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Some importain issues, need help sorting them out!

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    Some importain issues, need help sorting them out!

    I will try to be as objective as possible. I'm desperate for advice, so I will be grateful for any advice I recieve.

    Anyway, I will first give you a proper background of us and then I will individually explain my questions/problems. Maybe I don't have a problem, for I have a very anxious personality (this has been comfirmed by a psychologist). So I may be over-thinking things. It would be of great help if I could get your input though, fellow LDR-ers

    I'm 19 and as of today, she is too. We are students in university. She lives in Moscow, and studies there. I live in Wisconsin and I study here. Me and my SO have been in a LDR for 6 months now. I'm planning a visit in late march/early april, so its coming up. Now, we had a rough first few months but then everything standardized and we where quite happy. The trouble came on the 9th of this month, so 9 days ago. We where fine, she was playing World of Warcraft and was sharing her screen with me via skype (we like to watch each other play videogames, or play together). And her computer froze. She tried fixing it, but she couldnt, so she sent me a text message saying that she couldn't fix it, and would try tomorrow, at that time it was late for her so she went to sleep. I thought "ok, i'll see her tomorrow." Turns out, her computer is busted. So not a lot of webcam calls, she borrowed her roomate's laptop (that doesn't have a webcam (??)) and well, she's using skype there, but we haven't had a webcam skype session in 9 days now.

    Problem 1: "She doesn't know what love is"
    So we got into a serious talk the other day, and I asked her "Do you love me" and she answered "i don't know, because I don't know what love is" Keep in mind that this girl took the first step in considering/ planning to have a serious future together. She says the following:
    • She says she doesn't know what love is, but that she asked herself, "If i ended up spending the rest of my life with him (me), would I regret it?" She said that she thinks that she wouldn't regret it, but that she has been in other relationships where she has thought that she has been IN love.
    • She says that if she thinks of a person too much, analyzing that person, that she can analyze well, but look at that person without feeling. so she doesn't let herself do that to me, to not lose the feeling.

    Of course, this made me feel a bit unsure about her feelings toward me, but I think she was just thrown off cause she has been stressed. I mean, she is going to visit her family in her hometown in a few days, and that will be stressing for her since its going to be crowded from a lot of family visiting her parents as well. Her final exams have started and wont end until early january, her birthday was today and she was not with her family and friends for it, etc, etc.
    She is a very sensible girl, so she can get depressed easily. And I guess its natural to be feeling this way, and I think she does have love for me, because otherwise she wouldn't have spent the last 6 months talking for hours and hours with me, seriously started to include me in her plans for the future, and even send me a packet with a lot of meaningful things, or even taken that french class to be able to speak french with me! (I speak french, but its not my native language, we are both language geeks and so she wants to keep up with me, she told me so, but she hates french, so that tells me she did it for me), tell her friends about me and some other things which I won't share (if you get what i mean ). What do you think?

    Problem 2: She can be too cold or not loving least in my perspective.
    Yeah, I mean, I'm a person who loves to pamper. But even though she does show me affection, she doesn't do it as much as I do. I talked with my mother about this in detail, and she told me that I might be a bit too demanding in that department. Inside me, i want her to miss me, i want her to look for me all day like i look for her. But i'm thinking, maybe that is not too healthy of an approach...maybe i should cut back a bit.
    Also, she is Russian. Russians are known for being cold on the outside but very warm with people whom they care for. Now, i confronted her about this and she told me that it was hard for her to be more "pampering" though skype, and that it will all be better when i get there, she can show her affection better. I guess its true, but I'm just a bit thrown off. I don't know! :P

    My questions are:

    for problem 1: What can I conclude from this? I've gone over it too much in my head, i need some opinions.

    for problem 2: Am I too demanding? Is it maybe the nature of the relationship that makes it feel this way? again, opinions please

    It actually makes me feel better writing about this and laying it all out in writing.

    Question 3: How should I approach the following days? She says she will get her laptop fixed when she is in her hometown, how can I make it easier on her and myself?

    Thank you guys for all your imput! I really appreciate it!

    I will try to help you with Problem #1 because I kinda know what it's like to be her. It took me quite some time to tell my SO I love her and it was quite easy for her. Not because I didn't love her but because we are different people and we deal with stuff differently. I also didn't not know what love was until I met her. So I was basically trying to figure out what this whole thing was. Why was I feeling this way? Was that love? Why can't I get enough of this person? On top of being thousands of miles was REALLY confusing for me. But one day just out of the blue it was like "yeah, I love this person" and it was clear as day. So, give her some time. She just needs to figure things out at her speed. Asking her if she loves you also kinda puts her on the spot. She will tell you when she is ready. I know at the begining of my relationship, before the love yous, my gf asked me "what are we?" and I couldnt answer her, and I'm sure that probably hurt her a bit. So let her figure her stuff out. She will come around.

    Hope it helps.

    "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
    Married April 18th, 2015!!
    Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


      I'll try and help with problem #2. I'm a lot like that. I am a very open and loving person and I'm someone that wants to hear "I love you" very often. You need to take her ways of showing love in to account. Something that has been helpful to me was learning what our different "Love Languages" are. If you go to "5 love languages. com" (sorry, I can't put a link yet, but this website is helpful). Its technically for husbands and wives but it works well for couples who are dating. There is a side for the husband and a side for the wife, so take those respectively. After you take the test, it will tell you what your "Love Language" is. Mine and my SO's love languages are different so after learning that, we are able to love each other in the way they need to be loved.

      To answer your question of being too demanding, maybe a little(and this is something I've been trying to work on in my relationship too, so you are not alone). But I think that your intentions are good. Try the love language test and see if that helps. Feel free to message me if you need to.


        Mims - Thank you for your reply! You worded it in a way that also gives me a strategy: Just to relax and wait. So, that is what I will do. Thank you again.

        Missmossyoak -Thanks for the thoughtful comment! The webpage you suggested is very interesting, and i discovered i'm a physical touch language. I will ask her to take this test as well.


          I'm physical touch as well, which is hard in an LDR. But look at the second love language, that one is important too. I hope it works out well for you!


            Problem 3: My accent
            So she is Russian but loves and studies the Spanish language. I'm mexican and I love and study the Russian langauge (its how we met). Anyway, she really likes the spanish accent, and doesn't really care for all others. She got worried when she asked me to tell her what accent certain songs she liked where in. Of course, they where all spanish accents. I told her and she got sad because she said that she wouldnt speak like that again (implying that because she was/will stay with me). Then, since for me its easy to speak in a spanish accent, i suggested that I speak to her in that accent. She replied with "can we try"? (implying, yes).
            I don't know how i feel about this. Did i overdo it? You'd think she would be ok regardless of accents....but oh...and im so confused especially with problems 1 and 2 behind it worth it for her?


              I'm confused about problem 3 (will respond to 1 and 2 when I have the time). Isn't your natural accent Spanish? Why wouldn't you speak to her in a Spanish accent? Other than when you two are speaking the others' language?


                There are accents from spain and from mexico. I have a mexican accent, she preffers spanish accents.


                  Problem 4: she said that when i visit, she wont know if she will kiss me or not.
                  I mean, i have no words to say this other than what the flippin' f#ck?


                    Oh, I see, I had assumed you meant she was learning Spanish as in the language they speak in Mexico and had a processing error. Seems awkward that regardless of accent, it wouldn't be an issue. My ex was from Dublin but had a very toned down accent (almost American). Didn't make me love him any less. :/

                    Also, for problem 4, maybe she doesn't want to provide you with expectations? I told my ex that when we first met because I was scared he would expect things out of me I wasn't sure I was yet ready for. Some of us are that way. It doesn't mean we won't. It means we don't want to feel pressured to and we want to know that the person on the other end of the chat window understands we need to have that need respected. LDRs stir up a lot of emotions and sometimes anxiety about what the physical pressures will be (something we don't have in CDRs) is one of them. My guess would mean that's what it boils down to more than a lack of desire.

