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    details of most recent visit huh?

    I went down to Viera this past weekend to visit SO. It was my first time going down there since she moved at the beginning of December.

    Drove down, just a shade less than 8 hours to get there. Got there, knocked on door. Her kids opened the door, and her 3 girls pretty much tackled me. I've missed her kids. It was great. She was in the shower, so I sat down to wait. Then she got out, and before she came out she texted me asking how close was I? I responded pretty close w/ a text. She ran out of her room and tackled me back down on the couch again as I was trying to get up!

    Went to dinner (she insisted on paying), then came back, hung out w/ her and kids, then she said it's late, time for kids to bed, and when that was done, she drug me into her bedroom and let's just say I didn't get much sleep.

    Next morning was beautiful. Her oldest daughter made us breakfast in bed. We went for a walk, I bought her a new purse she liked at a yard sale we found. Then, as she's back in her old home town, she took me for a tour. Saw the house she grew up in, her high school, other places she used to hang out. Then it was back at her place for a bit, where I got drug back in bedroom for a bit of mid-morning alone time.

    Then trip to beach. Had fresh seafood (she insisted on buying again) at the pier in Cocoa Beach. Kids played in sand and in water. Her and I, despite both growing up as beach bums, had our first time sitting on a beach together since we meet over a year and a half ago. Weather was gorgeous. Sunny, 80 degrees F. We saw a big shark from the pier.

    This guy approached us asking if we'd take a time share tour. He said we'd get a 2-for-1 cruise and day passes to the resort if we did. So we did. And now we have a cheap cruise to plan. ;-) She wants me to try to come back down w/ my son in time to use those day passes too.

    Got late in afternoon, so we left beach, and went and visited her mom. Got asked by her mom when I'm moving down. Can't because I can't leave my 8 year old son here that I have 50/50 custody of. But more on that too below.

    Got back to her house, did a light dinner. Then she chased her kids off to go do stuff on their own, and she drug me back into bedroom again for the evening. Where I didn't get much sleep.

    Got up Sunday morning, was not allowed to get out of bed until she was happy, and then she took me to her sister's where they put on a "welcome to the area/group" backyard bbq for me. Got asked again by her sister, and this time w/in earshot of her kids, "so you think you can move down here?". Lots of "yes yes yes move you and your son down" from her kids. Explained I can't move w/out son. Which means can't move w/out ex-wife at the moment.

    Got back to her place late, and again was not allowed to sleep much Sunday night. I'm not complaining.

    Whole time I was there, she insisted on paying for everything. I used to pay for everything here, and she always felt bad about it. So she'd slap my hand when I'd get my wallet out. And everytime I'd get up to get something, it was "sit down, let me get it for you". Same treatment from her mom and her sister's family at the cookout. I was waited on hand and foot. I was blown away by it all.

    Woke up after a few hours sleep early Monday morning. She was going to have to go to work, and I was driving back to Atlanta that day. Before we got up, she required one final administration of manly services. Then, we cuddled for a long time, eventually got up, she got ready for work, got her kids ready for school, and she had to leave for work. One of her girls hung back and after she left asked me for a ride to school. Which I was glad to give. I think the kid just wanted a little more time w/ me.

    When that was done, I went back to her place, got cleaned up, packed up my car. Then did her dishes, folded some laundry she had in the dryer, put her bed sheets in the wash (boy did they need it by then), and cleaned up a few more things so it was all neat and tidy. Wrote her a love letter, left it on her bed smelling like her favorite cologne, and left a few little presents I had for her waiting for her to find when she got back from work that day.

    Then drove back to Atlanta. We had some good serious talks to about future. I guess I'm feeling more comfortable w/ all this at the moment. And I know I can make a trip down once a month or so, and she can make it back up here too. After being w/ her local for a year and a half, I still miss her terribly, but things feel easier for the moment at least.

