I have a feeling that very soon it will be. Tonight me and my SO had a very serious conversation about our relationship. He brought it up which kind of surprised me. He pretty much started it off by saying how he misses physical love. He said that he wants me to move to California, which he has never really fully come out and said like that. I told him that I didn't know if I could do that. I also told him that if I did move out there I don't want to end up breaking up in a few months. I don't want moving all the way on the other side of the country to end up being for nothing. I told him that if he doesn't want to do this anymore that he should just let me go. Then he asks me what I want and of course I don't want to let him go which I said to him. We've been going out for almost a year and a half and we've known each-other for 4 years. Then he said that he didn't want us wasting the prime years of our lives just waiting. I told him that maybe he needs to find someone that doesn't live a million miles away and he said that I need to do the same. I don't want to lose the best thing to ever happen to me. Then I told him that maybe we need to take a break. He said what kinda break. I said, well we can stop talking to each-other for awhile so we can figure out what to do. He said maybe to that. I don't know what to do! I'm not ready to lose him.
My head keeps telling me right now to just let him go if he wants it to end, but my heart is telling me a much different story.
I know he doesn't want to end this. He just wants to be with me but doesn't want to wait any longer.