that it was nearly impossible to follow anything going on, so he popped up in a private window. We continued talking until almost 4 AM that night I am so happy my SO decided to just pop up and speak to me when we hardly even knew each other except from within the group.

                            *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


                              I know my SO from an international forum. We hardly talked...

                              I got banned for a stupid reason and started my own FB group with former members of that forum who where also banned, just to keep in touch.
                              A mutual friend took him in my group.

                              He thanked me for beginning the group and so our conversations started..... friendly first... but I soon discovered a lot of things about him that made me think... 'mmm.... he is REALLY nice'... hahaha
                              he just came out of a relationship and I was 'seeing' someone in that group. that didn't went well, and Rob asked me how I was doing. I said I wasn't doing great because I just ended my virtual fling .... and he said 'well, that's good because now you have time for me'

                              and that's how we started.... I have all our conversations still and I read them back a lot....
                              there is a time difference of 6 hours and sometimes I am online when he is asleep..... these are the moments I read our history and I cherish every written word....
                              The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

                              Carl Jung (1875 - 1961)


                                I met my boyfriend on Omegle and I still have the original conversation! The funny part is that in the conversation I say "i'm gonna save this conversation in case we get married someday" (sarcastically). And now here we are, over a year later, in a relationship and so happy!
                                Whatever is meant to be will always find its way.

