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Moving advice needed.

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    Seems like I wrote your post ...and especially this
    Originally posted by MadMolly View Post
    I really hate thinking I'm in a long-distance relationship. I was in one before and I swore I'd never do it again, so I'm just being stubborn here I guess because I guess in most ways he IS a boyfriend... just one who is 12 thousand km away.
    ...just with different locations an the fact that if I move I'll have to improve my English

    anyway, go for it!give it a shot! I suggest you to move to your SO location, you'll make new friends there.
    You never know if you never try...and I think it's better not having to dwell on the "what if?" that could pop-up in your mind over time...
    Good luck with your decision.


      Oh yes, and re: cold winters.

      My SO has lived his entire life in Costa Rica. It gets down to about 20°C on a cold night. And we're getting married in January in Colorado!!!! Tropical people can adapt. I promise


        Originally posted by Tooki View Post
        You also climatise to an extent as well. When I was living in Tallinn, Estonia over Winter (Guaranteed -15C days in the middle of winter), you get used to the cold. And snow is a LOT better than rain.
        You definitely do. I get much colder at home when it's 15°c than in Finland when it's -15°c, and as someone else said, Canada is well-equipped to face those temperatures.

        I think you should go, if only for the fact that Canada get much more interesting bands playing there than NZ, from what I hear
        I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


          It's really really scary Molly, but I totally think it's worth it! Gonna say what everyone else is saying, just think of it as an adventure. You have an amazing opportunity to live in the country for a while with a group of people you are familiar and comfortable with, to make easing into the newness of a country much easier. And you can't deny you have feelings for the guy... So why not take the plunge and take a shot? I'll be moving to Toronto for a year after I graduate school, so I understand how hard and scary it can be. But take it as a life-learning experience, and just go for it!


            Originally posted by TwoThree View Post
            You definitely do. I get much colder at home when it's 15°c than in Finland when it's -15°c, and as someone else said, Canada is well-equipped to face those temperatures.

            I think you should go, if only for the fact that Canada get much more interesting bands playing there than NZ, from what I hear
            Haha YES! So many international acts go through there every month. NZ is lucky to get 3 good bands a year!


              Do it! You will make lots of great memories and give the relationship a shot. If it doesnt work you can go to where your friends are and try there maybe and then move to Australia after your time in Canada is up, but if it does work you wont regret it. Nothing worst than looking back later on and going I wonder what would have happened if I had just given that a shot rather than not try at all. You know? So go for it girl and experience new things no matter what happens you wont regret it.


                LOL I won't lie to you. The winters suck! haha actually I have a feeling that when my bf finally gets to come visit me here, he will deal with the winters better than I do... But to be honest, there is only a few days a year where it gets really unbearable and you find yourself wondering what the heck you are doing in this country... But if you move to Vancouver, you don't really have that problem. There, the winters are much milder... Edmonton might take some getting used to! LOL I think it is as cold (if not colder) there than it is here in Ottawa.

                But like everyone said, everything is heated and anywhere indoor is warm. Including buses. Though you may freeze waiting for a bus, you will be warm again as soon as you get into it. Oh and after a lifetime of living in Canada, I recently discovered that if I actually dress properly for the weather (instead of wanting to just look good) it is actually really not so bad!!

                Winter has its advantages too! Snuggling in front of fireplaces, white Christmases, Spiked (or not) hot chocolates, going tobogganing, skiing, snow shoeing... Also it means more defined seasons! Gorgeous crisp fall, and the feeling of spring after the cold of winter... well, I would continue suffering through Canadian winters just for that feeling!!

                I personally can't wait to introduce my boyfriend to a Canadian winter.. I already have a warm winter coat for him and plan on knitting him a scarf!!
                First met online: June, 2010
                First met in person: August, 2011 (See the story of our first visit)
                Second visit: December, 2011 (Christmas and New Years together!)
                Third visit together: August, 2012
                Fourth visit: December 2012 (Christmas and New Years together!)
                Fifth visit: July 2013 (2 weeks here in Canada)
                Sixth visit: December 2013 (Christmas and New Years together again and I finally met his mother!)
                Next visit: Unknown... for now but coming up ASAP


                  Winter has its advantages too! Snuggling in front of fireplaces, white Christmases, Spiked (or not) hot chocolates, going tobogganing, skiing, snow shoeing... Also it means more defined seasons! Gorgeous crisp fall, and the feeling of spring after the cold of winter... well, I would continue suffering through Canadian winters just for that feeling!!
                  Go skiing!

