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Rough nights

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    Rough nights

    Im still fairly new to a LDR but this is probably the second rough night since we began. At the moment it's because I don't know when I'll talk to her next since she doesn't know what to expect in school down south yet. Anyways, a very rough night but I'm just wondering how everyone deals with nights like these, would also another guys opinion on this as well

    Would also like another guys opinion on this I meant**


      It just sucks. For me, it's something different every time. Last night was one of those nights. I had to get up early, but I couldn't get to sleep, so I was just thinking and missing him. When we lived together and I couldn't sleep, he'd come tuck me in again (he tucked me in every night... still does, just over the phone). We'd cuddle for a minute, and I'd get another kiss. Usually it'd relax me enough to sleep. But now... I texted him, and he called again. I still felt restless and alone after that, but our kitten came and laid down with me and I turned the tv on and eventually got to sleep. Sometimes I get myself through with other things. Thinking about more immediate and concrete issues, like tomorrow's to do list.. Anything to keep my mind busy.

      Honestly, you just have to find what works. And sometimes it is different depending on what the issue is. So if you can't help thinking about talking to her, do it! Talk to her. Write it, or say it out loud. Or maybe turn on a favorite movie. Or read a book. Do a hobby. Keeping busy is important. You can also find little comforts. For me, it's a stuffed animal my man gave me. Or one of his t-shirts.

      Once she does settle in to school, you should find a schedule to talk that works for both of you. My SO and I talk on the phone before bed every night. Some people talk for longer a couple times a week or have scheduled skype dates once a week. Just figure out what works for you, and I bet that will help in the future.
      Met online: Nov 2010 - Met in person: Nov 20, 2010
      Closed the distance: April 27, 2011
      Accepted to PhD program 200 miles away: March 2012
      LD again: July 24, 2012
      Left School and Closed the Distance for good: March 8, 2013
      Married: November 1, 2014
      Started job 200 miles away: February 23, 2015


        Sorry for not being a guy lol

        But last night was particularly difficult for me. My SO is away for Military Basic Training, this has been his third week, and we can only talk through short phone calls and a handful of letters. Last Friday I received three or so letters at once and another one yesterday. I also got my weekly phone call from him. It was six minutes long because he also had to call his mother.

        Overall, it was a hard night. It has been a very difficult few weeks for me, starting Senior year without being able to have his constant support. But I know that there are ways to distract yourself. Last night, even though some friends were trying to bug me into saying what was wrong and I ignored them, I looked at some LD tumblr pictures to feel better. I ended up crying pretty bad, only fourth time I have cried for my SO since he left, but sometimes that is what you need.
        Just find healthy ways to talk to her but also how to keep yourself distracted. I am an artist, so drawing really helps me. I also keep a nearly daily journal I am going to give my SO when I see him. Venting out your feelings in some way might help, but I agree with the person above me. Read a book, start a new hobby, distract yourself as well as planning a healthy time to spend time with her that works for both of you.

        I hope I could help in some way. Good luck sweetie.
        ~Tell me every day that I get to wake up to that smile.~
        ~I wouldn't mind.~
        ~I wouldn' mind at all.~

        First Meeting:
        December 22nd

