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Everything's gone downhill :(

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    Everything's gone downhill :(

    I had planned to go and visit my SO in 13 days time, as a surprise visit for his birthday. I had his Mum in on it and made sure it was fine with her, and everything. Everything was planned out and perfect, I had every single second planned.
    Then yesterday I found out that my SO's younger sister had overheard a conversation between my SO's Mum and her partner, I believe, and she mentioned it to my SO, therefore him finding out. It was bad that he found out and I was extremely disappointed, but I was still planning on going as we were both really looking forward to it, and I told him my plans and everything was sorted.
    Then I find out today that my SO has been offered a job, and has a trial day tomorrow. This means that I would have spent over £200 to not even be able to spend a single day with him as it was a Thursday - Tuesday visit, and this job is Saturday & Sunday and he is at college Thursday, Friday and Monday.
    I really really don't know what to do, whether it's worth it just to see him for a few hours in the evenings and then a few in the mornings.
    I have only booked one of my flights so far, which wasn't expensive and wouldn't be the end of the world if I lost the money for, but I still haven't booked my trains or return flight.
    Should I just not go? Or what should I do?
    No time zone or distance or anything can keep us apart

    Oh no!! I was excited for you and this trip too! Dang it...

    I'm not sure what to suggest, I's not possible for him to take off a couple classes for you?
    First met online: October 15th, 2011
    First met in-person: July 13th, 2012

    Next meeting: September 21st, 2012


      I think the few hours would be worth it, to be honest. I wish I had a few hours with my SO like what jayburr said, can't he skip a class or two?
      Made it official: 12-01-10
      First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
      Closed the distance: 07-31-13


        Oh no, that's thrown a spanner in the works... I'm sorry to hear it I'm with the skipping class idea too, I'd be a hypocrite if I said I wouldn't do the same under such circumstances. For what it's worth I think you should still go; even though it wouldn't be a surprise I'm sure your SO would still be delighted to be with you on his birthday, and you him. The way I see it is that money can always be earned again, but quality time is priceless. Good luck with whatever you decide!


          Yeah I don't actually think the whole thing is bad.
          You're still together, potential new job.

          If it's all pay'd for, I would go, might be worth it.
          If you don't.
          It's not a major thing in my eyes, your money will replenish and you'll get another chance.


            I think a lot of us here are going to be jealous about how lucky you are to get to see your SO for his birthday. And I'm sure he will be so happy about it. I think if your already paid for one flight, and got the time to go, you should still go. If you don't, you'd end up being more miserable that you don't get to see him at all versus mildly miserable that your time physically together is a bit depleted.