    What's really amazing is I met my ex-wife for dinner to discuss some school issues last night regarding my son. The subject of moving came up, and ex-wife indicated when she's done w/ getting an arborist certification here, she'd be willing to consider relocating to Cocoa Beach w/ me. A year and a half to two years out. Same time frame SO has for finishing her degree and having good work experience to maybe come back here and be able to get a better job.

    And I'm also being felt out by a new company that would be great to get in with. National firm, with an office 45 minutes from SO's house down there. I mentioned a long term potential interest in relocating to that area one day, and was told that was definitely a possibility. Can't move right now, but I'd honestly like the beach better than Atlanta at this point. Maybe it can happen one day.
    Last edited by Waddams; January 30, 2013, 09:42 AM.


      I went to visit my SO from Dec 11th-Jan 14th to spend Christmas and New Years with him and his family. The day before I left, I was beyond and excited, and double checked my bag to make sure that everything was packed and ready to go. It was also going to be my first time on a plane, and I was also very excited about experiencing that. The night of the flight, my family and I drove down to JFK, said our goodbyes, and I waited impatiently to board... I did lose my phone at the airport, which was unfortunate, but got a new one after I came back to the States. When it was finally time to board, I got straight up, and boarded the plane almost immediately. At first, it was funny because I accidentally went into the wrong section of the plane, realized this, and then went to the right class section. The plane took off at about 10:50pm EST, and I remember the pilot saying that the flight would arrive in England by around 10am GMT. I could not get an ounce of sleep on the plane, so I watched some movies, listened to music, and played Tetris. The flight was awesome, and the attendants were really nice! When the plane arrived in England, it arrived about 10min early! I was beyond excited, and I remember feeling like I was home. I got off the plane, went passed Immigration, collected my bag, and saw my SO waiting for me at Arrivals. I hugged him tight, and gave him a huge kiss. I remember smiling a lot, and being really happy to see, feel, and smell him again.

      Drove down to his house, I called my mother by his house phone (he gets free calls to the US), and we chilled around the house on the first day. We ordered some Chinese, and didn't get to bed 'til around 3 or 4 in the morning lol. His cat was a bit scared of me, but, by the end of the night, she trusted me, let me pet her, and she eventually joined us in the bed. The next day, we went out on the High Street for a bit to do some shopping at Sainsburys, and then did some more chilling around the house. On Friday, we went to see The Hobbit, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, the Household Calvary Museum, and the London Eye. Throughout the month, it was a mix up of either going out to see the sights and sounds of London, and staying inside just to be with each other, and doing the normal mundane house things. From Dec. 20th-Dec 28th, we went up north to his parents' house to spend Christmas with them, his aunt, and his cousin. Christmas was grand, and awesome (even though we did end up getting sick about two days before Christmas Eve. Luckily, the sickness cleared up by Boxing Day.) When we got back to London, we went to Camden Town to do some Christmas shopping for my family, and to explore. I found out that Camden was my favorite place to shop, since they had a lot of awesome items there! We also went to the London Museum of Natural History, and the Victoria and Albert Museum. For New Year's, we went out to go see the Fireworks! We didn't get home 'til around 3am that night. The streets were so crowded, and most of the tube stations were closed!

      Eventually, when it did get close to my leaving date, I did start to feel a little depressed. On that Saturday, we went over his friend's house to hang around, and didn't get home 'til 5am. On Sunday, I remember feeling a mix of both happiness and sadness. I did not want Sunday to end, and wanted to make it go as long as possible. I could not sleep that night, and wrote my SO a letter, then hid it somewhere on his computer desk so he can find it, and read it later. On the day that I had to leave, we did not leave the house until 1pm. I was dreading leaving the house, and dreading going to the airport. We shared many kisses and hugs before leaving the house, and on the way to the airport. When it was time for my final departure. We shared a final hug, and kiss goodbye, then I watched him as he went away. It was then, after he left, that I broke down crying. It was like I was crying on and off, throughout the wait for my plane, and throughout the plane ride. I felt miserable, and sad that it all had to end. When I got back in the States, I felt strange (and still feel a bit strange, but now I am at least getting into the normal routine of things).

