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Relationship ended, but new complication...

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    Relationship ended, but new complication...

    You guys might remember me from a couple of months back, frantically asking for advice about my long distance relationship that was going south. Mistakes were made on my end and, even though I apologized, learned from them, discussed them with him and moved on from them, he could not and that ultimately lead to our downfall. He was convinced I didn't want to move to be with him based on those mistakes, despite all the steps I was taking to try and find a job so I could move. A couple of days after my birthday/our 2 year anniversary in October, at the end of my weekend visit, he broke up with me. Saying he wasn't happy in the relationship anymore, running down the list of all the mistakes, that I didn't know how to make myself happy/was codependent, he wanted to be friends, that he still loved me as a person... yadda, yadda. I was pretty devastated, told him I couldn't be his friend at the moment, got my stuff together, and then drove home in Hurricane Sandy. Icing on the cake right there.

    Anyway, right before I left to visit him, I had a phone interview for a job in his city that I really, really, really wanted. When they initially contacted me about the job (6 weeks prior to the interview), I gushed about it, was so excited, and even went to visit the property to get a feel for it while I went down on a weekend to hand out resumes. When my boyfriend broke up with me, I even told him that the timing sucked since the ball was rolling on something I really wanted. About 3 weeks after the breakup, the manager touched base with me about a second interview, and I decided I would regret it if I didn't at least see what the position entailed, so I drove to Myrtle Beach. I hadn't spoken to my ex since telling him I made it home okay after the breakup, so I didn't reach out to him. The interview went really, really well and the position was going to be amazing for me... substantially more money, a management position with an incredible company with so much room to grow, a discounted apartment and a cheaper cost of living. I knew that it was something would be a great fit for me. I had another phone interview with the regional manager and earlier this month, they offered me the position. After taking some time and discussing it with my family, I accepted the job.

    I'm super excited and happy with my decision, but now, I'm a little concerned about my ex. We're still friends on all social media (Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare), though I've hidden him from Facebook and don't contact him. We've been in touch a couple of times, initiated by him and mainly about the family cell phone plan we were on, but he's thrown in some personal things in each email. The last one, he mentioned seeing something about my moving on Facebook. I had RSVPed to an event and said no because I'd be moved. My biggest fear about telling him is that he will think the move is for him and freak out thinking that I want him back/I'm crazy/etc. when that could not be further from the truth. I do not want to be in a relationship with him at all; I've honestly been a LOT happier without him in my life. But I'm torn because I feel like telling him would be the right, decent thing to do. Any advice is definitely appreciated!
    Last edited by heathergro; December 21, 2012, 11:47 AM.

    i think the right thing to do now is move on, and have no contact. you yourself feel that you feel alot happier without him in your life. he is your ex, and you do not have a responsibility to explain things to him as to why you moved an etc. take life one day at a step and enjoy yourself and your new job


      I think that taking him off of your facebook, twitter, ectect officially would be the right thing to do here. You also don't owe him anything, he doesn't need to know where you're moving. Enjoy yourself and your new job!
      Made it official: 12-01-10
      First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
      Closed the distance: 07-31-13


        Originally posted by Black_Halloween View Post
        I think that taking him off of your facebook, twitter, ectect officially would be the right thing to do here. You also don't owe him anything, he doesn't need to know where you're moving. Enjoy yourself and your new job!
        I agree with this. There's no reason he needs to be on your social media.


          If you're a lot happier without him in your life then as said, keep his role in your life to a minimum. I always think it's a shame to throw the friendship away post-relationship as well, but that obviously depends whether you feel you could stay friends or not.

          You dont owe him an explanation, but he cant be blind to the way things were. You've just explained to us why its such a good fit for you, so if you chose to tell him, then those reasons are all ones that explain why somebody would move for work. And none of them mention him... if he wants to feel it is for him, let him be self-centered, what does it matter? Truth is you looked for that job partly as it would make things easier for you two, but that wasnt the whole reason... it was a suitable job for you for more than being with him, hence why you're taking it now!

          If you tell him, so what if he thinks it was for him? But either way even if he assumes that, your actions (aka not meeting him or keeping in contact too much, presume thats the plan?) over the next weeks/months would show to him that he was wrong and it wasnt for him.


            I wouldn't rule out us being friends somewhere down the line (this whole situation has definitely taught me to never say never about anything!), I just don't think it's a good idea right now, given our past. I wish him no ill will or anything, he's a good guy, it's just not a relationship (platonic or otherwise) I want in my life right now, especially after spending so long doing everything possible to make us work and being met with constant negativity. This is a new start for me, a golden opportunity, and I don't want that whole situation to drag me down. I guess I'm nervous about telling him because I don't want him to get the wrong impression and spread that wrong impression to other people, which is really kind of silly... as are most things I worry about! But you guys are right, I really don't owe him anything anymore and he isn't a part of my life anymore. So why agonize over it?


              It seems like you've basically figured things out already, but I would just move and not tell him anything then tell him when I felt comfortable with it or when you, possibly, run into him while out or something.
              "Babe, I'm totally murdering everyone in this building right now! ... You would be so proud of me."
              This. This is only one of the reasons that I love this man. XD

              "I'll surrender up my heart and swap it for yours."
              Por siempre, mi amor. ♥


                I had a kind of similar experience! My boyfriend and I dated for a little more than a year and then had a horrible break up, instigated by him. I couldn't take being friends with him and so we didn't really have any contact (after a couple of months, he deleted me on facebook so we had zero contact). I joined the same branch of military that he was in and some people thought it was so I could be closer to him. At that point, I was happy with where I was in life and wasn't doing it to be closer to him. You sound very sure of yourself and have a bunch of reasons for taking that job and that's what is important.
                Our love story:
                Attended the same high school 2004-2007
                Dated CD: June 2009-July 2010
                Reconnected: August 2012
                Began dating LD: November 2012
                Engaged! March 2014
                Closing the distance: December 2015


                  I'm sorry for the heartache you've been through. I do remember several of your posts. Also glad for the great work opportunity that you got.

                  Regarding your ex, from what I remember... well, he doesn't sound like a nice person at all. The "mistakes" that you supposedly made didn't sound at all like a big deal to me, and the fact that he felt so much rancour about those things and kept reminding you of them and basically made the last months of your relationship so hard for you... well, I say you're well rid of him, and don't really need his friendship.

                  As for the job thing, as others said, you don't owe him a damn thing. This is your life, your career, and he chose to opt out of it, so even if he found out or assumed things that are false, why on earth should you care? You should stop him from contacting you in the future. It would make your life much easier.

                  Good luck with everything.
                  I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd

