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How many hours do you spend with your SO weekly? Rant?

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    How many hours do you spend with your SO weekly? Rant?

    So this will officially be my first Post of LFAD. I was interested in knowing how much time your spend with your SO each week on phone/Skype?

    *This post is kind of a Rant*

    My main reason for asking a question like this is, I find my time with my Gf is rather short, but i enjoy ever minute i get with her regardless. With our current schedules we seem to only get roughly 2 hours every other day, and no weekends... and nights are generally out of he question because she has her children to attend to. Sometimes i feel i dont fully understand why she has no time. Im younger than my GF by a several years (most will think this is strange, but there is not age when it comes to love) and she understands that aspect. Im learning to be a supportive Boyfriend. Just want more time that i think is there. I guess it really comes down to talking to her about it... but i've mentioned it before....

    I guess im just looking for similiar situations from others, so i dont feel like the only person not getting the time i want with my GF....

    I really dont even know. im so bad at expressing myself.
    Last edited by sjaimangal; November 29, 2012, 11:28 PM.

    Do you mean in person or over skype/phone?


      Yesh Skype or phone, thanks for pointing that out Snow_girl, i edited my post so it would be more direct!!


        Are we talking in person or phone/skype/etc here? In person I have seen him a total of about 1 month in the almost two years that I have known him. I have never done a video chat with him because his webcam doesn't work (and to add to that he doesn't have an internet connection right now). We used facebook and another site (the one we met on) to chat through IM for most of the first year that we knew each other, then we started doing phone calls and voice chat. We would generally voice chat on xbox live for about 3-5 hours + a day (when neither of us was busy) but we can't do that now. As of right now our contact is whatever I send him in the mail (he doesn't like to write letters but he likes to receive them) and for the past few weeks we have gotten anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 1/2- 3 hours (this week) total on the phone. For about 2 months our contact was limited to one 30 minute (or less) phone call a week plus whatever was sent through mail.
        "Babe, I'm totally murdering everyone in this building right now! ... You would be so proud of me."
        This. This is only one of the reasons that I love this man. XD

        "I'll surrender up my heart and swap it for yours."
        Por siempre, mi amor. ♥


          We've skype every second day or so, I find any more and we run out of things to talk about quite quickly. It isn't like being in person where you can be together and not really have to keep up a conversation, skyping is a very talkative activity and there is nothing worse then an hour long call with nothing really to say.


            lets see, now that my laptop shuts off every time I use my webcam I get about 40-50 minutes on the phone with my SO a week sometimes less.

            Met: 8.17.09
            Started Dating: 8.20.09
            First Met: 10.2.10
            Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


              Originally posted by Sora1101 View Post
              lets see, now that my laptop shuts off every time I use my webcam I get about 40-50 minutes on the phone with my SO a week sometimes less.
              Oh im so sorry to hear. I find it difficult and i get more time!!! getting roughly 4-6 a week
              Last edited by sjaimangal; November 29, 2012, 11:44 PM.


                Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
                We've skype every second day or so, I find any more and we run out of things to talk about quite quickly. It isn't like being in person where you can be together and not really have to keep up a conversation, skyping is a very talkative activity and there is nothing worse then an hour long call with nothing really to say.

                Yeah, that understandable, but i wouldnt say you just talk for 1 hour staight because topics only last so long :P but you must play games or something, or show each other pictures, or something along those lines?


                  My GF and I will skype on most days. Often, my GF and I will sit there and do our own thing (for the reasons that snow_girl listed).

                  In total hours, we will speak for over 20 hours a week.