      I have to say, that the month I stayed with my SO was the best month ever. It felt like we were a normal couple, sharing the cleaning duties, going out shopping, etc. It really did feel like home to me, and I am really looking forward to going back again. I already have another trip planned from Aug 23rd-Oct 1st. I already requested those dates off, and going to buy the plane ticket next week. Overall, it was a wonderful experience, and I cannot wait to experience it again. I cannot wait to live with my SO for a month once again, and to have that strong closeness and bond.


        Are you sure you reeeeeeally wanna know? JK - Kinda....

        I got to the airport and normally he comes and gets me, but it was a last minute quick trip and he had to work. I got a car and drove to the hangar where he works, we went to lunch with one of his co-workers, then went back to finish paperwork. Pretty much hung out at the house for the most part, went to Hibachi with his kids and their SO's, more work for him (I got to go and hang out), then it was time for me to fly home - and I always get Chick-Fil-A on the way to the airport Minus the rental car fiasco it was a great trip!


          as I type this, I am still recovering from jet lag..... so how recent do you want it?


          okay, here's my story.
          my loves lives in New Jersey.... near Philadelphia.
          I went there last Friday to meet him for the first time. I would stay until Tuesday because I have a small child who I didn't want to leave alone for a long period and just in case we didn't have the 'real life' click.... we decided for a short first visit.

          so... I went there and found out my european mobile phone didn't have reach in the US. couldn't call him to say I arrived and he couldn't reach me to tell me he got stuck in traffic.
          so, I went for a coffee and the guy serving me my coffee was so kind to let me use his phone.

          long story short.... 3 hours after my arrival we finally met.... in a zone where he couldn't park his car longer than 3 minutes.... so I waited for him in that zone.... saw him getting out of the car, taking care of my bag.... let me in his car and off we drove....

          hahahahahha..... it was not romantic at all.... because it was snowing.... and a guy right in front of us lost control of his car and almost made an accident happen...
          took him all his focus to drive us home safely... and we didn't really talk because of that.

          so, we were already at his place when we had our first opportunity to talk!!! it was hilarious really.... in hindsight that is...
          at that moment we both didn't know what to say or where to start...

          that was the moment we both started to laugh our anxiety away and the ice was broken...

          he took me to the Museum of Art the next day.... and to a bunch of places I never knew they existed still....
          we had a great time together and got closer by the minute...

          before we knew it, it was time for me to leave... but already planning a new trip so he can meet my daughter and I his son.... and if that goes well... well... than maybe it's time for the K1 visa.
          The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

          Carl Jung (1875 - 1961)


            I went to visit my SO for the first time in Argentina in December, and came back home a couple of weeks ago! It was awesome to be able to go over to see him for once, because I've always wanted to go to South America, and travelling all by myself was something HUGE! So yeah, my parents gave me a ride to the airport (well, my mum insisted xD) and when I had to leave to go through security both my mum and dad started crying, which was strange, because I've only ever seen my dad cry once! I made it through without tearing up myself though, so yay! Then when I got on the plane to Madrid (have to take 2 flights to get to Buenos Aires) I met this really nice guy who sat next to me and we started talking and all, which was great because it made the 4-hour ride a lot shorter! Turns out it was his first time flying alone too, and he was going to Sao Paulo in Brazil, and our flights from Madrid departured pretty much at the same time! So we stuck together and kept each other company before getting on our other flights After that, was a lovely (notice the irony...) 13-hour plane ride to get to Buenos Aires. I had been all over the place about travelling and was so nervous all the time before, but after about 3 hours on that plane it all sort of went away because it felt like I'd never, ever get there xD

