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My Filipino girlfriend said she don't want me becouse i am Indian---Need Help?

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    My Filipino girlfriend said she don't want me becouse i am Indian---Need Help?

    Hello Everyone,
    I am Santosh from India. 2 years ago i met one Filipino girl on Facebook. She is so pretty i have met. Feb 2011 to Dec. 2011 everything was fine. I met her when i was studying in the last year. I gave her my each and every details about me and my family. At first time i told her i am Indian guy from Middle Class family and I need time to go in Philippines. That time she was so good to me. She listened my every problem and asked me to save money for travelling. January 2012 She text me and asked me for a breakup. I was so shocked bcoz i didn't know anything why she want breakup with me, and honestly i am deeply involve in her. I begging her, I cry for her, I keep calling her but she didnt listen my any word. i keep trying to get her back until 8 months. After a many ups and down last week she said she love me and she want me. i was so happy and i thought now everything will be good, but it was just a dream. i said i will come to Philippines soon maybe this feb. bcoz i don't want lose you again. everything goes well but before 4 days she suddenly changed and asked me for a breakup. and i don't know why?. i asked for a reason then she told me i am not able for her. i am travel by bus in the India, i don't have car and many more. she compare me to her friends. how she's friends is rich and how many guys asked for a marriage. i get hurt, i beg her to don't leave me. whatever she want i will give her. whatever i have its true and i don't hide anything from her. few minutes ago i called her again then she said she don't want me anymore, she don't care if i cry, if i die. she don't care if i love her. now i don't understand what i do now? i get hurt very badly. i am 24 years old and she is older than me. i am still trying to get her back. every month she asked me to leave her. i am upset and sad. i am in long distance relationship but i love her deeply. i don't know what should i do? I said her i will marry to her. but she used many bad words to me. she insulting me a lot. She said i am stupid, boring and poor guy. i don't know i am stupid or what. please i need good advice guys
    Please help.

    While you may not see this due to how vulnerable you currently on, what it sounds like to me is she's interested in someone for their money and isn't sure how to handle the situation (breaking up with you, you begging her back) so is saying horrible things in the event you will leave her alone, versus taking actual measures to do it herself, such as blocking your number etc. I will say that I do think you should stop trying to contact her because she's only going to say worse and worse things to you, and I'll be blunt, you likely aren't going to get her back. While wanting someone with money is incredibly shallow, to an extent, it's possible that that's not something she's willing to compromise on and therefore does not want to be in the relationship. It's honestly probably better for you, in the long run, not to be with someone who wants a "rich man" and nothing less.

    As far as what you do now, you stop contacting her. You block her from contacting you. You cry, you sob, you punch pillows, you do what you need to do to let out your emotions, and start taking care of yourself. Make yourself a priority. Breaking up is never easy, but time does heal all wounds, and hindsight is always 20/20. Hang in there.
    { Our Story on LFAD }

    Our Beginning
    Met online: February 2009
    Feelings confessed: December 2010
    Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
    Officially together since: 08 April 2011

    Our Story
    First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
    Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
    Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
    Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

    Our Happily Ever After
    to be continued...


      I agree with Eclaire. She certainly does seem like a very shallow person. Being Indian has nothing to do with it, she doesn't want to pursue the relationship because you don't satisfy her materialistic ideals which is ridiculous. Don't ever let anyone make you feel worthless. Walk away and don't look back.
      “The ties that binds us are sometimes impossible to explain. They connect us even after it seems like the ties should be broken. Some bonds defy distance and time and logic; Because some ties are simply… meant to be.” - Grey’s Anatomy

      >Little Box<


        It seems like she was only with you for money. They key phrase was that she want you to save money to travel. Would you have been saving up for BOTH of you to travel?

        As the other two gals have said, let her go and don't look back. I assure you that the relationship would not have lasted.


          I'm really sorry this happened to you, I know it hurts, but you've got to let her go. There is nothing you can say or do to win her back, she's not interested in love, just money, after a while you'll realize she was the wrong girl for you. You will heal from this, I promise, we've all been through it.
          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


            When I lived in Philippines I found out there were quite a few girls like this. My cousin actually was one of them. She would meet foreign guys on dating sites or sometimes whilst she was out and she would ask for money several times. Then usually she'd repeat the same act with another man. Then when it comes to her being with her friends then they'd usually talk about what their guys have done for them or how much their guys have or own. I am so sorry you had to go through this but it definitely seems like this girl is more after money and bragging rights than anything else.


              Originally posted by jleec24 View Post
              When I lived in Philippines I found out there were quite a few girls like this. My cousin actually was one of them. She would meet foreign guys on dating sites or sometimes whilst she was out and she would ask for money several times. Then usually she'd repeat the same act with another man. Then when it comes to her being with her friends then they'd usually talk about what their guys have done for them or how much their guys have or own. I am so sorry you had to go through this but it definitely seems like this girl is more after money and bragging rights than anything else.
              My Filo friend has told me about these kinds of girls. I'm sorry that you had to go through it OP.


                *hugs* I'm so sorry. My boyfriend is south Asian, too, and this breaks my heart. Like everyone else has said, it's not about your race or nationality. She's no good for you, hon. She's just a user, and she's used you. Find yourself a girl who loves you for you, not for how much money you have. She's out there. I promise.


                  Originally posted by C_loves_L View Post
                  *hugs* I'm so sorry. My boyfriend is south Asian, too, and this breaks my heart. Like everyone else has said, it's not about your race or nationality. She's no good for you, hon. She's just a user, and she's used you. Find yourself a girl who loves you for you, not for how much money you have. She's out there. I promise.
                  I'm agree to this.
                  After all that we've been through, It all comes down to me and you.
                  I guess it's meant to be, Forever you and me, After all.


                    i am thankful to all of you who gave time to me and giving nice advice to me. after all reading this i feel better. i am always thankful to all of you you


                      Originally posted by santoshsharma View Post
                      i am thankful to all of you who gave time to me and giving nice advice to me. after all reading this i feel better. i am always thankful to all of you you
                      Well all the best to you in finding someone that loves you for who you are, she's out there and you will find her soon dear....x

                      Started Writing - February 2010
                      First Visit - September 2010
                      Second Visit - June 2011
                      Third Visit & His Release Date - February 2012
                      Our Wedding Day - April 2012
                      Submitted I-130 Visa Application - July 2012
                      NOA1 - July 2012
                      NOA2 - December 2012
                      Fourth Visit - December 2012
                      Closing The Distance - Watch this space

