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Sitting In the Airport

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    There's no way to make it easier, but here's an internet-ful of hugs to hopefully make you feel a little less alone:

    Hang in there!


      -Hugs- I know the feeling, My first visit since going long distance with my SO was only two weeks Y_Y I havent seen him in over 7 months. I cried when I had to leave the bus station, He couldnt stay with me because his aunt was dropping me off and I had I think about an hour to myself there.

      Talking has helped us a lot, we talk almost daily.
      " There is always hope.


        Thank you all so much for your support.

        I felt a little bit better once my SO hopped online. We're both coping a bit. We had a rough time in the beginning of my visit, but got through it and worked out a lot that needed to be. I do feel like it has provided us both with a steely resolve, however, that's helping curve the bite of the goodbye, though he's probably feeling it more than I am (seeing as I get to come home to my mother and sister who I love dearly and am close to, in addition to my animals, and he goes home to a house where I was for two months). We also both have something this year, as he's starting school and going to be taking up an extra-curricular class Monday evenings, and we have a date of when we're going to see each other next, which we haven't had before, so that helps also. We're talking about celebrating our 2-year at Disneyland, which gives us both something to look forward to, and me a reason to buckle down and get my license.

        The flight home went smoothly - or at least the flight from Dublin to Chicago. I didn't end up getting to watch Friends with Kids, but ended up watching The Avengers, some movie about a lost dog (xD), and Think Like a Man, and a few TV programs. Chicago was absolute chaos, primarily because all three planes boarding in the same area were delayed for the same reasons for the same length of time, and all boarded at the same time, which resulted in some people getting on the wrong flights, in addition to a computer malfunction that erased everyone who'd checked in and the luggage scanner breaking so the pilot had to wait for confirmation that all the luggage was on the plane. We left over an hour later than we were supposed to, cripes! But I at least made it home safely and in one piece and was happy to have my mother and doggy waiting for me at the end.

        I felt a bit guilty coming home to the state my cat was in. :/ He was absolutely dishevelled and there's fur everywhere. He also smells like he hasn't had a bath in yonks, but he spent ages grooming himself the other night and now his fur is less stinky/greasy. He's absolutely clinging to me, which is helping me with the sadness of my SO, having something warm and furry (not to mention that purrs) to cuddle. Leaving never gets any easier, but I feel... different, this time around. I'm not sure if it's confidence or if it simply hasn't hit me but despite crying a bit, despite feeling the nip of sadness at my heels, despite missing him so incredibly much, I feel almost at peace with our situation. I know we'll see one another again, I know we'll make it through the next 6 months, I know we'll both grow and become stronger from this, and I know we'll both be better people for it. I'm more optimistic this time than I have been. Not sure why, but it's nice. The support of everyone here helps as well.
        { Our Story on LFAD }

        Our Beginning
        Met online: February 2009
        Feelings confessed: December 2010
        Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
        Officially together since: 08 April 2011

        Our Story
        First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
        Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
        Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
        Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

        Our Happily Ever After
        to be continued...


          I'm so happy to hear you're doing well.
          It's nice to have a pet to come back to. I wish I had one. When I was visiting my SO, I got really attached to his neighbour's dog, Lulu. I walked her almost every day in those 6 weeks and I even had her with me my very last day and cuddling her already made me feel better about the leave. Now I'm back in my empty flat but... I also feel like I've entered another stage in the relationship and I got back into a routine quicker than I expected.
          Keep up that spirit

