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Rant about your SO!

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    Why can't she stop the 15 minute "mini-mad moments" as I call them

    She gets mad at me for 15 minutes and then is fine and more often than not apologises!

    Just stop babe! Please?

    I love you
    In a relationship with

    Read mine & Tanja's story here!

    My Albums:
    Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
    Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
    My dog Sam ♥


      Originally posted by Andy View Post
      Why can't she stop the 15 minute "mini-mad moments" as I call them

      She gets mad at me for 15 minutes and then is fine and more often than not apologises!

      Just stop babe! Please?

      I love you

      Hmmm...this I can relate to.
      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


        Originally posted by Karringtyn View Post
        Hmmm...this I can relate to.

        On who's part though?
        In a relationship with

        Read mine & Tanja's story here!

        My Albums:
        Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
        Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
        My dog Sam ♥


          This is the number one thing that drives me nuts about my SO. He is a closed up person so sometimes when I ask him like how his day went he'll just say fine but won't tell me exactly what happened. He needs to get that I don't care if it was boring or not I just like knowing what goes on his daily life. Or when I ask him questions he will dodge the question or not give me a full answer. He's getting better on this though... sorta.

          Another thing that drives me nuts is that he almost NEVER says good night to me before he sleeps. He just sorta... passes out. I'm used to it but still :c

          He also has a tendency to ignore me when he's with his friends. It doesn't happen often since most of his friends hide in their basements and play video games and don't see sun unless at school.

          I also hate it when he doesn't reply to my texts for a long time without telling me why. I understand that he gets busy sometimes or randomly takes naps but at least tell me so I don't get worried! D:

          First Met Online: May 08
          Became a Couple: 4.11.09
          First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
          Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
          Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13


            I love her to pieces, but I hate her anger.
            She yells at me so much.
            Gets mad for bringing it up.
            Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
            Starting Dating: 5.22.09
            Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
            Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
            Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10


              Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
              One more thing I forgot:

              I HATE when I check my DeviantART page and see he visited either really late at night or in the morning before work and doesn't contact me, especially the times he's done it and I've been online. Bugs the everloving crap out of me. I can understand just checking stuff before work/bed, but can't I get a hello?
              I do that to my SO, it's because I'm going to school/bed and I don't have time/I am tired and even though I love him, I want to be at school at time/sleep enough we would talk later anyway, I don't want to have conversation like this: Hi.... Hi... what are you doing?.... checking emails, I have to go in a minute... bye... bye

              Remember quality, not quantity


                I was looking for a thread like this..glad I found it.

                I hate it when he is playing poker or something and he says something out loud after not talking to me for like 5 minutes and I'm like, what? and he's like "oh nothing.." THEN WHY SAY IT OUT LOUD!?!? Ughhhh... When I do the same thing to him, he seems to get kinda irritated. I'm like, why can you do something and it's okay, but when I do it, it's not..then we are mad for a few minutes and he's like I'm sorry I love you.. lol

                I can relate to a few of these posts.

                I get mad over silly things, not really mad..but annoyed?
                I'll be playing the wii, on skype with him.. and he's like what are you doing? and I'm sooo into my basketball game I don't answer, he's like HELLOOO and I'm like WHAT I'M PLAYING WII(with an irritated tone of voice..)

                I can be pretty bitchy, lol..

                One time that was really funny that I can remember..
                I was cleaning house while he was here, and I started some hot soapy water in the sink and my mom called me for something and Jason was standing in the kitchen, I said I'll do the dishes in a minute.. I come back and he had started doing them. I got mad and said, "that's not how you do it, we rinse the dishes off before we put them in the drain rack" he was like, "well this is how we do it." I responded with "Well you do it the wrong way." and I re-washed all those dishes over again.... We laugh about it now, hehe

                I will probably frequent this thread! thanks for it!


                  He doesn't have favourites. Of ANYTHING. It drove me absolutely crazy when we were first starting to get to know one another. I would have been happy with the-first-thing-that-comes-to-your-mind-that-you-sort-of-like when I asked him about his favourite things... but the only answer I ever got was "I don't have favourites". To this day, I still don't know what kind of music he prefers (other than the songs he sends me) or what movies he's into, or what colour he likes...

                  Also, with me, the more I tease/make fun of someone, the more I love them. It's just a weird habit I have lol. I am also almost obsessive compulsively sarcastic, all the damn time. It's probably because my best friend has never been serious a day in his life, and it kind of rubbed off on me lol. My SO still takes me seriously a lot... So many times, I will be play fighting with him, and he thinks I'm being serious :S

                  And the thing that annoys me the most about him?
                  ...He can't stand hot showers! RAWR!

                  But I still loves him! xD <3

                  "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
                  -Miguel De Cervantes

                  Read our story HERE


                    I just tried to wake you up to spend time with me and then go to work instead you get pissy and say you don't feel good but wont tell me whats wrong? Blah..


                      Sometimes he's so passive-aggressive. He just moved in a new flat and found out he has very noisy neighbour. He's really annoyed but never once went up to ask him if he could keep down the noise. Instead he's bitching about it to me and writing emails to the landlord. He hates confrontation and just sulks instead. But if I just ignore it, soon he completely forgets about the issue.

                      Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


                        When you say your going to bed, actually go to bed instead of play on facebook for a few hours cause it upsets me and you KNOW that because i've told you already.
                        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                          i hate when he gets upset and shuts down and wont talk to me.
                          I hate when he logs off without saying "I love you" "good night sweety" etc.
                          I hate when he is painfully jealous over nothing (coz I do not even flirt with anyone!)
                          I HATE when we have problems and the best solution according to him is to break up
                          I hate that he would rather me not go to school and go home for 2 years now than in 5 years
                          I hate that he is jealous of me having the things he doesn't have

                          there...i said it


                            Originally posted by fcbella View Post
                            The other night Steve and I were "pinging" (Iphone app that allows you to text to other iphones for free). I said "I love you"... he respondes "ilu2".
                            I go "Ohhh I get shortforms now do I? lol"... him "lol".

                            I wasn't upset or anything.He's never ever said it in a short form before... ever! I was laughing about it.. but still!!! Spell it out dammit! lol
                            yes! this right here ^
                            Beth's done it a few times, its not like it bothers me or anything.. ha ha i just tell her to stop being lazy and that usually fixes it :P


                              My guy has the most annoying habit of shutting down, normally in the past I won't hear from him for weeks on end so I guess I should be grateful I at least hear from him but it's really annoying the hell out of me... I WANT TO TALK ABOUT THE DAMN FUTURE grrrrr.
                              Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.


                                I hate it when instead of talking to me you're playing games, I know you like them but when you play them all day to the point where I don't even remember having a actual conversation with you I get kinda peeved.
                                I hate it when you forget to tell me if you're taking a nap because you always respond back so quickly when you don't answer I feel like something is wrong or that I'm annoying you.
                                I hate it when I ask you ahead of time if we can cam and you say yes but then change your mind to go play games, or when you do cam or call me all you can talk about are those games or what you're doing with your friends, don't get me wrong I love hearing things about your life and what you're doing with your friends but when I ask ahead of time if I can call/cam with you I kinda just wanna be able to focus on us and talk to you about us.
                                I also hate it when when you do cam with me, even though I wait ALL day and even though we're both sitting around at home you wait to the last possible minute and then I only end up talking to you for half an hour, mostly about those games again. UGH.

                                Met: 8.17.09
                                Started Dating: 8.20.09
                                First Met: 10.2.10
                                Closed the Distance: 8.9.14