                  I think you should go (to your guys city to be exact), you can only learn from this experience! And you can go back if you want to, or join your friends


                    i think you should give it a year there at his is worth a you said...if it doesn't work love the country...and you make friends i say go for it


                      Originally posted by TwoThree View Post
                      You definitely do. I get much colder at home when it's 15°c than in Finland when it's -15°c, and as someone else said, Canada is well-equipped to face those temperatures.

                      I think you should go, if only for the fact that Canada get much more interesting bands playing there than NZ, from what I hear
                      That's the best part about it. If Canada is as well set up for the cold as people have been saying, then you will hardly notice the cold. Plus once you are used to wearing the full winter kit, sitting in an unheated enclosed environment will be warm

                      And another reason to come back across the ditch: MUSIC.


                        Originally posted by Tooki View Post
                        That's the best part about it. If Canada is as well set up for the cold as people have been saying, then you will hardly notice the cold.
                        I call bullshit on this . It's true that you're not cold inside (if you're the man in control of the heating anyway) but, because it's miserable outside for 3/4 of the year and you can't go outside for any length of time without getting frostbite on your balls you still notice it. And it still cramps your style if you're not into staying home and playing board or card games. You can't really go out and have a barbie and play drunken cricket or anything like that. There's something about the lack of sunshine that cramps the spirit, imo.

                        However, you should still go! Vancouver is a lot more rainy than Edmonton. Plus, it's possibly the smallest "city" on the planet. So my vote would be for Edmonton - because snow is far nicer than the endless rain!
                        And they have hockey, perogies, that huge mall... Plenty of good things.

                        And if you really miss your Aussie countrymen you can go up to Whistler for a weekend, because we're running the show up there.
                        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                          Originally posted by Zephii View Post
                          I call bullshit on this . It's true that you're not cold inside (if you're the man in control of the heating anyway) but, because it's miserable outside for 3/4 of the year and you can't go outside for any length of time without getting frostbite on your balls you still notice it. And it still cramps your style if you're not into staying home and playing board or card games. You can't really go out and have a barbie and play drunken cricket or anything like that. There's something about the lack of sunshine that cramps the spirit, imo.

                          However, you should still go! Vancouver is a lot more rainy than Edmonton. Plus, it's possibly the smallest "city" on the planet. So my vote would be for Edmonton - because snow is far nicer than the endless rain!
                          And they have hockey, perogies, that huge mall... Plenty of good things.

                          And if you really miss your Aussie countrymen you can go up to Whistler for a weekend, because we're running the show up there.
                          I'm serious . When it gets cold enough, you go numb after a few seconds anyway. If you get drunk then that's even better! I'm also a freak who enjoys being in sub-negative temperatures so I should shut up. But trust me (and Zephii) when we say that snow is a lot better than rain. You will know how crappy rain is in NZ as well.


                            Hey, c'mon, it's only a year, right? You can do anything for a year, it's such a short time. You might hate the Winter, but you might love it too, think of how different and fun it could be! My Finnish boyfriend tells me there's no such thing as too cold, you just have to wear enough clothes I don't necessarily agree with that! Take the chance to live in another country while you can, look at it as an adventure, and regardless if you end up loving it or hating it, you'll be wiser for the experience. Canada is a beautiful country with mostly friendly people, I think you'll have a great time and you'll gain a lifetime of memories.
                            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                              Originally posted by Tooki View Post
                              But trust me (and Zephii) when we say that snow is a lot better than rain. You will know how crappy rain is in NZ as well.
                              Agree. I'm from southeast USA and we have awful winters. It hovers around freezing and rains constantly (snows maybe 5 times a year). So instead of having a beautiful, fun winter with snow to play in, everything is wet (or icy), muddy and COLD. Plus windy. Snowy winters are better than rainy winters.


                                Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
                                Agree. I'm from southeast USA and we have awful winters. It hovers around freezing and rains constantly (snows maybe 5 times a year). So instead of having a beautiful, fun winter with snow to play in, everything is wet (or icy), muddy and COLD. Plus windy. Snowy winters are better than rainy winters.
                                Amen amiga.

