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Would you ever respond to contact from an ex who did you wrong?

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    Would you ever respond to contact from an ex who did you wrong?

    I have been 4, close to 5 months NC with my ex who was LDR with me. Essentially she said she needed space. This was during a week she begged to see me, had me buy a ticket for her and flaked on me. She gave me tons of excuses, but I realize at a later time the initial reason she gave me about having to focus on her future and taking an internship was total BS. I later find out a month later she is talking to her ex previously to me.

    This guy caused conflicts in the relationship I had with her at the time. He contacted me saying horrible things about her, which I ignored and she told me to not even look at them. I kept them until a later time and then read them. It gave me some questions about certain parts of our relationship and the genuinely of her feelings for me, but based on how she treated me I believe she loved me.

    Fast forward, for the better part of three months she was the one initiating contact with me through phone, Facebook, text, all ignored. The texts went from "Hey", "Hello" , "Biscous." to "Biscous please answer me! I can't stop thinking about you."

    Her last response to me a few weeks ago was "If you told me to put all of my things into a box and go see you I would. Please answer me"

    I don't know why I even want to respond to her logically, but I still care for the girl. She meant a lot to me and part of me is still struggling that she is no longer in my life. But she is sending me all these texts and calls saying she's missing me and 'dying to talk to me' when she is sleeping with someone else who caused us both so much pain and strife. I don't think she deserves contact from me and I'm not sure if it is the most emotionally healthy thing for me even though she is almost out my system.

    I was just wondering if anyone here has had contact from their ex and re established contact with them, being dumped. Would it be good to say what I need to say to her or stay silent. I have not heard from her for a few weeks but then again I have not contacted her. Not sure if it is even worthwhile to re establish contact with her.

    I failed to expound on the ex situation where after he initiated contact she told me to block/ignore the guy. She later found out through his family that he was moving to NY and wouldn't bother her anymore. This is because for a while he would constantly call her. She eventually got a restraining order on this man.

    She decided to eventually move up to NY with her. I recall this because she talked about how 'indefinite' our distance was and how hard it was to move from GA to TX, so part of her actions in that regard sicken me.


      Nope. Couldn't pay me enough to get back in touch with him.


        Stay away imo! Block her from all communication and certainly don't initiate it. She seems like bad news. The sooner you can move on from this, the better. Good luck!


          My ex cheated on two times. If she contacted me right now saying she wanted to talk to me and she missed me, I would delete the message and never think about it again.


            A long time ago, my ex became my boyfriend again after calling me 2 months after breaking up with me. He's my ex now. He broke up with me again.
            If she was flaky in the past, she'll probably be flaky again. It probably won't be worth another break up. Then again, I got a trip to Japan out of the above mentioned episode, so....


              I get the feeling that she is out of people, and is wanting your attention. Stay away my brother.


                yeah..... that is one part of your past that you should hide behind a thick door and a thrown away key....

                no good....... move on to greener pastures my friend... it's simply not worth and will only cause you trouble
                The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

                Carl Jung (1875 - 1961)


                  If you really need to answer her, it should be to say "Don't talk to me again." Your feelings are understandable, but thankfully you're smart XP. Just remember how she screwed you over every time she messages you @_@. Seriously though, you might want to tell her to leave you alone.


                    While I want to think the best of my ex and believe that she just wants to be friends....I've ignored the last couple of texts because I don't want to give her the wrong impression. I know that we COULD be friends but keep as little contact with her as I can. I've only seen her once and I've only texted her once, both occasions regarded me getting my stuff back from her. I'd say keep all ties severed. Like Carenza said above, move on to the greener pastures.


                      I remember your situation. I'm glad you're out of it and moving forward.

                      I had (I guess I should say I have) an ex like that. He was emotionally abusive and it took everything for me to break off contact with him at the end of our "relationship". Something like 5 months later, he was back telling me he missed me and wanted to talk to me. I responded as calmly as I could and told him that I do not return the feelings and that I don't really want to talk to him, considering that he made my life hell for several months. Part of me was furious at him, but the part of me that was still cared for this guy and was stupid enough to hang on to the relationship in the first place begged me to leave communication open, so we talked a little, but it just left me feeling angry (coincidentally, this was also about the time I was getting into my current relationship). A few months later, he contacted me again with the same thing. This time I said no, we're done talking, and we haven't spoken since.

                      If I were you, I would make it clear to her that I do not wish to speak to her in just one concise sentence and then proceed to block her so that you don't need to deal with whatever nonsense she throws back at you. Like Tooki said, she is probably just turning to you because she is out of people. Even if she isn't, there is no reason to fuel this deadly fire.
                      Last edited by kittyo9; October 22, 2012, 12:34 AM.
                      Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
                      Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
                      Engaged: 09/26/2020


                        never EVER, i doubt my ex would contact me considering my speech ive already given him previously, i think he was so taken aback by what i said considering how much i stood up for myself, that he realised im not some insecure girl anymore and that i have moved on to someone better


                          No, not in a million years. I sincerely hate his guts. We've tried to be friends, but there were a lot of things between us that still hurt the both of us. So we never bothered with each other anymore.


                            Originally posted by Amelia View Post
                            never EVER, i doubt my ex would contact me considering my speech ive already given him previously, i think he was so taken aback by what i said considering how much i stood up for myself, that he realised im not some insecure girl anymore and that i have moved on to someone better
                            I'm interested in hearing this speech


                              My honest opinion is that you should tell her to leave you alone. I get that it's kinda satisfactory to leave her hanging and ignore her, as you might feel you're getting some sort of revenge (I could be wrong, though, no offense) but I think it'll be easier for you to completely move on if you send her an email or something, telling her that you don't want anything to do with her, and asking her to forget your existence from now on.
                              I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd

