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What do you do to make your SO happy?

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    What do you do to make your SO happy?

    Namely, stuff that you wouldn't be doing otherwise. Like, watching a football match with them even though you're not a fan. Or playing games even though you're not a gamer. Or maybe you listen to them talk loads about things you're not interested in. Or you ate something they've cooked for you even though you didn't like it. You get the picture.

    (This is not about what you grew to like because of them, but things that you're personally not a fan of but you still do because they love it.)

    How often do you do it?
    Do they do the same for you?
    Are you happy with the balance?

    Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs

    We watch some TV shows together online and I watch some that I don't particularly care for because he is interested in them. Sometimes it works out that I start out uninterested, but end up enjoying the show. There are some topics I'm not too excited about, but will talk about them anyway - well, as much as possible - because I know he is interested in them. I feel that we have a pretty good balance. I don't feel like I'm doing a ton of stuff that I don't particularly enjoy. I figure it's an opportunity to become exposed to new things, whether I end up liking them or not. And I love to see him when he is interested in something! It's really cute when he gets excited about things. I am sure there are things that I like talking about that he would rather not. And I know he's played some games that he would rather not because I think they are fun and it's something to do together.


      I've done her essays a couple of times whilst she's catching up on some sleep or is too busy with another essay. I usually do this whenever she gets too busy and has not gotten much sleep in several days or is scrambling to get something done within the next few days. She's usually really lonely where she is so I also try to keep her company as much as possible. For instance this week she wants to celebrate post-exams by going to the zoo but none of her friends really want to go with her so instead I will be keeping her company on her blackberry. She'll be talking to me and taking pictures and everything. I have also eaten some of her food that was too salty and I try to keep in contact with her family as much as possible, I buy her parents and brothers presents on their birthdays and I try as much as possible to visit the house and just hang out with her family just so I can tell her everything that happened afterward and how everybody is doing and so on. I try to do as much as I possibly can to make her happy and I usually don't mind because when she's happy it's all so worth it.


        Well hes never really asked me to do much besides smile which i do
        that makes him happy tbh.


          I go shopping with her and pick out things that I like for her try on.


            I'm a bit at a loss here. He does things like that ALL the time for me, and I don't really. I feel bad.

            Well, I have absolutely no interest in beer/alcohol and it's kind of a passion for him, so I'd ask question and listen to him go on and on about it. Well, I don't fake interest, but it's not something I'd usually even think about. I also go to the liquor store with him and not say a word if he spends too much time browsing the selection

            Disclaimer: my SO is not an alcoholic or a drunk He rarely gets drunk at all and never drinks on workdays. It's just that he likes to research things he is passionate about, he writes reviews, look for rare beers, etc.
            I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


              Originally posted by TwoThree View Post
              I'm a bit at a loss here. He does things like that ALL the time for me, and I don't really. I feel bad.

              Well, I have absolutely no interest in beer/alcohol and it's kind of a passion for him, so I'd ask question and listen to him go on and on about it. Well, I don't fake interest, but it's not something I'd usually even think about. I also go to the liquor store with him and not say a word if he spends too much time browsing the selection

              Disclaimer: my SO is not an alcoholic or a drunk He rarely gets drunk at all and never drinks on workdays. It's just that he likes to research things he is passionate about, he writes reviews, look for rare beers, etc.
              LIES. HE IS A FINN, AND I'VE SEEN THEM IN TALLINN (I kid), I'm a food lover and I definitely appreciate a great drink.

              My GF has also made an effort to get into Rugby, plus her and I make will watch a movie that only one of us likes (Her chick flicks vs. my action movies).


                Played video games with him, Watch really old and bad movies. He likes that and I find it really boring but as long I'm with him that doesn't matter.


                  I listen to my SO rant about LoL every night over the phone, I try foods I already know I don't like because he swears I just haven't eaten them prepared the right way. I'd do almost anything for my SO if it made him happy.

                  Met: 8.17.09
                  Started Dating: 8.20.09
                  First Met: 10.2.10
                  Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                    Well I partly work out as hard as I do because it makes him happy that I'm putting effort to take care of my body. The other reason I do that is because it makes me happy too.
                    During the beginnings of our relationship, I wasn't much into video games besides like Spyro and Pokemon. But he's into the guns and blood and stuff, but he likes it. I always sat and watched him play when weren't doing anything else that day. After some time, I actually have learned to enjoy watching him play. I've even played with him a few times and it was a lot of fun. So I guess the things that you do solely to make him happy can end up rubbing off on you too
                    Began our story ~ July 1, 2007
                    Our first LDR ~ August 2009
                    Closed the distance ~ January 2011
                    He joined the Air Force ~ January 1, 2013
                    Our second LDR ~ January 2, 2013
                    He proposed ~ July 4, 2013
                    Our wedding day ~ December 30, 2014
                    Closing the distance ~ Summer 2015

                    Proud of my Airman!!


                      These are so cute!

                      I try to be of the mindset that it's always fine to try something new once. My SO and I have creepily similar tastes in things, but also vastly different. For example, he loves loves loves technology. Before I met him, I wouldn't have looked twice at new reviews or new products coming out. Now, if I see an article on the new Iphone or whatever, I'll read it so I'm somewhat up to date on the new products coming out! I'm no guru like he is, but it's actually kindled an interest in me as well. I finally know that iOS is an operating system!!

