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Have you ever wished you hadn't met him/her at all?

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    If I hadn't met my girlfriend I wouldn't be this happy. Nothing comes easy in life but you shouldn't let those things bring you down. It takes patience and a POSITIVE attitude even when things look bad. Good things WILL come.


      we originally met up as friends, and became a couple after that meeting, and yes i did think once that it would have been easier if I hadn't gone over to meet him, as it was that meeting that changed our relationship, but since we've been together no I can't regret it at all.


        When we met we were just coworkers. We were living together at a summer camp working as staff there. The first week we met i think we spoke two words to him. I kind of thought he was cute and tried talking to him but he never gave me more then 2 words. I remember seeing him walking with a backpack one day on our day off and I asked where he was going because I wanted to know if he would be coming into town with the rest of the staff and all he said was "Toronto" and walked away haha I still make fun of him for that. Well one thing led to another and we became a fling, which turned into us being inseparable, we spent every day all day together. (we lived, worked, and spent our days off together.) We both agreed it would be a summer thing, and go no further.) Neither of us wanted a LDR.

        After the summer was over he decided to come stay with me in my home town for a few months because we had such strong feelings for each other. He just left the other day to go back home and we had fallen in love, neither of us were able to stop it. We had never intended for this to happen. But there was no question that we were in love and there was no other option but to try a LDR. We had no desire to lose each other.

        Sometime I wonder what would have happened if we had never met. But I definitely don't regret a second of our time together. I feel blessed that we met and fell in love. He's amazing. And perhaps my life would be much less complicated if we had never met or if we had just kept it as a camp thing like we intended. But sometimes in life you don't get to chose the easy option. Your heart will have other plans for you.