                    Im really spoiled. We talk everyday unless a event/party comes up or my SO has been overworked. Roughly 1-4 hours.... Idk how we manage to do this with a 8 hour time dif... If he calls we can talk on the phone up to an hour. And on crazy days we have talked for 6+ hours, (we once did 12 hours!)but thats a rare occasion... We been like this for over 3 years. One summer he was really busy so we talked every other day and some weeks only once or twice and that was so hard, im really spoiled, but he likes talking to me too its sweet because when im out or gone to my parents for the week he'll message me more often. Don't get me wrong there are some days when were hardly talkative and dont have much to say lol, we usually are just both on but on dif sites. but then that passes and were back to our chatty ways. So this works for us lol I got lucky finding someone who wants and craves me as much as I do him.
                    I love you Nathan <3
                    5/25/09 <3


                      We talk a lot. On an average day I'd say it's probably 2-3 hours. Sometimes we'll spend all day on the phone with each other, sometimes it's just a good night. It really just depends. My SO and I will do our own things too. Often we're reading the news and talking with each other about what we read. Or I tell him about what's going on on the forum. lol

                      Everyone has busy lives so I know time can be hard to come by. That being said, my SO and I both work full time and he has a child and we still manage to talk a lot. So I think you can make time if you really want to. Some people just don't find it necessary and others, like my SO and I, are needy.

                      Met online: 1/30/11
                      Met in person: 5/30/12
                      Second visit: 9/12/12
                      Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


                        We talk every day. We've now spent a total of 10 months LD of our just over two years together, and every day we've been apart, we've talked on the phone (never skyped). Almost every time, that was at bedtime. We text throughout the day, sometimes talk then if we have something specific to talk about, but we talk at bedtime every night. Sometimes it's short, but it's usually around an hour. Sometimes, it's much longer...

                        As far as not understanding how busy she is, I have felt that before. When I met my SO, he was in his first semester as a PhD student, and I was in my senior year of undergraduate (cleaning up credits, nothing too hard). He was ALWAYS busy. I was always bored. But I had my hobbies. I was still learning to sew... It usually didn't bother me, but I just really didn't understand.

                        Then I started grad school, got a job, and moved in with him which gave me about three hours of commute time daily. Then... I got it. And now, I'm a PhD student... And holy crap, there's nothing like this busy. Luckily, my SO and I both understand that busy, so it is rarely an issue. The best thing you can do for her is just realize she hates being busy more than you hate her being busy. It's just as frustrating for her, but she doesn't have the time to notice and fume. So what you should do, is get busy, too! Get hobbies, hang out with friends... But try to stay flexible because it sounds like her schedule isn't. And, realize, it won't always be this way.
                        Met online: Nov 2010 - Met in person: Nov 20, 2010
                        Closed the distance: April 27, 2011
                        Accepted to PhD program 200 miles away: March 2012
                        LD again: July 24, 2012
                        Left School and Closed the Distance for good: March 8, 2013
                        Married: November 1, 2014
                        Started job 200 miles away: February 23, 2015


                          When we were LD, we skyped almost every night for 30 minutes. My SO didn't have internet at the time, so he would just go to a cyber cafe every night and pay for 1/2 an hour. For us, it worked. Sometimes 30 minutes felt too long and other times it felt like we could've gone on for 3 hours.


                            We Skype usually twice daily while one of us gets ready for work and the other just got off. We generally don't actively talk more than 30 minutes a day's more like we're sitting with each other virtually only we're doing separate things on separate computers. We share the stuff we're doing a lot but we can't look at the same computer screen...sometimes we do screen sharing but of course there's no sound sharing. Sometimes I want to talk more but I will just get his attention and we'll talk if I want to. He does the same. On a day I work or have something to do when I'm off we generally talk about 1-5 hours. On a day I'm off and have nothing to do, we sometimes talk more than that.
                            I have a full time job. He can't get more than part-time hours so I guess it's a bit easier on him as far as making time is concerned. I don't think you should really compare how much I talk to him and how much you talk to her because neither of us have children. It's nice to talk everyday but it can get rough. Sometimes I want to talk less because it can get upsetting that your SO is there but also not there. It sounds like you two talk quite a bit considering how busy she must be.


                              We keep a running text conversation throughout the day most days, like one text an hour back and forth, and then after work we'll often talk on the phone for anywhere between 20 minutes to an hour. Sometimes we'll go 2-3 days without a word if nothing is happening in our lives, we don't keep a schedule or anything. We just talk when we have stuff to talk about.

