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    So you all remember how my SO is homeless. Well I helped him out and payed for us to stay at a hotel, Mind you I have no income and we planned after a month for me to go back to my dads and for him to stay at a friends.

    A month passes, my dad called me tonight while I was packing and said he wouldnt feel comfortable with me coming home because he is paranoid about bed bugs, and that I have money saved up and need figure something out. I explained I don't have the money to keep staying here. just told me to come get the rest of my money and figure it out.

    I have no income, meaning NO apartment places will take me, I have applied for SSI but that could take up to a year to get I don't know if I will even get approved, and if I dont get approved I will need to get a lawyer then pay that lawyer if and when I win, mind you this can all take a year or even more.

    I don't have enough saved up to last me very long, three months IF lucky and all that money my mom had saved for me to get a car will be gone, and if I get SSI I will be living on the bear minimum I think the most you can get up to now is $700 a month which isnt much to live on let alone save for a car.

    And my dad is just like " figure it out "

    I'm so hurt, My mom dies and everything turns to shit, he gets a new girlfriend and kicks me out.

    I could understand if I was on my ass not trying to find a job or find an apartment to move out or whatever but I've been trying for MONTHS since I've been back from job corps in September. He knows this, he said " if you don't get this apartment we will figure something out " Then he turns around and kicks me out.


    I tried to explain my side, he didn't listen, he didnt even say sorry or I love you when I started to cry, he was just like " okay " and hung up.

    I even tried to have my brother talk to him and that didnt help at all. So forget it. My SO and I are both homeless, my SO can stay with his friend, and I can go to a homeless shelter but they only take ppl for 90 days. My brother said I should wait, try to be nice and ask if he wants me to come back. But if Im not wanted there why do it? Why ask to move back to where I'm not wanted.

    I'm so pissed and hurt right now, with in 5 months, my mom has died, my SO is homeless, my dad gets rid of damn near everything and then kicks me out.... I feel as if I have lost everything.
    " There is always hope.

    Wow I'm really sorry. That's very callous of your dad. I hope you figure something out.

    Met online: 1/30/11
    Met in person: 5/30/12
    Second visit: 9/12/12
    Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


      It sounds like you've lost a lot...I've never been in a position like that, but my dad practically disowned me because my SO is white, and I'm not. But we're patching things up. I googled some things to try and help though.
      1. This is kinda like a checklist of things you can do if you're in a situation, similar to yours.
      2. And this is from Yahoo answers.

      Also, what has your SO to say about your situation?

      First met: June 2012
      Became Committed: June 04, 2012
      Entered an LDR: July 01, 2012
      Next Visit: October 2013!

      XXX XXX

      Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle, rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be.


        My Mum works in social housing here in the UK. I had a friend who recently had similar problems. I couldn't have her stay at mine for a number of reasons, and what my Mum told me was the best way to find the help you need is to go to a homeless shelter. She actually also said that you're more likely to get that help if you ARE applying from a homeless shelter rather than a mates sofa. The homeless shelter should they have people who can help direct you in which benefits you're eligible for and to help you find further accommodation, and they should also have some access to counselling. I don't know how true that is for where you are, but it's definitely worth checking out.

        I'm so sorry that this has all happened to you. I seriously hope that you manage to work this all out. I'll pray for it.


          My SO is basically in the same boat, I just found this all out today, so he's just trying to keep my mind off of it. Its 5am here and I have yet to sleep. I have a week to figure stuff out I had to pay for another week here, we were supposed to leave in the morning. Im also very pissed at one of my "best friends " because she basically said it was my SOs fault that I need to worry about myself not him. Then when I asked her if she wouldnt do the same for her husband she said she wouldnt do that for anyone and made it out like my SO put me in danger. YET she herself was in the same sort of situation when her and her now husband were dating, only difference they had family to help. Total BS

          I go over to my dads at 4pm to get my money he was holding on to, Im hoping I can get into the shelter here, I refuse to blow through 3ish years worth of savings that my mom had me set back. Paying for one month here was hard enough.
          " There is always hope.


            I'm really sorry to hear you have fallen on such hard times and that your dad is being a complete arsehat about everything. I hope that this is his way of grieveing and he'll snap out of it sooner rather than later. I wish I knew more about your area and resources that could help or something.
            I couldn't read this and not respond. I hope someone more helpful than me comes along..
            Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


              Thanks guys, My dad called this morning and said he changed his mind and that I could come home whenever, Tho I have now spent another $175 to give Robert and me a week to figure stuff out, so that was extra money I didnt need to spend, My dad said he felt really bad about it, he said when I got home there would be some rules and we would discuss it when I got home.

              My SO now doesnt want to come to our christmas thing, and blames himself for my dad wanting to kick me out in the first place. My dad had brought up the fact that my SO didn't have a job.

              I don't get it my dad had done so well in starting to except my SO, now its like back to square one with it.
              " There is always hope.


                I think you really need to write a list of expectations that YOU have for your father. He has to understand that kicking you out,
                putting you in a state of uncertainty an playing games with your emotions is not acceptable.

                I think you need to also come up with a serious game plan for your financial future. Your home situation is not stable and therefore you need some sort of reliable income in the near future that would provide you with a safety net.

                I really hope this works out for you as I've been in the same position as well!


                  I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through this. I don't have any advice except keep trying to figure stuff out like you are.



                    I'm sorry to hear about what you are going through.
                    Sometimes all seems lost and you can see no happy ending to anything, but keep your chin up and smile.
                    Better things will come, and you aren't alone, you got your SO : )

                    My father left i was 11 and disappeared i don't know where, didn't want to take responsibility of having me and my brother.
                    My mother kicked me out at 17 yrs old because she was having a depression.
                    I started to live on my own at 17, working in a crappy restaurant at minimal wage.
                    I cried, i was angry at why did my parents had me if they didn't want to take care of me.

                    Time passed, some months, years were rough.
                    I'm still here, I'm not rich but i can pay my rent and stuff and I have met someone I love (just a matter of closing the distance now).

                    Keep strong, try to do your best in life and see the positive side of thing.
                    You will only become stronger.
                    I believe if you do good in life, it will come back to you.

                    If you need to rant/vent, we are all here in these forums for you.
                    Or msg me if you want : )

                    ♡ ~~~~ 'When you find something worth fighting for, you never give up' ~~~~ ♡


                      I'm so sorry that you're going through all this! I agree with what someone else said, I hope this is just your Dad's way of grieving and that he will quit acting like that! I'd try to get a plan in place in case he reverts back to acting that way. I hope things get better and I'll be praying for you.
                      Our love story:
                      Attended the same high school 2004-2007
                      Dated CD: June 2009-July 2010
                      Reconnected: August 2012
                      Began dating LD: November 2012
                      Engaged! March 2014
                      Closing the distance: December 2015


                        I am so sorry . I'm sure this is one of, if not the, hardest thing you've had to go through. I wish there was more I could say or do to help but I just don't know what :/... I'm hoping things work out for the better, they always do, I've learned.


                          I'm sorry to hear what you're going through. I hope you and your dad will work things out. It is unfair of him to just kick you out -knowing you won't be able to survive on your own- like that.


                            Im back at my dads, things are still kinda weird, I have my friends mom trying to help me get a place, My dad said his reasoning for it had nothing to do with my SO that he just wants me out. So I'm still trying to find a place asap
                            " There is always hope.