            But I did! Early in the morning my plane landed, and I went out to the arrivals... And holy crap, I mean, at the airport at home it's so easy to find my SO whenever he comes because there are 9 million people in all of the country and around 50 in the arrivals hall whenever I'm there, but HERE! In a town with 13 million people in the town alone, the arrivals hall was completely packed and I have no idea how to find him! So I just started walking, and all of a sudden, there he was We hugged and kissed each other for a long time before he hitched a remis and got us to the hotel we were staying at for the rest of the week (he lives in another town in Patagonia), and when I got out the doors to the airport... I seriously thought I'd die! I wore jeans, a tank top, and a cardigan (because planes are cold), but I very much regretted that in the 40 degree heat xD

            Anyhow, we got to the hotel, fixed some stuff, and then made it to town! We spent the rest of the week just exploring, he showed me everything from the amazing cemetary to all the malls and parks, and I tried eating everything from cows tounge to intestines and other disgusting things that actually weren't that disgusting xD It was just amazing, and I completely fell in love with the city! He showed me where he'd stayed while goign to college, and we even went to visit the college he went to and walked through the corridors and all Also met up with a cousin of his to go see The Hobbit (HUGE CINEMAS!!) and later a couple of his friends to have some drinks Which was lucky, because I was so nervous about meeting them, but after just half an hour we were all drunk so it didn't matter anyways ;D

            After about a week we made it to the other airport for domestic flights, and got on the 2-hour ride to get to where my SO lives Or well, to another town, we had to take a bus for a while to get to where he lives, and god... BEST BUSES EVER. If I don't like the country for it's awesome culture and food, I definitely do it for the buses <3 xD Even if it was just a ride for a couple of hours, they had huuuuge seats with footrests and blankets and pillows and films and service and... It was like being on a plane but on the ground xD I was just in awe all the bus ride because of the amazing landscape and all the mountains (he lives right by the Andes on the border to Chile), because I'd never seen anything like it in my life!

            And then we spent the most amazing month of my life together We went on several roadtrips to check out all sorts of awesome places, we went swimming in the lakes (which are made up by glaciar water, so it was like 2 degrees Celcius and I almost died xD), went fishing, just took it easy, visited other towns... We even hiked up a mountain, which was the most amazing thing ever and so freaking tiring xD He told me it was going to be tough and it would take a long time, but I figured that it couldn't be that hard, right? So off we went with our 15kg backpacks, and I was completely spent after just an hour xD Thankfully, it got better with time and altitude, but god... Climbing/hiking for 8 hours with a 75-80 degree angle is HARD! Once we got to the refuge near the top I jsut wanted to die xD The next day we decided to go all the way to the top, but we left the backpacks in the tent fortunately! First we had to climb up a really steep waterfall (which meant actual climbing and not looking down xD), and then start climbing towards the top... It took us another 4 hours, but eventually we got there, and holy crap... It was more than worth all the pain and the tiredness! I think we were at around 3000 meters, and from there you could see all over the Andes, it was just mountains and mountains everywhere, all snowcovered... It was just amazing, and I wanted to stay there for the rest of the afternoon <3 Unfortunately though, we stayed too long which meant the blazing sun that reflected off the snow burnt our faces sooooo bad! We both looked like tomatoes xD Next day we made our way down, but got completely lost and started following an old road without knowing it xD Eventually we reached a place that was all enclosed with a loooooong fence, and we realized we'd hit private property... Heck, I wasn't planning on climbing all the way up again, so we climbed over and started walkign a bit faster xD Got out to a field, and all of a sudden there's dogs barking in the distance :O xD Half running, we made it to the end of the property, and we realized we were down on ground level again! Only took us 3 hours :O I've never been so relieved to sleep in a real bed as I was that night <3 xD

            So yeah, that's my story! We did a ton of things (and ate a ton of ice cream), and right now I just cannot wait to get back! We're trying to figure out how to do with money and work and stuff, but I know I'll be back sometime this year

            Met online: February 2011
            Met the first time: August 16, 2011

