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You and your SO as star signs- are you compatible?

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    Originally posted by rina View Post
    read the thread and i noticed a taurus+leo and i was wondering .. how can you stand each other? my family is pretty much taurus and leo , dad and me+ mom and bro and let me tell you, we don't really get along too well, nor i don;t get along with any leo i've met so far, and i noticed this before adding the leo sign/astrology description to those faces.
    To be honest, I am always super attracted to Leo, but I don't think I would do well with Leo friend or family... I have none... well my grand-mother is Leo and I love her... but you know I have this whole respect for my elder thing so I don't butt heads with her...

    The BF and I, however, butt heads like crazy. After the more frigid relationship I had with cancer, I actually find it sexy! It's all heat and passion!! We have this crazy attraction! Like we can't keep away from each other... even when it would be best if we did!! Maybe not the healthiest thing...

    I don't "technically" believe in these things, but this is all true for us:
    First met online: June, 2010
    First met in person: August, 2011 (See the story of our first visit)
    Second visit: December, 2011 (Christmas and New Years together!)
    Third visit together: August, 2012
    Fourth visit: December 2012 (Christmas and New Years together!)
    Fifth visit: July 2013 (2 weeks here in Canada)
    Sixth visit: December 2013 (Christmas and New Years together again and I finally met his mother!)
    Next visit: Unknown... for now but coming up ASAP


      I love star signs, I find they are usually spot on for me!

      We're another Taurus + Virgo pair. This pretty much says it all:

      Taurus and Virgo really understand each other, making this pairing the stuff of longterm relationships. The earth-wise, natural Taurus attracts the eye of purity conscious Virgo.

      Some Bulls takes the lead, and Virgo doesn't mind going along with a good plan. Virgo chats Taurus up, and gets them talking about things they know. Both are cautious in romance, and take their time observing the other in life situations. Virgo takes note of what Taurus likes and dislikes, and makes a point to lay out a banquet of favorites. Taurus goes wild for the understated sensuality of Virgo, and is able to reach those deeper layers over time. Virgo can trust the rooted stability of Taurus, finding it easier to relax in their presence.

      Taurus can be resistant to the critiquing style of Virgo, but at times will appreciate the insight. Virgo may sometimes think Taurus too rigid and unchangeable. In the end, they're both sensible, and won't jeopardize a good thing over these minor frictions.
      Except for this bit:

      The Taurus-Virgo home is an evolving experiment in cozy, efficient living. One arrangement could be with Bull as 'provider' and Virgo the 'homemaker.' Virgo helps the dirty, mellow Taurus keep things neat and clean, and may find purpose in that role.
      My Virgo is twice as lazy and filthy as I am, thankyouverymuch!
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        Originally posted by Zephii View Post
        My Virgo is twice as lazy and filthy as I am, thankyouverymuch!
        Sounds like you got a defective Virgo!!
        First met online: June, 2010
        First met in person: August, 2011 (See the story of our first visit)
        Second visit: December, 2011 (Christmas and New Years together!)
        Third visit together: August, 2012
        Fourth visit: December 2012 (Christmas and New Years together!)
        Fifth visit: July 2013 (2 weeks here in Canada)
        Sixth visit: December 2013 (Christmas and New Years together again and I finally met his mother!)
        Next visit: Unknown... for now but coming up ASAP


          I'm a Cancer and he's a Taurus, which apparently is a great match.

          We definitely compliment each other well. I'm the jealous type, but he's very loyal, so no worries there. I'm a very emotional person, and he's very good and calming me down. He's not great with money, but I am, so hopefully we'll balance each other out later on. And like our description said, we both find home a very important place to find emotional stability, refuge and coziness/comfort.
          "You let me in your heart and out of my head."


            yeah we are, turns out our signs balance each other out. So yeah defiantly a good thing


              Ah star signs xDD Actually I was the one talking about the compability of our star signs ... and we weren't together at that time ;p (I think it was a sure sign that I was falling for her, lol)

              I'm a Pisces and she's a Capricorn. (Water/Earth) Although we're said to be pretty different often, we match each other well, both having something the other one needs. So it's like the case of opposites attract, but yet the match can be quite perfect ;p Well, I don't mind that ;p


                I’m a Cancer and he’s a Scorpio and it’s been a match made in heaven ☺️


                  We are both Pisces, we both have a calm personality altho he has more power in hisself but we are good together


                    I'm Libra, and he's Capricorn. We'll have challenges, but if we can compromise effectively and learn from each other, we can do well. In Chinese astrology, we're both Tigers though, so a mirror image, I guess.
                    I always thought we were very similar, and we are in a lot of ways. We're both conflict avoidant, so we don't argue. We present our viewpoints to help us understand and support one another. He does tend to get very overwhelmed with worries, so I have to talk him out of that at times before we takes himself down with them. But then when I worry, he reassures me. We flip roles depending on who needs what, and I love that cos it adds a different dynamic to things.


                      I’m a Capricorn and he’s a Taurus. We are the ideal match for each other.


                        Do you guys know the app; the pattern? I am not sure if it’s there for android devices already but it is available for iOS.
                        It’s an app where you learn a lot about who you are and what kind of cycle you are in based on your birthday and place and time of birth. For example I am in the relationship evolution cycle right now. It lasts for another 18 days. It gives an description of what the cycle means. But if your other half joins that app too you guys can connect and find out how you guys are dealing with for example communication blocks or relationships expectations. They give you the similarities and the diffences on how you handle things. It’s really interesting and the things they tell me about me and about me and my bf are pretty close to the truth!


                          I am a Libra and my SO is a Cancer.. According to everything I have read on this, we are not supposed to be compatible whatsoever. I strongly disagree! We just click so well and our personalities really balance each others out. So far it has been amazing between him and I... I guess we'll see
                          ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~

