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Update... (:

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    Update... (:

    Me and Melissa are still talking every day. At first when I broke up with her, she didn't want anything to do with me. Then she came back saying she's going to change, I said "you said that last time.." I decided to give us some time of just being "friends" I told her if she really does change, she can have another chance, but only time can tell. First thing I noticed was she said she loved me in front of her friends and her sister. That was a huge step for her. We still talk on the phone for hours on end. We've been having more to talk about. I was falling asleep on the phone with her last night; this is what I remember:

    Her: Babe... (yes she still calls me that)
    Me: Mhm? (half asleep ;x)
    Her: Are you sleeping?
    Me: Nooo..
    Her: Don't fall asleep please..
    Me: I'm not..

    10 mins later...

    Her: Babe...
    Me: Hm?
    Her: I love you.. (she said it with emotion!)
    Me: *smiles* I love you too..

    Not even 5 mins later..

    Her: zZzZzZ (she was snoring)
    Me: *smiles* zZzzZzzZ

    The end :]. Only time will tell if she truely changes. ♥
    Rona A.
    Tiffanee C.

    Together since | x3.29.2014- ♥
    Met online | x3.22.2014 - Met at | Whisper (app)
    Met in person | x4.22.2014 - Met in | Lincoln City, OR
    Moved in together | Jun. of 2013

    That's great!


      I'm happy for you! I think it's a good decision to not jump back in a relationship straight away, but just see how being friends works and if she's really that committed and actually wants to change to be with you.


        That's great! Take things slow and see if she's really changed, and I wish all the best for you both.


          I'm really happy for you. Please do take it slow though. My ex would say/do anything to get back together and then as soon as I gave in he would be right back to insulting and contolling me. I truly am happy for you and I hope it works out and that she continues to show you how she feels and treat you with the love and respect you deserve, I'm just saying be careful.


            Awww, that's good then! Just be careful though and take your time with it. =)


              Originally posted by Anna N' Luc View Post
              I'm really happy for you. Please do take it slow though. My ex would say/do anything to get back together and then as soon as I gave in he would be right back to insulting and contolling me. I truly am happy for you and I hope it works out and that she continues to show you how she feels and treat you with the love and respect you deserve, I'm just saying be careful.
              I agree with this.

              Those are a couple of good visual representations.

              I hope she means it, but please, be careful, and don't let your heart rule your head on this one, because this has happened on more than one occasion.
              Last edited by ThePiedPiper; November 14, 2012, 04:35 PM.


                I thought you were going to cut her off?

                I think that was the best option.


                  I am not trying to be harsh here, I'm just giving my honest opinion; this seems like a very toxic relationship. I don't know if it is best for you because I must point out that people do not change over that short period of time unless something truly groundbreaking has happened. So I don't think you should put so much hope and faith into what could be a relationship. Take it slow and be very cautious, don't jump straight back into a relationship. Sometimes people seem at their very best after a break up and several weeks after getting back together but then they return to their same old selves and their same old routines.


                    I've got to agree with lucybelle and jleec24 here, it's easy to give the appearance of being changed for a few weeks, just long enough to get you hooked again. There is something not right about that girl, but good luck anyway.
                    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                      I'm glad that you're happy and that you're doing what you want to do.. in a sense. However, I think that if the two of you are just being friends and seeing how things play out (like you say that you are) then the pet names and 'I love you's should stop for now. With those things still in place it's like the relationship is still there, you just haven't given it a formal name again yet. You need to be firm on your stance that you are just friends until she proves that she has really changed and this isn't doing that. This is allowing her to work her way back in as the girlfriend before even going through the friend stage. I do think that you should be careful and look out for your own interest. No one can tell you what to do here, but hopefully you'll at least consider the advice that everyone has offered to you. Honestly, you're young and you can do better than someone who is going to toy with your emotions and mistreat you for no good reason. Even if she does change, change takes time and it's not going to happen over night nor is it going to happen in a few days/a week/etc.. don't let her fool you into thinking otherwise. I wish you the best regardless though, it's your life and your choice in the end.
                      "Babe, I'm totally murdering everyone in this building right now! ... You would be so proud of me."
                      This. This is only one of the reasons that I love this man. XD

                      "I'll surrender up my heart and swap it for yours."
                      Por siempre, mi amor. ♥