                      Like Tooki said, we both watch each other's movies as well. This summer, I can't tell you how many times we had to settle on the middle ground of comedy to satisfy both of us. :P (I'm more of a historical/romance/drama/epic movies type of girl; he's Casino/action/horror/documentary sort of guy). And speaking of documentaries, I normally don't watch those for fun. Stephen watches them religiously. And, of course, they always turn out to be fascinating! Would I have picked it myself? No. But I do like making him happy.

                      He also listens to me passionately rant about all things bookish. I'm an English and Russian major, so my life revolves around language. He reads newspapers and nonfiction; I'm enthralled by historical romantic political drama/smorgasboard of every style. I'm in a poetry class this semester, for example, and though he has zero interest in poetry, he always lets me run ideas by him, even if at the end of it he just says, "Baby, you're brilliant, and whatever you write will be amazing."

                      I suppose at the end of the day, it's a give and take for both of us.
                      "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


                        I cook food that he likes, but I think is terrible. I play D&D for him. I wash all the cutlery, more or less all the time, because he hates doing it.
                        Sometimes I watch TV shows or movies with him, even though I can almost always think of something better to do. I dunno, there's a bunch of little things I wouldn't do or put up with if he wasn't the center of my universe.

                        How often do you do it? - Some things, rarely. Others every other day.
                        Do they do the same for you? Yep. He fixes things on my computer that I could fix myself. He gets up and gets my glass of water on the nights I forget. He takes me for walks when he'd rather stay home. And he started playing WoW for me - but I know he actually enjoys it now.
                        Are you happy with the balance? Most of the time. Sometimes one of us slacks off, but the other will say "I miss <this>" or "I feel you're taking me for granted" and everything gets back on track.
                        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                          (This was when we were closed distance) I've went to almost every football game I could make it to for him, even though I personally don't care for it and usually sat alone. I went to his wrestling matches in high school, plus I volunteered to help at one all day just so I could be with him and support him (even though most of the day I wasn't). For his 18th birthday I bought him a St. Louis Rams wallet which made him speechless, he showed it off to everyone he could. I bought him a Stormtrooper helmet and pins when I went to Disneyland, bought promise rings, I made him two costumes and made him numerous crafts. I recently got him a Rams sweater for the cold season, made him a Star Wars blanket. I almost ALWAYS give him the last of everything when it comes to food, or I just give it all to him. I've cooked him lunch many times before, also made him a sandwhichs which got a few funny remarks! I've dressed up for him alot, both just to go out AND for those nights indoors I've watched his tv shows and got into them with him, I've played video games and shared video games with him. When we went to school together, I kissed him everyday and let him know he was loved. I've given him massages and I always play with his hair alot. I've taken him to movies and other fun stuff, invited him to family events, etc. I tell him everything, which can make him happy or mad or sad, depending! I've held him when he felt bad and have comforted him. Well, basically I always put him first before anything!

                          I still do most of this stuff now, just in different ways and when we/I can.

                          How often do you do it? - He would say too often I do most of these things. Other times, it depends on where we are, if we have time, etc etc. Mainly I try to do things to make him happy as much as possible.
                          Do they do the same for you? - Yes and no. He's always been way busier in life than I ever had ever since we met, which limited his time with me and for me. But he has always tried as best as he can, and when it didn't work out he showed how affected he was by it. But for the most part he does do a lot for me, and when he makes a little extra money he saves it and buys me things I've really wanted, mostly for holidays/birthdays/anniversary. As for little things like massages and stuff, he ALWAYS did it for me.
                          Are you happy with the balance? - Yes. I may buy him ALOT more but I was born into more money and a generous family, so I give a lot and when I do it makes me happy just to see them so happy! Plus little things I can do for him that make him kiss me and say thank you with that look of love on his face is always nice! In the end, it doesnt matter what he gives me or how frequently he goes to a performance of mine or whatever, I know that he always tries to do what he knows would make me happy and that one day when were together he'll be a lot more able to do things for me than he could before.


                            Watch youtube videos and edit his videos. I kind of like the editing part though..sometimes anyway. lol


                              I find that most of the things that I was doing solely for him, I've actually ended up liking. Especially when it comes to food, he always says it's because I've never had them, that I just assume I don't like them. Orange cremesicles, hard boiled eggs, roast beef, are just some of the few. Last visit, I watched a movie that I figured I would hate, but he wanted to watch it and I ended up liking it... I think our tastes are very similar and we've discussed the fact that we like trying things 'for the other' because it makes life fun. He has yet to try roller skating for me, but we're working on it I think the balance is good. I hadn't really thought about the balance, which I guess means it's good

                              I almost forgot though, the one place where we really do compromise and do things the other doesn't really like is the mall. He wants to go into every hat store in the place and I want to go to my favorite clothing store. Neither of us really likes the other's store choices, but we go anyway because we love the other and spending time with each other.
                              My motor runs a lover's heartbeat
                              It's just me and you
                              Put the pedal to the metal
                              Baby, turn the radio on
                              We can run to the far side of nowhere
                              We can run 'til the days are gone

